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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Maybe - I'll test it out once I've got some other stuff out of the way. Done - pending approval for IPS 4.6 compatibility
  2. Then you need to talk to you host to enable webp support in GD - the post I linked to shows you how to determine if webp support is enabled in GD and/or Imagemagic - if it isn't enabled then it won't be displayed as an option on the IPS side.
  3. No, it doesn't - it validates the display name while the user is trying to register:
  4. You'd be better off logging a ticket with support, via the client area - we (the community) can't help you.
  5. v1.1.0 has been submitted for approval. FIXES Resolved some missing language strings, relating to ACP restrictions Minor language string changes on app settings in ACP CHANGES User account settings modified to allow either a free-form field for the user's chosen URLs (previous behaviour) or a select box of 'allowed' site URLS, controlled via the ACP NEW ACP functionality added to allow administrators to add allowed URLs to the listing (ACP restriction available to allow access to this) ACP functionality added to allow administrators to view/edit URLs used by members (ACP restriction available to allow access to this) Use-case for above functionality being added A malicious user, permitted to add a free-form URL to their account settings, could make it appear (via video recording) as if the site itself is configured to redirect users to a malicious/embarrassing site. Forcing a specific list of URLs, and being able to view/edit existing added URLs allows administrators to monitor for this.
  6. Who said it sounds like a foreign idea? Those are your words. Just pointing out how it works, and some other options. Want the functionality to be changed? https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  7. The cookie does refresh though - opening the site, "Do I need to login?" "Nope, remembered"....cookie refreshed...expires in 90 days..... If you want to see it expiring, don't access your site for 90 days...or delete the cookie. Then log them out...
  8. If you purchase this application and are currently unable to install it, this is an issue on IPS' side caused by the deletion of the uploaded file during the approval process and is being dealt with via a ticket I raised with them. I uploaded the file to the resource again recently, and I am still awaiting that to be approved (same version as the one that was approved, and ultimately 'lost')
  9. I'm having a think about adding an IP address check to this one...but again, IPs can be changed. EDIT: yup, it's doable
  10. I've just found the bigger picture...
  11. Ask them via a support ticket, but I also doubt it too.
  12. The cookie that handles this has a 90 day expiry, which is hard coded as a variable (P3M = 3 months) @CoffeeCake has asked the perfect question - why do you want/need to do this?
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