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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Does the deleted content still show in the ModCP's 'Deleted Content' section?
  2. v2.1.2 is currently pending approval FIXES Fixed issue affecting IPS 4.6.x where audio file attachments would not be converted to an audio player despite configured to do so Fixed issue affecting IPS 4.6.x where 'Permissions' page in ACP would trigger an error if PHP 8 was in use CHANGES None NEW Nothing
  3. Decided to take a day off today, so the weekend started early. This was fun to figure out - will upload a new version to fix the issue, but if anyone has the following specific situation then contact me via PM for patch details: Self-hosted Is comfortable with downloading a file via FTP, editing it and uploading it. Using IPS 4.6.x Using v2.1.0 or v2.1.1 of this application Audio file attachments added to content are NOT converted to a player even though configured
  4. This application will allow your users to indicate whether the content of their forum topic/post potentially contains information which others may consider to be offensive, or may elicit a negative emotional response upon reading. Pending approval at the time of this post.
  5. On your problematic machine - open a command prompt/terminal window, and ping your site's domain name - is the correct IP address being returned?
  6. But the issue is a known issue, which has a patch available. Here's my point... This only becomes descriptive when you click on the "Optional patch available" button - I have to perform an action to see that information, and make a decision on whether to apply the patch: Whereas listing it in the known issues requires no action to be performed to see the information. Just making a case for using what you guys have to make people aware of stuff easily.
  7. What did I do? Oh yeah, someone else linked to my app...thanks @Darth Vortex
  8. {{if !$forum->canView(\IPS\Member::load(0))}}THIS IS MEMBERS ONLY{{endif}} Below screenshot is a logged in user: This is the guests view:
  9. Can we have a 'Not the Team' icon for when the novelty of this one wears off, and support staff stop posting as much as they have today? Note: Joke.
  10. This allows you to create this: http://site.com/foldername/page1/ http://site.com/foldername/page2/ http://site.com/foldernameagain/page1/ http://site.com/foldernameanotherdifferentone/page1/
  11. Look at the 'Compatibility' field on the listing.
  12. Testing today - initially not seeing any issues with the current version on IPS 4.6, but will do some more testing tomorrow once back at my dev machine. Testing finished - not seeing any issues. Resource has been marked as IPS 4.6 compatible , and is pending review before it will appear as installable on that version. Existing installations don't need an update if running the current 2.1.1 version. If anyone does spot a problem, please report it here.
  13. 'demo' key? Are you using IPS Cloud hosting, and currently running a demo?
  14. No it doesn't... These are all URLs for this topic - if you know the current id then you're golden. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-A/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-B/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-C/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-D/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-E/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-F/ https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462977-G/
  15. What exactly is telling you it's not allowed? One option is what Marc suggested. The other is that you haven't added -TESTINSTALL to the end of your license key.
  16. It saves to the local storage in the browser (not a cookie)
  17. What is the criteria for the topics to be moved? All? Some - how many, and how are you identifying them?
  18. Sorry, just seen that I didn't mark this one as IPS 4.6 compatible - I'll get to testing it over the weekend.
  19. Thanks for clarifying - the method of installation has no bearing on whether it works or not once installed, FYI. When the v1.1.4 is uploaded and approved, to get future updates you will have to manually uninstall v1.1.3 (as you have uploaded it as a "Custom" plugin) and then install it from the MP. Done.
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