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    GazzaGarratt reacted to CyanideBurial in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Alright thanks,its something my site will revolve around!
  2. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to CyanideBurial in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Any update on whether this is compatible with 4.6?
  3. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in Hump Day: 4.6.0 soft launch 🤫   
    Hey @Jordan Invision Please pass along my thanks to the team and congratulate them on a great job, both on running through the beta process at a good pace (unlike the app 😉) and still managing to push an enormous amount of features, fixes and improvements. It absolutely cannot be taken for granted. 
    We're itching to upgrade but since we didn't take part in the beta we're still unable to do it without it being a small pain, so we're putting it off at the moment. Do you guys have a target date for a full release or will it be taken step-by-step like you did with the betas?
  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Sonya* in Push Notifications stay on notifications bar after clicking   
    I've noticed since I turned on push notifications for here, when I click on them to take me to the website, it doesn't get removed from my phone after I've reviewed it - is that the right behaviour to expect? Every notification I have for anything else would be removed from the notifications bar once clicked on it but these you have to manually swipe them off the screen.
    Be useful to know how they are supposed to work moving forward so we can explain to members what to expect, etc. I'm not sure that would be ideally received but part of me feels like i'm missing something fundamental.
  5. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SoftwareFactory in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Hello GazzaGarratt,
    Thank you for this great suggestion! I can see how amazing it would be, I will certainly look into this.
    Hello GillyMe,
    You should not worry about this. The task has not been doing anything at all for quite a long time, and it was been deleted in 1.0.14 and. The direct, much more efficient replacement for it is the Run Mass Synchronization button in the Configuration page in ACP, which is much faster and much more reliable.
    If you are looking for the mass synchronization to run periodically - soon the app will be periodically checking your server's Audit Log every few minutes and running something similar to Mass Synchronization every time you edit group role assignments. But it currently does not work that way, just yet.
  6. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Matt in Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is live!   
    You can’t award yourself. We don’t allow self back patting around here. 
  7. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Update // September 14, 2021: WE MADE IT! 
    After months of hard work behind-the-scenes, we launched our newly-refreshed website and community theme. We have a formal blog post about it on the way, but we wanted to share this soft launch with you first 🤫. Feel free to share your feedback in the comments; we're here for you and are chatting! 
    Earlier // May 12, 2021:

    Hey all, Happy Hump Day!
    @Charles and I joined forces here in Las Vegas this week because we're planning something super exciting. 🤐😎 
    After 4.6 rolls out, we're focusing on freshening up our homepage/subsequent pages and match that branding with this community. That may or may not be an understatement, but if there's anything to take away from this teaser it's that there some slick visual changes on the way!  
    If you guys have any websites/homepages which are clean & minimal that inspire you, we'd love for you to drop some links in the comments. We already do have a firm idea/concept planned out, but your opinions matter to us! We'd like to hear from you. 
  8. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Matt in Has member title been removed?   
    To recap:
    You do not need to enable the new rules, badges and ranks. There is an option pre-upgrade that asks you if you want to switch to the new system or not. If you choose not to, then you retain the existing ranks you already have.

    The upgrade will also move any custom titles across to a new custom profile field.

    If you want to show the custom member title under the user's photo in a post, then just switch on these custom field settings which are off after the upgrade.

  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from mcartemon2we23 in Add to Homepage for Mobile Devices   
    Awesome news @Stuart Silvester! Apologies for not seeing this in the detail when I read it previously! 😄
  10. Agree
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Add to Homepage for Mobile Devices   
    I can't see this anywhere after searching keywords as I thought it would've come up before.
    So, just like Invisions Homepage when visiting it via mobile browser, it offers you the chance to add the Homepage to your mobile phone so it looks just like an app but essentially is just a shortcut/bookmark for your homepage.
    I would expect this is to be a brilliant edition for most people as many people browsing on a phone, you wouldn't believe do not know how to create a shortcut to the homepage on their phone and the option that is presented at Invision, just like many other websites is very sleek and gives the member a choice. Certainly helps with the push notifications a lot as it shows the notifications on the homepage 'app' icon on your phone.
    Or am I jumping the gun and this is coming inbuilt with 4.6?
    Many thanks in advance

  11. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Stuart Silvester in Add to Homepage for Mobile Devices   
    Awesome news @Stuart Silvester! Apologies for not seeing this in the detail when I read it previously! 😄
  12. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Stuart Silvester in Add to Homepage for Mobile Devices   
    Hi Gazza!
    Yes, this is enabled by our Progressive Web Application (PWA) improvements coming soon in 4.6
  13. Agree
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in Add to Homepage for Mobile Devices   
    I can't see this anywhere after searching keywords as I thought it would've come up before.
    So, just like Invisions Homepage when visiting it via mobile browser, it offers you the chance to add the Homepage to your mobile phone so it looks just like an app but essentially is just a shortcut/bookmark for your homepage.
    I would expect this is to be a brilliant edition for most people as many people browsing on a phone, you wouldn't believe do not know how to create a shortcut to the homepage on their phone and the option that is presented at Invision, just like many other websites is very sleek and gives the member a choice. Certainly helps with the push notifications a lot as it shows the notifications on the homepage 'app' icon on your phone.
    Or am I jumping the gun and this is coming inbuilt with 4.6?
    Many thanks in advance

