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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Its not actually clear what point you are up to at this stage, and what it is you still require assistance with. As mentioned above a ticket was created on your behalf, so if you do need further assistance you would need to respond to that.
  2. Something appears to be messing with the encoding on some characters there. Either through an issue with your email service, changes in email templates, or 3rd party interference. There are parameters which wouldnt be passed over for that reason.
  3. Are you using sendgrid at all? I suspect something is being rewritten there, and one of our developers has mentioned the same. If you can send me the full unredacted URL via pm that may be helpful
  4. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  5. Do you have an example of the email link you could send me? Also, have you disabled all 3rd party while testing this?
  6. Ive moved this to the developers area for you, which would be more suitable for your request
  7. This is unrelated. Please check your emails
  8. You need to take a look at your conf_global.php file, as something is not correct in there. Have you manually changed something in there?
  9. If you are getting a blank page, please check your PHP logs to see what the actual error is
  10. Just to add, we have more spam prevention tools on the way too 🙂
  11. Ah, those would still show in your support area and give the opportunity to run them automatically. If you see them repeatidly though, you should report them 🙂
  12. Your guest theme would be whatever theme is set as default. Please do bear in mind however that you will initially see cache on cloud, so you may not see that change instantly
  13. You really shouldnt be 'fixing' anything in the database directly. If this is the case, it would be better to report any issue so we can then resolved it so it doesnt happen
  14. Firstly security, but also there are tools built for that purpose such as PHPMyAdmin. Generally people shouldn't be manually doing things with the database anyway, but if this is something you need to do for some reason, you should really use the correct tools, which would lay with your hosting.
  15. You would need to contact your hosting company on that issue, as thats an issue with your imagemagick installation
  16. Im not entirely sure what you mean here. Is this going to be a user filling in a form on a windows application installed on their PC, of which you need to send to your community, or the other way around?
  17. Your hosting company could confirm that, yes. However please check the message above first of all
  18. It's very unlikely this is something that we will do as a company. To be honest, in terms of what you have mentioned there, they tend be items that deserve considered answers, which don't lend themselves too well to a live chat type environment.
  19. We would need to know the name of the person in question, and please ensure all access details on file are up to date. We can then take a look at this for you
  20. I have tagged our developers so we can get a more technical response you are requiring here
  21. While there isnt the feature you mention there, it would be worth looking at the tools we do have on this. One of which would be automatic moderation based on reporting. In our experience if someone comes on spamming your site, its very likely your users will start reporting that pretty quickly. You can use automatic moderation to react to the influx of reports on a given item, so it can take action when its needed. Go to Members->Content Moderation->Automatic moderation within your ACP, and from there you can click to enable automatic moderation. Once enabled, click to create a new rule. What this does is automatically hides content based on a given reporting criteria. So I have on mine that a content item is hidden if The user registered less than 3 days ago Is in the members group Is reported a spam by 3 unique members So my members for the most part would end up hiding the spam content. Once I am online and see these in the reports, I can then deal with those spammers accordingly by selecting "mark as spam", which in my case then removes the content entirely and bans the member.
  22. You would need to manually add new ad locations to do this, place in blocks perhaps, or code to add more than one to a simple placement using HTML. There is no way at present to stack ads on the site.
  23. First think I would ask you to try here, is test this on a default unaltered theme, with all 3rd party items disabled.
  24. There is no guarentee that is what your issue is, but the reality is that there are 100s if not 1000s of fixes between the version you are on and the latest release.
  25. Not a problem. Just shout up and let us know you have something private to discuss. We can then create one for you 🙂 Thats now been sorted
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