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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Gboard, the default keyboard on a OnePlus 8, produces this after tapping the + on a quote and then tapping the delete key: Always has, and I'm not bothered to enter into the game of chance to get it resolved.
  2. What do you mean by a warning? A message in the post itself? The warning you have given to the person posting the content? A message displayed in the topic to warn people about content? Something else?
  3. So, the feedback on the rejection was related to how cache was being used and mainly around the fact that running the support tool will clear that cache (to be expected) So, with that in mind, I'm going all-in on storing the translations in the database instead. And with that, I'm going to build in some functionality that will allow you to refine the API-provided translations by editing them in the ACP (if that is something you wish to do) - I have a few ideas around how that is done, which I am working on over the next few days. Once done, it will be v1.2.0 that will be the version release - and I'll update here once it is released, along with the 'sale' details that will be in place initially.
  4. Have you given everyone permission to use the theme? Setting it as default won't work if they don't have permission to use it...
  5. Nope, as that would require me to buy and use 'Downloads', which I am not going to do. Post your request here and someone who already develops for the app may be able to assist.
  6. Contact the developer of the 'Firewall' application you are using.
  7. Not sure why you are asking that - you can uninstall it if you want, but reinstalling it will have the same issue. As I said: "both issues are fixed in dev at the moment" I still need to test it, and then release the update to the MarketPlace.
  8. Thank you - I've got all the info I need now, and both issues are fixed in dev at the moment.
  9. And what is that error? Same as the one you already provided, or different?
  10. No need for these. This was the missing piece - thank you for finally providing your steps.
  11. Thank you- what are your settings? All tabs.
  12. I've accessed the link and I can see that message - what version of PHP are you using? (Exact version) Back to this issue - I need information from you on HOW you are adding the image; what actions are you performing to add the image? I'm not interested in the image in a post - more interested in how it was put there. How was the post constructed? What actions did you perform to create the content? If I understand that, then I can work on the issue. This is what I see on the post - so, it has detected an image in the post, and it is hiding that. But it also showing an image, which based on a quick look it should be - so, if I know more about the post content and how you created it then I can reproduce and work on it. And provide the screenshots of your settings, as also requested previously.
  13. Marc - when a non-image/video file is attached to a forum post, for example, the resulting link to download that file is as follows: https://invisioncommunity.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=172895&key=0844d6818e424750811e43111d3be144 When someone clicks that link, the attachment.php file determines if they have permissions to download the file, which is based on group permissions. The "must have completed the profile" element here is irrelevant, and I believe the original poster would like it to be taken into account. If you want to stop newbies from downloading files then don't allow them permissions to do so. file.txt
  14. Edit a group, and enable the "Highlight replies" option on the Content tab. This will add the group id to the <article> tag for the post:
  15. It's locked because it is the default, so edit another language and make that one the default.
  16. OK - this won't be out this side of Xmas, as it has been rejected (awaiting some feedback on the reasons) and I won't have time to work on it much next week due to my normal job workload.
  17. Note: v1.1.0 is missing a little content in some language strings related to the privacy policy page on a site. Not a showstopper, but v1.1.1 will populate the missing items.
  18. BTW the template is just a load of language strings: cookies_standard cookies_session_front cookie_member_id cookie_loggedin cookie_login_ley cookie_device_key cookies_about_header cookies_third_party_desc cookies_change_text Which means that the following isn't true, as you can just edit the language strings in your language. Looking back at the topic where I had the plugin, I put it together because people wanted to add items to a few of those, and change the appearance of the content without editing the template.
  19. I made a plugin ages ago that allowed this customisation, which I think I posted on a topic here somewhere - I'll dig it out, see if it needs some polish. EDIT: found it in an old dev instance, and it does need some polish added to convert it to an application (to comply with Marketplace rules) and I'll throw it up there once done.
  20. v1.1.0 of the application is now pending approval on the Marketplace. A pre-Xmas sale price of $25 ($10 yearly renewal) is in effect, which is 50% off the price of the application. This special price offer will end on 1st January 2022, at which point it will revert to $50 ($20 renewal) IMPORTANT: this was developed against the default IPS theme. If you purchase this application and have a custom theme which results in the template hooks not working then there will be manual steps required to put things in place - instructions can be provided on how to do this, if it is deemed necessary.
  21. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/
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