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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. No reason why it won't work - all it's doing is a backup. But something that a lot of people don't do is verify their backups are good for when they actually need them, that's when you know if it did indeed work. Anyway... adding a character set to it is simply a matter of adding it in like I did in the previous post --default-character-set=utf8mb4
  2. I'm willing to bet that you have the "Facebook Container" extension installed in your Firefox browser. Without: With: If so, this is your friend:
  3. Cue emojis potentially becoming question marks... Use this instead: mysqldump -u database_username -p database_name --default-character-set=utf8mb4 > site_database.sql
  4. Sorry, but I have no plans to update this - no reminder needed.
  5. As per our previous PM discussion - it is not compatible with IPS Community Suite 4.6 And I don't have any plans to upgrade it, at this time.
  6. v2.0.3 pending approval FIXES Code change to ensure that captivate.fm embedding isn't performed by the iframely integration if both captivate.fm & iframely are allowed for the CHANGES Moved the 'Can embed 'captivate.fm' podcasts?' setting above the 'Can use iframely Integration?' setting in the group form NEW None
  7. You can control this yourself - login to your iframely account and go to settings @ https://iframely.com/settings/cards Enable the "Always show compact/small card" setting, and whatever else you want in there. No modification of the application required from me. Had a feeling that was the case - so that concern from earlier is alleviated by the fact that iframely cache already for you. Thanks for posting it. My advice to anyone who is enabling the iframely integration - monitor your usage, check the urls used, search gooogle to see if any of the target sites actually provide their own oembed endpoint, and then add it to the application using the functionality that this application has always provided.
  8. If someone wants to ask for an addition to the application, then I'll actually ask myself "can I make this work like I did with the captivate.fm feature". It's up to you guys to ask for these things...so, start the ball rolling next time you look at your iframely bill and spot a site that might be able to be embedded differently (and t doesn't already have its own oembed endpoint which you could add), and see what I can come up with.
  9. And how would you suggest that would be done? If you are referring to capturing and caching the content, then please say so, and I will look into whether it can be done (my recollection is that it can't) - in other words, provide how you think a new feature would work.
  10. Yep, confirmed - I'll change that slightly on next version once I've taken a closer look at captivate.fm's own updates recently, where they now appear to support oembed natively.
  11. Is the content accessible by guests? If not then it has to be...the 'Sorry, you do not have permission...' message is the give-away.
  12. @Daniel F can you revert this for me please? My break is over, my beer fund needs a top-up.
  13. It's going to be easier if you post links to your site so people can view the page source instead of just a screenshot. Why? Because you've customised the theme, therefore suggestions people can provide may not work as you may have changed the html. Anyway - based on the assumption that you haven't modified the template, then edit core -> front -> global -> navBarItems Find (there are 2 instances of this, and the ... is there to indicate that there is more code on the 2 lines you will find): <a href="{{if $item->link()}}... Add the following after the opening "<a ": title="{$item->title()}" to make: <a title="{$item->title()}" href="{{if $item->link()}}... Save the template. That's the basic title on hover. If you want it a little different then add this too: data-ipstooltip to make: <a title="{$item->title()}" data-ipstooltip href="{{if $item->link()}}... Save the template. Can you do this with CSS? Potentially, but as the 'title' is an attribute of an html element then it should be added in the html code, not using css.
  14. Yep, figured out a way to do it without a visible character too. My filter is set to block 'this' I suspect that they've figured something out, and have created HTML that contains the trick, and that they are then copying the resulting text of the HTML into a post.
  15. Post the html content of the post - they may have figured out an easy way around the feature (one that doesn't involve an obvious change to one character like adding bold, italic or something else to a single letter in the string)
  16. v2.0.2 is pending approval CHANGES Removed the Youtube "Enable privacy-enhanced mode?" setting for sites using IPS Community Suite 4.6.12 or later, as feature now provided natively as of that release. NEW None FIXES None Reference: YouTube embeds will now load from the youtube-nocookie.com domain.
  17. Was fine earlier today (I am extremely observant) Before I click a burger... Then I click a burger, and look what is at the bottom...
  18. The code from the analytics 'integration' is added right at the start of the <head> so that will error. Don't use the provided code box, and instead edit the global template at the right place, then the world is your oyster.
  19. You could try an "after('initialize'..." targeting the specific LI for the viewing user (if it exists)?
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