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  1. Like
    Charles got a reaction from kyriazhs1975 in Post Before Registering Not Working   
    I believe Clubs were purposely excluded from Post Before Register because of the very unique permission sets that can be configured around Clubs.
  2. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Jim M in No more support tickets?   
    All support has been via email, and have we have not had "tickets" as such for well over a year now. 
  3. Thanks
    Charles got a reaction from usmf in No more support tickets?   
    We just moved the button under the purchase. So go to your purchase and click get support. You will then get a form. This way it auto-associates your message to us we already know what purchase you are referring to when your email comes in. It will also auto-send you an email confirmation.
  4. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in No more support tickets?   
    All support has been via email, and have we have not had "tickets" as such for well over a year now. 
  5. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from SeNioR- in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  6. Like
    Charles got a reaction from David N. in IPB as a LMS   
    You can already do basic LMS things in our platform. I agree we would love to do a full LMS but it's a fairly specialized thing and would distract us from other projects. That said, I think we could add a few more basic things that would get you a lot closer to a sort of LMS-light.
  7. Like
    Charles got a reaction from SeNioR- in IPB as a LMS   
    You can already do basic LMS things in our platform. I agree we would love to do a full LMS but it's a fairly specialized thing and would distract us from other projects. That said, I think we could add a few more basic things that would get you a lot closer to a sort of LMS-light.
  8. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Maxxius in Create Menu still needs a re-work   
    I am curious if there is much value really in the Create menu. I've considered bringing it up for future removal because it feels disjointed to me. Creating things outside of the context of the area you are creating them in has always felt odd to me and I personally never use it.
  9. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Sonya* in Create Menu still needs a re-work   
    I am curious if there is much value really in the Create menu. I've considered bringing it up for future removal because it feels disjointed to me. Creating things outside of the context of the area you are creating them in has always felt odd to me and I personally never use it.
  10. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in add an option for remove followers   
    Following a user does not give them any special access. They could just as easily just click your profile daily to see what you are up to or even create an Activity Stream with only your name on it to see your activity. 
  11. Like
    Charles reacted to Square Wheels in System Logs Errors   
    Thank you, my host resolved a redis configuation issue.
  12. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Slow Forum Loading IPS Hosting   
    Yes, a video would be great. We are not seeing any problems clicking around your site 🙂
  13. Like
    Charles reacted to pequeno in Annoucement don´t show in homepage.   
    Thank @Daniel F
    Finally the problen is with
    By @Nathan Explosion
    Disabling this APP all works fine.
  14. Like
    Charles reacted to Natalie_Genealogy in Custom Activity Streams not showing in My Activity Streams   
    Got it...thank you!
  15. Like
    Charles reacted to Joey_M in Weird forum permission 'read own topics'   
    Every forum permissions I have are;
    See Forum * Read Topics * Post New Topics * Reply to Topics * Download Attachments
    However, one strangely doesn't have 'Read Topics' - it has 'Read Own Topics' instead. I don't recall changing anything when I set the forum up, can anyone suggest why 'read topics' isn't showing. Perhaps I am forgetting a setting or option that is enabled for the forum?
    I can't find anything though.
    Please ignore, I've now found the setting. I need to get some glasses. 😕 
  16. Like
    Charles reacted to Marc Stridgen in Upgrade from to 4.6.7 failed   
    I see my colleague managed to get that sorted for you. As mentioned, we have also added improvements there to prevent reoccurrence of this particular issue.
  17. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Matt in Upgrade from to 4.6.7 failed   
    @Maik Seidl One of our team emailed you over one hour ago with a question. Your ticket is marked as urgent on our side. Please reply to our email so we can get your community back online. We are ready to help you! 😀
  18. Like
    Charles reacted to opentype in IPB as a LMS   
    I usually use Pages for this purpose. A category is a course—a record is a Lesson. A problem I run into with this method is that a “category” can’t hold any other information than title and description. There is no category image, no category rating (to rate the course), no custom fields to add additional information about the course. So that is something I would like to see improved. More power to Pages categories. 
  19. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Maxxius in IPS please reorder your APPS   
    I use https://invisioncommunity.com/discover/178/
  20. Like
    Charles reacted to Sonya* in 404 Error at Login After Server Move   
    Check your .htaccess. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/promotion/seo-r295/#furls
  21. Like
    Charles reacted to usmf in User on iPad Can't View Forum?   
    Hi! Thanks for all the suggestions. The user did everything, suggested and actually reinstalled browsers. They did change to the default theme (which took some explaining, because they were sure it was broken since it was just plain white with no design). Starting last night, however, everything seems to be working fine. Not sure what it was causing the issue, but thanks for the help. Something worked!
  22. Like
    Charles reacted to Andy Millne in Files not being deleted?   
    Downloads files are deleted immediately after the main file records are *permanently* deleted (not soft deleted). There are occasions where "unclaimed" files may remain however. For example, if you upload a file on the submission form and delete it or upload without submitting the form then these will be retained in case the user returns to submit later.
    Those temporary files are deleted via a task after one day so if your tasks weren't running or you took your backup during that 1 day period then it would explain why you may have had some redundant files.
    I hope that helps. 
  23. Like
    Charles got a reaction from AlexWebsites in Translate posts on worldwide forum   
    We are working on native translation in a future update 🙂
  24. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Tripp★ in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  25. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from TAMAN in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
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