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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. You do have one recommended item showing within the support area for curl. I would advise on updating that first of all, in case its this causing you issues
  2. You would need to first of all upgrade your sites to the latest release. There have been fixes on stripe since the version you have said you are running there.
  3. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  4. Please see my response to your topic here. These issues are all being caused by the same issue
  5. You have quite a mix of permissions on files and folders there. This is causing issues with various javascript items loading on your site, so you need to resolve those first of all. The following folders should be writable applications datastore plugins uploads uploads/logs What that is will depend on your hosting company. A lot of files there tend to be set to 666 which is unusual. Generally they would be 644, but again it very much depends on your hosting
  6. There is no specific recommendations on these. It would be whatever is right for you and your site
  7. Please let us know if you plan to do this again, and can take a look to see what you may be doing wrong if you would like
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. Yes, it automatically updates
  10. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. I would need an example on your site to take a look at, if this is not working. If you can provide the name of a member, I can certainly log in and let you know what the issue is
  12. Its twitters end, unfortunately. They seem to be on one minute and not the next at present
  13. From what you have described here, it doesn't sound like you are using physical products. By this, I mean items you are physically sending out. If you arent, then you would not be affected by this. In terms of the cloud moves, you would be best to contact our sales team by selecting contact us and clicking sales here https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us If you need more clarification on the commerce parts, please let me know of course.
  14. No need to bump. We do see each item, however, posting of feedback would not necessarily mean its inclusion in the software
  15. Im not seeing any issues at present taking that long. Are you still seeing this today? Do bear in mind there is a fix to resolve this in .13 as mentioned by my colleague
  16. Have you checked the language pack you are using on your site to ensure its using the correct locale? If you edit the language pack, you can see what is selected there
  17. Sorry, could you please clarify, this is happening when you switch back to running with traffic only, or regardless?
  18. Im unable to recreate this, except in cases where configuration files are incorrectly set, no. As its resolved in your case there, we have little else required to investigate in this case
  19. You would need to contact your hosting company to take a look at your mysql configuration. There is nothing specific I can see wrong with your installation
  20. You are mixing reading of notifications with reading of topics there. If you click on the notification icon, you have indeed seen the notification. The read markers for the items themselves are not set. Facebook and other social media platforms dont really have a concept of reading items other than the notifications themselves, whereas we do. You would be best to use unread content streams for this purpose, which shows you things you havent yet read
  21. Sorry, please could you clarify what you mean here. This reads as you resolved the problem?
  22. Not a problem. Hope you have found your cause 🙂
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