  14. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    I’ll try to take a look this week on this one. 
  15. Haha
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Greek76 in What do you use as a homepage?   
    The latest addition to how Pages work has really transformed how we can now do so much more with our websites imo, especially if you don't deal too much with coding too. I played around a lot about how to create a simplistic homepage to help people find all the cool bits that we have across our home. This was whilst I was waiting for the right plugin to potentially use, so I'm super glad that i've found a solution that doesn't cost me any more money than i'm paying as sticking more and more plugins into the website isn't always the answer.
    I've also really worked to try and find the right balance on how the mobile view of the site works alongside when someone logs in via desktop. Little things like, large a block is viewable can make all difference on mobile. It also helps when you can create a buzz about just basic core functionality, such as Polls, for instance. Its not for everyone, but I think it gets the best of both worlds for accessibility (you wouldn't believe how many people don't use the burger menus these days, on desktop or mobile.
    Hope this helps @Greek76 😄
  17. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Joel R in Pages? Blog?   
    You want Pages. You would create a single page, and then add a topic feed from News & Rumours.  
    I would not recommend blogs, unless you have a community of bloggers.  
  18. Like
  19. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Mark Unread / read content suggestion   
    Hi fam. Maybe this will help?
  20. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Ramsesx in How to view blocks and content through different devices   
    I've not come across a setting as far as i'm aware. When working with Pages especially and you have more than one column, for devices such as mobile, it reads the first column top to bottom, followed by the next column top to bottom with the side bar on the usual right hand side coming last.
    For Desktop users, the columns very much help break up the page so you're not looking at something really huge across the entire screen. However it then can really impact the idea of how you want the site to be viewed on another device that essentially concatenates the page is a different way to your expectations.
    I would love for the ability to dictate per page how the view works, and if it can row by row rather than column by column so you have greater flexibility for your viewers looking at everything from different devices.
    One workaround from what I can see is creating the same block from scratch twice and then toggle the Visibility. However, this can cause some serious overhead times. Potentially some core templates that are set up in the way to help different concatenate would be extremely helpful to all core users?
  21. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Greek76 in What do you use as a homepage?   
    Just curious to see what some of you use as a welcome page on your forum. What I had done was make a page and added blocks to it but it looks really generic so I wanted to see what you guys use? Any good recommendations? Thanks!
  22. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: Improved appearance of the Notification Settings   
    Happy Hump Day, fam! 
    Been receiving a lot of messages about 4.6 and Achievements. We're near the finish line (I know that's annoying to hear but we're close!).
    Why the wait? We absorbed a ton of useful feedback from you and are implementing it 👏 Achievements is turning out even more epic than what we launched here a few weeks ago 😭. It'll be worth the wait (again, annoying I know, but sit tight).
    Our talented team of Code Yodas™ (aka our developers) implemented some cool additions that'll make their red carpet debut in 4.6. 📸 
    The ones we're highlighting today are the improved appearance of Notifications Settings and Top Files reporting in the ACP. Shout-out to YouTube Short URLs being fixed as well.

    Improved appearance of Notifications Settings
    You'll notice we're adding more flexibility to control what kinds of notifications show, and incorporating them with the Push notifications feature. 😍 . Thanks to @Rikki for hooking up the screen shot preview!

    Most Downloaded files statistics in the ACP
    And for the data junkies, we've also added statistics for the most downloaded files in the ACP. Shout-out to @Matt Finger for this implementation!

    Our full list of changes made in the last week:
    - Fixed an issue where changing table filters could cause the table to be stuck in loading state due to an underlying error.
    - Fixed an issue where Stripe webhook events may fail in some circumstances.
    - Account settings will no longer prompt for re-authentication if the account does not have a way of re-authenticating. Applies mostly to custom SSO integrations.
    - Fixed an issue where Youtube Shorts URLs would not embed.
    - Fixed an issue where API requests may cause an error if referencing transactions from deleted members.
    - Improved the appearance of the Notification Settings screen.
    - Added support for converting Markdown formatted posts in Vanilla.
    - Fixed some issues when converting from Vanilla and your files used to be in S3.
    - Added statistics pertaining to the most downloaded files

    Lots of exciting things going on here. What's your favorite from the list? Sound off in the comments - we'd love to hear from you! 
  23. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from TNTThom in Scheduled Posts   
    This would help no end. A universal option across the applications that create content would be absolutely amazing. Especially when time is a finite resource these days and sometimes you want to put something up at a specific time but you know you won't be around to do it at that moment. I imagine most people that work alongside their community as a hobby or/and second job it would be critical to their efficiency and possibly a huge wellbeing impact for people.
  24. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Scheduled Posts   
    This could be pretty useful! Same with a "draft" option for topics (which we have a separate topic about I believe). 
  25. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Rhett in Scheduled Posts   
    I have brought this up internally for further review, I can't promise anything at this point, but it's being considered for a future version.  Thank you for all of your feedback on this item. 
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