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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v2.1.1 was released the other day: FIXES issue where "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab wasn't hidden when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off. issue where "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on group specific tabs didn't reflect the correct saved value for the setting. issue where "Total other attachments allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab wasn't hidden when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off. issue where "Total other attachments allowed" setting wasn't displayed on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off. issue where _desc language strings for "Total videos allowed" & "Total images allowed" were not visible on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting was toggled off. v2.1.2 is currently pending approval FIXES "Character exclusions" & "Characters to exclude" settings were not hidden when "Enable word/character limits" setting was toggled off. NEW Added ability to limit number of quotes in the content
  2. Just taken a look at the post you previously provided - and something is hidden. As it only contained a video, then I assume that the workaround of turning off the spoiler check is indeed working for you? I'll be getting back to this one over the next week - taking the opportunity to do a re-write of the code, and also remove some kludges that are no longer required.
  3. Yes - you just add what I mentioned into whatever your existing working command is. Doubt it - but google it to find out if it is a required element though.
  4. Just to help on this one - you are running 4.4.10
  5. Whoa there...I didn't say that. I simply pointed out to you that the same thing happens without my application. Don't misrepresent my comments to meet your own needs. You are experiencing an issue with codecs, and browser support.
  6. Yep, confirmed on that - will sort it out over the next few days, going to take the opportunity to improve my code a bit too.
  7. As my work assignment for the next few days has just been postponed (just as I walk in the door of their office after a long trip up to the city) I will check this one out later today.
  8. Thanks - I'll take a closer look at this on Wednesday A quick test on my own live site indicates it's caused by having the 'Spoilers' setting toggled on too - turn that (Spoilers) off for now, and the video should be hidden. Will look further into it on Wednesday when back at my PC
  9. Thank you for the settings - just need the following, and then I have enough for me to do my testing:
  10. I've provided you with the information I require from you to investigate this - please provide that information.
  11. See, opening with that is a better way of reporting an issue...you asked about 'Links', I answered about 'Links' You then commented again stating 'Links' and I answered again. But your actual issue is with 'Videos'... Provide full screenshots of the following settings tabs, please, and I will do some testing to see if anything has changed with IPS updates since that functionality was added: Main Forums Videos Also provide a link to the post containing the video.
  12. Here's a video of an upgrade of a brand new fresh installation of 4.6.9 (zero customisations, only action performed is to create the social link profiles) to 4.6.12 A Test Forum - Invision Community — Mozilla Firefox 2022-04-11 09-23-19.rar
  13. The above observed behaviour is easy to reproduce: Install a 4.6.11 board Set some social links up Create several themes Ensure the "Social link position" value in each of them is set to 'Footer' Check front-end - social links in the footer Upgrade to 4.6.12 Check front-end - social links in the header now Check the themes - "Social link position" on all themes is set to 'Header background'
  14. (NE) Change all word filters to 'Block submission' 1.0.0.xml
  15. I would prefer if you provided your current settings so I could test it myself, and then if there is an issue then I can resolve it while resolving the above issues I have spotted already. I will be releasing an update on Wednesday, to fix the above issues.
  16. So use the 'Forums' tab functionality provided to include/exclude specific forums...
  17. Nope, not seeing any "Guest" specifc issues in my testing - so anything extra you can provide will assist here. Some different issues do exist which will be fixed in next version: "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab doesn't hide when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off. "Total attached audio files allowed" setting on group specific tabs doesn't reflect the correct saved value for the setting. "Total other attachments allowed" setting on 'General settings' tab doesn't hide when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off. "Total other attachments allowed" setting doesn't display on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off. _desc language strings for "Total videos allowed" & "Total images allowed" are not visible on group specific tabs when "Apply to all groups" setting is toggled off.
  18. Provide screenshots of the settings you have in place, please. And expand more on: What exactly is not working? Is the notice below the editor not appearing? Or it appears, but the limits aren't being applied? More information would be useful, if your settings are not being applied.
  19. IPS 4.6.12 update did it, for some reason.
  20. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/466649-access-to-uploaded-files-is-throwing-an-error/?do=findComment&comment=2888035
  21. Hiding links, based on group membership, is already a feature having been added in v2.0 several years ago.
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