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  1. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Feneroin in Add TikTok as Social Profile   
    Is there something I need to enable? It doesn't seem to be working for me. 
    It only seems to work if you copy the link from the website.  There needs to be an embed enabled for people using the Share Link option from the app. There is a different URL structure. 
  2. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to HeadStand in Social Stream   
    I like it. I've made that change and pushed an update to the marketplace. It's pending approval.
  3. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from bfarber in Current stable release: 4.5.1 - Error ACP Admin   
    You should probably consider switching to innodb, but yes it would alter those also.
  4. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to HeadStand in Social Stream   
    It's been submitted to the marketplace and it's pending approval.
  5. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Arahnid in Current stable release: 4.5.1 - Error ACP Admin   
    It changes everything to dynamic, which is the latest default for Barracuda anyway.  If your other CMS can handle dynamic, there shouldn't be any harm in allowing those rows to go dynamic.
  6. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Arahnid in Current stable release: 4.5.1 - Error ACP Admin   
    For those of you who have SSH access, I've created a bash script.
    You'll need your database name, database user, and database password.
    Unzip this file, edit the file to replace the database name (without quotes), username (with quotes) and password (with quotes)
    Upload it to a directory and run ./compact2dynamic.sh
    delete the file when it is finished.
    Some tables will take a significant amount of time to complete. My Search Index table took 20 minutes.
    After it is complete, run an Optimize Table on all tables (I use phpMyAdmin for this) and all should be well. 
    This script worked just fine on my setup and removed the warning in the control panel about the compact row types.  As always Caviar Empty... or whatever.
  7. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Whiskey Bizness in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    This is a great app, but may I make a suggestion that would make it even more killer?
    Have the app move users who bounce and meet certain criteria (0 approved posts / Not logged in/active in X days) to another group for easy pruning.
    My suggestion come from this: My user database is close to 12 years old.  I just sent out a holiday card to my entire user base.  Aside from spreading tidings of comfort and joy, I had ulterior motives.... it would be a great indicator of defunct users. 
  8. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from rodege5389 in Expand ignore feature   
    I'm surprised this isn't in there by default.   If I ignore a user, that means I shouldn't see their stuff ever.
  9. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to Haku2 in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    I know how you feel. It is ridiculous to have to pay so much money just to access the marketplace files you have already paid for. You now have to renew all of your suite's app licenses just to access one marketplace update. And, if you try to get around paying for all of your suite's apps renewals by cancelling some, you then have to pay full price if you ever want them back. I've been holding off on renewing for this reason.
  10. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to KPDub in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    Hi @Fosters - is this compatible with / to be patched to be compatible with 4.5?
  11. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to pequeno in Collections Support Topic   
    Hello @Michael.J
    Are you updating collections for IPS 4.5?
  12. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Sonya* in News Sitemap (Support Topic)   
    You need to get accepted into Google News Publishing first.  I HIGHLY recommend researching everything you need to do to get accepted before you submit your site to them.  Probably a good idea to read this forum first.  https://support.google.com/news/publisher-center/threads?hl=en&thread_filter=(category:inclusion_advice)
  13. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Unlucky in News Sitemap (Support Topic)   
    You need to get accepted into Google News Publishing first.  I HIGHLY recommend researching everything you need to do to get accepted before you submit your site to them.  Probably a good idea to read this forum first.  https://support.google.com/news/publisher-center/threads?hl=en&thread_filter=(category:inclusion_advice)
  14. Thanks
    CheersnGears got a reaction from OptimusBain in Scheduled Posts   
    There is scheduling of posts in Pages. I use it all the time. 
  15. Thanks
    CheersnGears reacted to JEFF MACK in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Huge vote here to get Amazon SES.  I am already on it now.  
  16. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from pequeno in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    SES for me as well please. 
  17. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to The Old Man in Support for Amazon AWS SES   
    +1 choice is good.
    @HeadStand did a fabulous job of restoring Sparkpost API back to where it belongs. Perhaps she could duplicate with AWS SES for you guys if there is enough demand.
  18. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to Joel R in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I'd like to officially lend my support for Amazon SES. 
    SparkPost currently costs me $20 / mo on a plan for 50,000 emails (and this was after I suppressed the majority of my email notifications to switch to a lower plan).  The equivalent cost on Amazon SES would be $5 / mo.  This represents cost savings of $180 / yr.  
    The cost savings are too big to ignore for independent communities.  
  19. Like
    CheersnGears reacted to AlexWebsites in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Sparkpost is depreciating their free service which means time to move on. Was this ever made to work with Amazon SES?
  20. Thanks
    CheersnGears reacted to All Astronauts in Sound Board   
    Quick note that the impending 4.4.5 release (just out as Beta 1 now) has some changes to how IPS calls the sound library stuff. I'll need to check on Soundboard compatibility before you guys upgrade.
  21. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Giray in Profile Tabs Organizer   
    It's a shame this isn't part of core features, but thank you @Adriano Faria for building it.  It works perfectly for me. 
  22. Thanks
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Profile Tabs Organizer   
    It's a shame this isn't part of core features, but thank you @Adriano Faria for building it.  It works perfectly for me. 
  23. Like
    CheersnGears got a reaction from Elshara Silverheart in Expand ignore feature   
    I'm surprised this isn't in there by default.   If I ignore a user, that means I shouldn't see their stuff ever.
  24. Thanks
    CheersnGears reacted to Adriano Faria in Promote Posts to Articles   
    Just tested and got the same if I enable Notify me of replies in the article post screen. You don't need to do that if you're enable to add topic followers in the article on the plugin settings. That's the problem.
    For now, you can either:
    disable the setting to follow NOT enable the follow in the article post screen I will release a version to fix it.
  25. Thanks
    CheersnGears reacted to Michael.J in Collections Support Topic   
    I've put up a temporary patch here for now. In case you don't have ftp access, I'll PM you both shortly with a patched update.
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