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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. I'll take a look at the structure of this and see how it fits with my existing code.
  2. The app isn't compatible with IPS 4.6 Normally you would contact the author of the app, but as they stopped developing it quite a while ago then you are out of luck.
  3. While I've been working on the next version (which will be 1.4.0), I have started looking into this - I'll include it at a later point, as it requires a bit of work, in v1.5.0
  4. If you are asking "do I need to have separate accounts on Google for separate API usage?" then the answer is no, you don't need to. You can if you wish, but the APIs are part of a project associated with an account, and an account can have multiple projects. If this is in relation to your purchase of "(NE) Translate" than the above is the limit of my support for you on the Google API side of things - the instructions in the application are clear and precise. If you have issues getting the API configured, or questions on costs etc., then you should contact Google for assistance.
  5. I'm going to be making other locations available for the "Translate this topic" link, definitely. The current location is not optimal for me because the hiding of that section when on a phone means I have to try to kludge it to make it appear on phone, as well as having to worry about other applications adding items to the same section. Long story short - I'll leave that location as an option, but with an explaination that the link will not appear on phones, and that one of the other options should be used if that is a necessity. Similar with the 'Translate' option within comments. I'll have a new version out towards the end of the week.
  6. No need - I'm adding the extra UL, it's working as I intend it to work. The issue is that there are other things in that area (your application) that are affected by that. As I said...don't worry, leave it with me...I'll just not use it.
  7. Same as you - don't worry, leave it with me...I'll just not use it.
  8. This is the problem with theme hooks - one thing affects another. No idea why my modification to my own added HTML would result in what you guys are describing but there we go. I'll just avoid using hooks into an area that other people are already hooking into, sort the issue out.
  9. I don't use it on my own site, and I don't run a demo site - what 'vibe' exactly are you not getting from the screenshots? It doesn't do anything else other than show what is in the screenshots.
  10. Makes sense - I'll see what I can do (actually getting tempted to move the 'translate..' links somewhere else, so if you have suggestions then go ahead) It was previously there on your site, so have you recently turned off 'Post before registering', by any chance? Just a yes or a no.
  11. I give up - I'll state this... The issue you are reporting doesn't occur in my testing - and it hasn't been reported by anyone else other than you. If you want the following resolved, then we need to look into it on your site. If you want it looked into then...
  12. I am not concerned about your request for new features, I'm happy to add those in. What I am concerned about is that I want to investigate an issue you reported, I requested something from you on it, you didn't provide it. Instead, you come on with the above moan. Yes or no - do you wish to proceed with assisting me with determine why the following is not working on your site: I'll ignore your attempt to teach me how companies work...don't go down that route with me, please.
  13. Tell you what, as you've now disabled the plugin and I won't be able to do any testing on your own site - I'll install it on my test site and you can play around with it as you wish there, and bring up any bugs/enhancement requests based on how it behaves there. Will give you test account details via PM once done.
  14. Do you not want me to look into the following then? I did ask you for the following previously As for: I did state the following: When will that next release be? After I've looked into the issue that is in the first quote in this post, which I've been wating for a response on with the requested information. If you don't like how I am working on this, please let me know and I will refund you.
  15. In the front-end moderator control panel.
  16. turn the site offline and switch to PHP 7.4 at the time you are upgrading the software - issue handled.
  17. As you asked so nicely...pluralized language string included: Example in Pages: {$record->get__readtime($record->_content,200)} (NE) get__readtime() 1.0.0.xml
  18. v1.3.3 is pending approval FIXES None CHANGES Slight theme hook modification to avoid other 3rd party resources hooking into the additional HTML code added by the 'Translate this topic' change made in v1.3.2 NEW None
  19. Edit the database template Displate -> Record Add this anywhere (change the 200 to what you believe the 'words per minute' speed is for someone reading): {{$wordCount = \str_word_count(\strip_tags($record->_content));}} {{$estimateTime = \ceil ($wordCount/200);}} Then add this in your desired place in the template: Estimated reading time: {$estimateTime} minutes
  20. I'll do some testing my side to see - I added something in the last version that may be influencing this.
  21. What is the selector you are using on your theme hook? Also, is your resource an application or is it a plugin?
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