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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v1.3.1 is now pending approval (and released) FIXES changed JS so that translation of titles is no longer reliant on the viewer being able to edit the topic/event/record being translated* CHANGES None NEW None *The following still stands: Please note the following: Sale price will no longer be valid after 31st January Application is currently in bug-fix mode only; new features, if any, will be added at my own pace - this may change if the application sees more sales, but it is not financially beneficial to me to spend time on adding new features.
  2. I am not assisting you with this at this time. I am assisting you with this. Back later, got stuff to do. Please don't spam the thread with attempts to do the CSS I've provided (I tested it, it works - you can try again after I release my new version)
  3. Give me an account with access to have the following: The IPS default theme No ads displayed
  4. Feel free to use CSS to do it - I will not build in functionality for this, as it can already be done: li.nbPinnedPin > div.ipsDataItem_main:hover{ cursor: <YOUR CHOICE>; } And take your pick: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/c/cursor/ What I will do, however, is change it so that it acts naturally and changes to a hand, acting as if it is a link. Working fine for me: Use pictures instead of words to describe the problem, please.
  5. That is right at the top of my resource. @Stuart Silvester @Daniel F Could you process a refund for this please?
  6. Not really, I've got the same border on a basic HTML page, which is where I have been testing.
  7. I have just spent the last 30 minutes testing this application's ACP side of things out and I see NO issues. Here are the settings when "Apply to all groups" is enabled - working as intended, all the settings on that tab will be applied to all groups: Here are the settings when 'Apply to all groups' is disabled, and you have chosen some groups in the 'Which group?' field. Each chosen group will have their own tab, with their own specific setttings: If you are still having an actual issue, then please provide exact detail that provides more information than: ...please.
  8. ? No need for an apology...I just needed clarity on what it was you were referring to.
  9. Looking at this further, there is code within the page called in the iframe that is putting the border in place around the video, - in short, it's Vimeo that need to do something to 'fix' this
  10. In the absence of a link to the site, here's my suggestions: Ensure that 3,4,5 are the IDs of the categories you want to have collapsed, and not the IDs of forums within a category You test this as a new user, and not someone who may or may not have already toggled open/closed the categories at some point - open a private/incognito window to avoid using locally cached cookies/storage that would contain the references to what you have done in that area.
  11. What does this mean? Why do I need to remember them? Is this a feature enhancement request? If it is enhancement request, then if it is a request to change the title/question/choices of a poll within a topic then I will keep it in mind if I do any further new features on the resource. Based on the total success of it from a sales point of view, this is currently bug-fix only.
  12. Quick glance at my own site and I can see why there would be a reason for this - the front-end selector that I am targeting for the title doesn't exist if the person translating doesn't have permissions to edited the topic. D'oh! Monday will take a closer look
  13. I haven't put any restrictions on it. Will look into it on Monday when I have time
  14. The extra space is being returned by Vimeo themselves - it's the height of the iframe which contains the embedded content. See the following: https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=https://vimeo.com/35686630 The response is: { "type": "video", "version": "1.0", "provider_name": "Vimeo", "provider_url": "https:\/\/vimeo.com\/", "title": "Stv-Visuals 21:9 Free Loops", "author_name": "Stv-Visuals", "author_url": "https:\/\/vimeo.com\/stvvisuals", "is_plus": "0", "account_type": "basic", "html": "<iframe src=\"https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/35686630?h=cc53039083&amp;app_id=122963\" width=\"480\" height=\"204\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen title=\"Stv-Visuals 21:9 Free Loops\"><\/iframe>", "width": 480, "height": 204, "duration": 25, "description": "http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Stvvisuals\n\nLike our page and download the loops for free!\nStv-Visuals 21:9 Free Loops", "thumbnail_url": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/244200203-99a5d4e8b7ef0a064558ec3f14a32c252135e5d02fa8fd633f4ba11565bb125e-d_295x166", "thumbnail_width": 295, "thumbnail_height": 124, "thumbnail_url_with_play_button": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/filter\/overlay?src0=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F244200203-99a5d4e8b7ef0a064558ec3f14a32c252135e5d02fa8fd633f4ba11565bb125e-d_295x166&src1=http%3A%2F%2Ff.vimeocdn.com%2Fp%2Fimages%2Fcrawler_play.png", "upload_date": "2012-01-26 07:36:40", "video_id": 35686630, "uri": "\/videos\/35686630" } The 204 height of the iframe is double the height of the actual video, so you get 51 pixels of space either side of the video within the iframe.
  15. Give me an admin account, in that case, so I can take a look at whatever you are trying to convey. I will point out, again, that enabling 'apply to all groups' will hide all the group tabs and your settings are then as per whatever you have on that single tab. If you disable that setting then you have additional group tabs to play with.
  16. Do you have a test instance of your site, which may have been setup using a backup of your database previously?
  17. v3.2.1 has been submitted for approval Fixes Fixed PHP 8 related issue Fixed issue where images, which had an alignment action applied to them at any time, are not hidden if configured. Changes None New None Still need to get to this FE at some point: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/434067-ne-hide-replies-from-guests/?do=findComment&comment=2869307
  18. v1.3.0 is currently pending approval New added functionality to display a 'Translate this topic' menu at the top of a topic, which will translate all viewable comments on the screen the title of topic/event/record will now also be translated in the following situations: if/when the first displayed comment in a topic's comment feed is translated if/when a database record is translated if/when an event is translated IMPORTANT: if a translation is marked as 'Protected' in the ACP, then it should be either be a) manually updated to translate the title or b) deleted so that a new one can be generated by a user. If either of those isn't done then the title will remain untranslated. Fixes fixed issue where certain characters in content may cause translated content to be partially shown. fixed issue with second tab could not be clicked when editing translations, if the language contained the ( or ) characters Changes None
  19. Post in the support topic for the application.
  20. Incorrect - the request is not how to change the name of the /admin/ directory. Edit the page in the ACP, and change the 'page filename' value
  21. Asked via another topic - how to do the above for 'some' categories. Do the following: Identify the IDs of the categories you wish to have collapsed - the ID is in the URL for the category when you hover the mouse of the link for the category. Then... Edit forums -> front -> index -> index Find: <li data-categoryID='{$category->_id}' class='cForumRow ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_pull'> Change to: {{$collapseThese = array();}} <li data-categoryID='{$category->_id}' class='cForumRow ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_pull {{if \in_array($category->_id,$collapseThese)}}cForumRow_hidden' data-hidden="true"{{endif}}'> Then populate the array() with the IDs of the categories: {{$collapseThese = array(1,3,5,9,11);}} Save the template. User action of toggling the category open/closed will override this
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