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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Go here: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/ and click the 'Support' button.
  2. It was added in 4.6.x Not working? Be more specific about what is not working. And also, ensure that your hosting provides the necessary support for webp:
  3. Instead of a 'Closed' club, which people can see is there (but can't see the content unless they join), which members can request to join, why not make it a 'Private' club (nobody sees it unless a member) to which you can invite people to join?
  4. Please, please, point them at this discussion and request that they actually read it - because the moment you mention this application, they will switch to "3rd party issue" mode.
  5. Right, so it's not an issue with my application - the same thing happens with the native IPS functionality (test it yourself - disable the application in your app listing, and then go back and view the post in Firefox and Chrome - see below) However, totally unrelated - I have spotted an issue with my application, whereby it is loading an incorrect Javascript file and not the "full bells and whistles" one I actually developed for this application. So there will be an update coming soon anyway. Scratch that - forgot about the flipping back to the backend stuff I did. No update due. Firefox: Chrome:
  6. And here is what it looks like on my Windows 11 machine, in Firefox: It plays, but sound only (common occurrence with MOV files on machines that don't have the required codec) However, on Chrome: Testing locally, and mov 'works' in all browsers (displays the player) however Chrome initially shows a player, but then it disappears and defaults back to what you see. Interesting - the page source contains the correct html but when inspecting the element, the html is missing the <video tag. Digging into this one.
  7. Quick check from an iOS device, and here is what it looks like: Why? MOV files play natively on iOS, and I would expect Mac too. But on other platforms, you are going to need a codec on your machine/device that can handle the MOV format. This is not really an issue with my application - I will be taking a look to see why it displays that way on your screenshot (collapsed to that single line), but if it won't play then that's not something I can, or will, help with.
  8. Some examples of the iframely integration being used
  9. You'll need to contact the developer of the application, in that case. Before doing so, disable the application to get your site back up.
  10. v2.0.0 has been submitted to the Marketplace for approval. CHANGES The old plugin is now a new application, supported on IPS 4.5 & 4.6 only (old plugin still supported on IPS 4.4) Group permissions are now configured via the 'oembed' tab when editing a member group, and no longer via the Settings page. Management of custom endpoints is now done from it's own page, and no longer via the Settings page. NEW Iframely is now integrated, allowing a 'catch-all' for URLs not covered by an oembed endpoint provided by the target site itself This allows you to provide rich-embeds for a lot more items (see next post for some examples) Requires an API key, and a plan on iframely to cover your site. Once enabled, the ability to use the integration can be applied on a group basis. Links from captivate.fm can be processed and 'pseudo-embeded' by being displayed in an iframe (captivate.fm doesn't have an oembed endpoint) The ability to use this can be applied on a group basis.
  11. It might be - my comments still stand though. Maybe at a much later point, but at this time, no.
  12. That will be a 'no' from me. The privacy policy is an editable field...so where do those items get placed? At the start? At the end?. 'But I want them to appear after the third paragraph of my existing content' It's possible, but there are too many potentials here. Position, content, whether to include or not. By the time I opened up to start coding something to assist, you could have manually entered the content needed.
  13. Use the Converter to migrate one site to the other - see https://invisioncommunity.com/services/migrate/, scroll down to the 'Platforms' section and choose "Invision Community....." to see what can be migrated.
  14. Are you checking against a CIC site, by any chance? The 'sidebar' for that button is enclosed in: if( !\IPS\CIC ) { }
  15. Dear Members, Please read this before requesting a Refund 37 lines (after removing multiple returns) reduced behind an expandable quote. Obviously, we don't know your content, there might be LOADS of these...but there are options. If description isn't suitable, then you are going to need a customisation so see how the request goes.
  16. Not on a PC..but go to your ACP. Find your forum listing, and edit the forum. Each forum has a rich text description field, it's ideal for what you are asking for (informing)
  17. Maybe take a lot at the forum settings, and make use of the description field?
  18. What is the intention of the requirement? To inform people?(read) Or to allow them to engage ( reply) to the pinned topics?
  19. "In a forum where users can only see their own topic as possible to configure in forum settings, is it possible to see other topics made by other people, that are pinned?" Nope.
  20. You're 'running the latest version' according to that, so all patched. If you are still having problems then you really should open a ticket with support, if you haven't already done.
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