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Marc Stridgen

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Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. Whatever you are uploading using, it appears to be the device. I have just uploaded the same images you sent me over onto that same post, with no issues
  2. Ive hidden the reply so only we can see, and taking a look now
  3. Please could also provide a link as to where they are posted on your site?
  4. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  5. I have taken a quick look at your site, and before we continue, you really need to take a look at your 3rd party installations. At present you have errors being logged constantly from them, so even getting to the error messages you mention here is proving difficult. Currently you have: A banner at the top of the page stating you have PHP8 incompatible items present. Thos will break things, and you need to address this 36 x 3rd party applications. 16 of these are stating there are updates, so at least 16 are out of date, and there is no guarentee the others arent either. You would need to check. I would highly suggest checking and cutting back on these where you can 28 x 3rd party plugins. As with the above, there are 3 of these showing you they are out of date at last, and it may well simply be the others dont check for updates. You also have 3rd party themes that are showing out of date on there. For context here, just of the 3rd party plugins & applications, there are 222 3rd party hooks, meaning 222 possible points of failure outside of the main software.
  6. There is no way in which to change old thumbnails unfortunately. The size is set by the "Maximum image size to display" setting, which is in System->Settings->Posting, and the quality would also be affected by System->Files->Image Settings. It sounds like you have them set correctly now, but when that is changed, it only changes for items going forward.
  7. There is no stock way in which to link to that at the present time. If you are looking to do this now, then you would need 3rd party integration. Note, this is not being remove from version 4. It will no longer exist in version 5
  8. Please could you zip and attach the original here?
  9. I would very much advise on stopping all of those till you find the issue. If you have quite a few different items caching, I would also very much advise you look at those and ask yourself if you really need them.
  10. I would also ask them to clear their browser cache. From what you are describing, this is a browser issue rather than one on your softwares end
  11. You need to contact your hosting company. The messages there are coming from your server, so its not even getting as far as our software unfortunately
  12. I have moved this to our feedback location for you 🙂 Thank you for letting us know your experience, and I will pass this along
  13. Its an internal server error you are getting there. I would advise on checking exactly what that error is. I would say however, you have PHP 8 incompatible items on there. You need to remove or replace those, and check again first of all. It may well be this causing you problems
  14. That would be the only way to do it. In all honesty though, people fixate a little too much on IDs, when they are really just for the systems use to identify things.
  15. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  16. There appears to be confusion here in definitions, and I feel you may actually be trying to solve an issue that isnt present for you. Let me explain. You are asking for something whereby it cancels after x time automatically. Automatic cancellation or expiry is not a feature of the platform at the present time. In terms of what you are saying there, I understand the analogy, however the analogy is incorrect. You are confusing contracts (obligation to pay) with automation (It automatically renews). There is no obligation to pay from the point of view of the way the software is built. A customer can log in and cancel their subscription at any point, should you give the ability to do so. What it will do Automatically generate an invoice for the next period Automatically take payment, if you have the system set up in a manner to do so If you don't have the system set up to store payment details, then of course payment would not automatically be taken. So if you set up, for example, stripe card payments and dont select to allow customers to save payment methods, this is what would happen. End of the period approaches for a customers subscription Invoice is generated by the system Customer chooses not to pay that invoice Invoice simply expires, and the subscription also then expires In your example on rental, the same is also true. If you come to the end of your 5 year rental agreement, in most cases there would either be a new agreement put in place, or if unpaid it would simply come to an end. There does tend to be a notice period added to peoples agreements in these cases, and in terms of a rental there is also still a contract in a lot of countries if you are still living there and you dont leave (the contract would be implied by action), but thats a different story. The point is, a subscription and a contract are not the same thing in any way. A subscription is simply paying for something in advance of a service you receive, which may or may not have a contractual period. These do however tend to be ongoing
  17. There is nothing in the core platform. Seems Nathan has you covered though (he does things like that 😄 )
  18. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. This is not something built into the platform, no. You would be best to ask them what they are using for this purpose
  20. As mentioned, please provide an example user who is atempting this, and example topic. Feel fee to PM them if needed, and I can add hidden here for other colleagues looking
  21. Of course if the above doesnt correct the issue, please update details as mentioned by my colleague
  22. This is simply something that hasnt come up since its inception, and I feel is a little mischaracterised there. If you follow an item, then it will indeed show you have followed an item and when. This has always been a feature of the platform. However when anonymous posting was introduced, this has of course led to people working out who 'may' be the person who posted, by seeing who followed. I have to say though, Im not sure why you believe we would incorporate another authors code into ours? The issue reported has been added to our bug tracker, as we are of course aware that could be an issue for some, but leaping to "Please add someone elses code" is quite a leap.
  23. You dont appear to be letting us know what you mean by "The processes" here
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