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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v1.0.3 has been submitted for approval FIXES Empty placeholder no longer displayed when a Club forum post contains no image attachments CHANGES Template modified to add a CSS class to the container DIV for the image ('nePostImageInStreamContainer') Template/css modified to change CSS class of IMG from 'nepluginstreams' to 'nePostImageInStreamImage' Template modified to add loading='lazy' to IMG tag v1.1.0 is still on the agenda but only once https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/463366-topic-imageattachments-fun-games/?tab=comments#comment-2866812 has been fixed, and will add the following: A little tweak in it to assist with the following situation: First post in a topic has an image Activity Stream is configured to "Show content items only" Entry for the topic, which shows the last reply, doesn't display an image as the last reply doesn't contain an image The tweak I am putting in will allow you to choose to show the image from the first post, or an image from the latest post to contain an image. Issue mentioned can be 'avoided' by using the "Show content items, review and comments" setting instead as that displays an entry for each post from a topic. The linked image used in the stream/search results will be the stored thumbnail of the image, and not the image itself (required a little trickery to figure this one out, as the thumbnail is not available by default)
  2. Trying to use the "Topic Summary" cached content in an application, and hitting a brick wall. So, here goes again (tried already in the Slack channel) Do the following: Create a new PHP file in your IPS install root, add the code below and save it. Create a new topic, add an image attachment, submit the topic Open your PHP file in a browser. Q: why does the image information for the most recent topic (the one you created) get reproduced for all other topics, regardless of whether those other topics have no images or have images of their own? Important: it's going to return ALL topics so feel free to finesse the query to just a single forum. <?php require 'init.php'; \IPS\Session\Front::i(); $tids = \IPS\Db::i()->select('tid','forums_topics', array(),'tid DESC'); foreach ($tids as $tid) { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::load($tid); $images = $topic->imageAttachments(); var_dump($images); } Note: I know it's related to the cachekey being the same for all topics; mainly looking for a hint on whether that behaviour can be changed.
  3. @Philip Krasilnikov - please provide more details on your issue, as I cannot reproduce a problem using default IPS functionality in conjunction with my application. Any images added, either as an attachment or as a link, obtain the correct css class which I target for hiding the element. This is what you posted in the review: What does the highlighted text mean? Are you using a ckeditor plugin in your editor? If so, what one? If not, provide more detail on how to reproduce this.
  4. @Philip Krasilnikov final call - I plan to do a check of this application on Friday, to see what I can potentially add and fix. The information I have requested will go a long way to helping with determining the potential cause/fix for the issue you have mentioned.
  5. @Afrodude - what browser are you using? If Firefox, see here for a little more information on that error you are seeing.
  6. I've just created a new topic on here, and the editor is beneath me..... Then i edit the post.... Browser? Current public Firefox release on Windows
  7. THIS IS A NUMBERED LIST Before posting: After posting: What browser? That would be the current public release of Firefox.
  8. In the interests of transparency: No further new features or bug fixes will be made available for this application while the IPS 4.5.x and IPS 4.6.x releases are supported by IPS. If & when a later version of the IPS suite is released, a new paid version of the application will be made available to support that version.
  9. That's a simple one - an invoice is generated a few weeks before your renewal is due. It has an expiry date on it, and if you don't renew then the invoice expires. Contact them, as indicated, and they will generate a new invoice for you.
  10. In your communications, you are referring to "Community Support" - if someone comes on to this site looking for support then they are likely to be looking for 'Community Support' as a result, which will end up with them finding this: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/406-community-support/ And has the description: I'd suggest a rename of that forum to remove that confusion, and maybe a rename of the actual support forum to something like "Official Invision Community Help & Support" https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/
  11. The clarification which is posted elsewhere, and wasn't included in the email when it really should have been, also states that:
  12. Contact support directly via email (still available at the moment) or wait here until someone raises a ticket on your behalf.
  13. Interesting: 2 minutes ago, I didn't edit the post up above...someone else did. I still stand by the jokey reference I made there, and I don't mind it being edited out. What I don't appreciate is you editing it and making out that it was me that did the edit.
  14. This, to me, is the worst thing - I'm unaffected, I can plan for February, I can cover things. But when you have someone who suddenly sees a "slight" rise in what they have to pay in a few days compared to what they had previously budgeted for? That's not on.
  15. It's waffle, Jordan. It's the equivalent of "Look at this shiny thing over here while we sh*t on your doorstep" in internet terms. I've kept schtum about things on here for years, but this is getting to be the final straw. And don't reply to me with the "I feel you" waffle, please.
  16. Because people who view the results without voting, and therefore surrender their vote, are counted as voters. Note: this reply has been brought to you free-of-charge.
  17. Discussion and clarification on the support situation is going to be fun.
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