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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Read the room, mate. This one has been taken over by Adriano.
  2. Ummm...why would you need this on IPS 4.6? The issue it helped with has been resolved, hasn't it? If it isn't then you know who to call...
  3. ...apart from the Members listing in the ACP, where you can use the 'Search' field to find members who are in the 'Guests' group? And with the result set, you can then click on the 'Prune members found' option that is displayed in the header.
  4. I don't run a site that is image heavy, so no demo site. Full image, at present. There is no thumbnail item available within a posts "contentImages()" (I believe this might be something you've enquired about previously on here, possibly when working on your own implementation?) I am looking into something that might allow me to find the thumbnail though 😉 No cropping involved. Some screenshots - this is the default: But there is a setting available in the ACP to control that column width....the above is 'narrow' This is 'wide' this is 'very wide' This is 'fluid' The image itself has a class applied ("nepluginstreams" - must change that name, actually) - I could add some add some elsewhere in the template though, if needed.
  5. v1.0.2 of this has been released and approved on the MP, fixing an issue with a template error appearing on some posts Note: no screenshots in the listing currently, they were lost during the approval process. Here's the 'before' and 'after':
  6. So you would need a "Members finishes 1st on Leaderboard" option for the 'When' to do that (and maybe a 2nd, 3rd too) Stick the request in https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  7. Cue people asking why your rebuild is going so quickly 😄 Likely, and easy, answer - neowin.net is running on a proper beefy server setup. Will be interesting to see how long this one takes to complete, so pop a message in when done,
  8. Support topic for: This application will allow you place a "Quick Escape" button in place on your site. What is a "Quick Escape" button? A "Quick Escape" button is a tool which allows the user to quickly close the web page they are currently on, replacing it with a configured site, and also opening a new tab/window with another configured site displayed. This functionality is commonly used on support sites related to violence, bullying or other sensitive topics that people may need to close quickly for reasons of privacy. Features Admin configurable settings, applied globally to configured groups Optional setting to allow those configured group to control their own version of the settings User can click a button to open the 2 configured pages, or press the 'Esc' key to quickly redirect the existing page only Widget available to allow placing of the button in widget areas on the site, regardless of user-configuration.
  9. Everyone starts as you see, and things are applied from that point onwards. If you want prior content to be taken in to account - click the big button:
  10. Someone, somewhere, is currently measuring a piece of string...
  11. Log in to your client area and click the support button to start a chat.
  12. Disable at a group level - change the permissions for accessing the module: Disable at the user level:
  13. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/
  14. Developers use whatever your default storage engine is on mySQL/MariaDB - in other words, it's not our choice...it's yours. We just create the tables, your server dictates the storage engine. Example - my local installation of WAMP has been around pre-mySQL 5.5 (which is when the default storage engine became InnoDB, prior to that it was MyISAM) - I have never got around to changing the setting as I've upgraded., and then converted to MariaDB. As such, my default storage engine is still MyISAM, and any new databases will be MyISAM, and any new tables created will be MyISAM too. How to find out? Run mysql in a command line, execute SHOW ENGINES; and look for DEFAULT in the Support column. If you want to then crack on. Maybe/maybe not - from my own perspective (my apps/plugins) nope, doubt it.
  15. Edit forums -> front -> index -> index Find: <li data-categoryID='{$category->_id}' class='cForumRow ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_pull'> Change it to: <li data-categoryID='{$category->_id}' class='cForumRow ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_pull cForumRow_hidden' data-hidden="true">
  16. What issue are you having on your site that has made you ask about these tables?
  17. Yes, the clue is in the name... ibf = your chosen prefix, not relevant. core = the application it is for (forums, cms, core etc)
  18. Do not delete them - your assumption is very wrong.
  19. It's in 4.6. If you have already upgraded and it is not working then...
  20. There have been changes in 4.6.x that influence the renewal situation so you never know. We're on the same page though...contact support, not the person listing the resource.
  21. You also can't download if you haven't renewed the resource you are trying to download, which is most likely the issue here but IPS support can answer this so the affected user should do that.
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