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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. 4.7 Beta 7 tested - uninformative original message now more informative, but will still lead to queries on here 😉 Sorry - following is from local test installation: Following is from this site:
  2. \IPS\Member doesn't care about the 'Forced' option being enabled: public function isOnlineAnonymously() { if ( !$this->member_id ) //That's a guest { return FALSE; } if( $this->group['g_hide_online_list'] == 2 ) //That's "Can login anonymously" set to 'Disallowed { return FALSE; } return $this->members_bitoptions['is_anon']; //This returns whatever the user has enabled } This sorts it... public function isOnlineAnonymously() { if (!$this->member_id) { return FALSE; } if ($this->group['g_hide_online_list'] == 2) { return FALSE; } if ($this->group['g_hide_online_list'] == 1) { return true; } return $this->members_bitoptions['is_anon']; }
  3. This appears to be quite easy to test and verify how it occurs (tried it on IPS For my testing, I've just used my own account as the Member and Administrator for ease, but here are the reproduction steps: Set the 'Can login anonymously?' setting for a group to 'Allowed' In a private window, login as a member of that group In a normal window, logged in as admin, view that members profile Result: User is online now (as expected) As the member, go to /settings/account-security/ and click the 'Hide my online status' button As the admin, refresh the screen Result: User is online anonymously (as expected) As the member, go to /settings/account-security/ and click the 'Show my online status' button As the admin, refresh the screen Result: User is online now (as expected) Now, set the 'Can login anonymously?' setting for the group to 'Forced' As the member, refresh your screen or logout/login As the admin, refresh the screen Result: User is online now (not expected) It appears that the 'Forced' setting only works if the member has previously set their status as hidden prior to the 'Forced' being enabled.
  4. Issue with the 'Disable @mentions' functionality will be resolved in the next release. Awaiting response to a PM before I decide on whether this is just a bug fix release, or if there will be new features included.
  5. Maybe enable the "Moderate new records' setting in the database options?
  6. With the following in mind... ...it would be a good idea for you to provide full details of the steps you have performed to recover your site to its current state.
  7. No need - I am already following the topic. Did you tell them that you have done that? You should post on the topic to advise them.
  8. OK - so your use of the following might mean that I am out so I am going to need some clarification here... My reading of that is that you want the entire row to not be shown - nothing, it's entirely invisible. My application is only going to hide the displayed content of the row - the title/author/date etc will still be displayed. I am not going to the level that I think you may be wanting here. Furthermore - with my plannI can guarantee that content in Forums, Calendar and Pages will be hidden because those are the apps I use. I cannot guarantee that other apps will behave the same way - they should, as I'm hooking into a CORE area that is shared amongst the apps. So, if your requirement is that the entrie row of the post/gallery album/entry etc is not displayed at all then I am out, sorry.
  9. And the version numbers are what, exactly? Sorry, I don't do "Latest version" - I like to know exact details so that I can test with what you have. In addition: what version of PHP are you running? What versions of IPS and my application were you running previously? (I'm assuming here that these issues weren't occuring for you previously?) Correct - primary group only checked; I'll consider this a feature enhancement next time I am adding new functionality. So, you are indicating that the option available to a user to stop themselves appearing in the mention list isn't working, correct? I'll take a look into that but seeing as you indicate the 'Forced anonymity' functionality isn't working for you at all, then maybe work on getting that resolved? because all I am doing is using the IPS isOnlineAnonymously() check for a member.
  10. Have you enabled the "Can post HTML?" setting in your group membership, which will expose the 'Source' button in the Editor to allow you to view and add HTML?
  11. Yep, I can confirm that - both & 4.7.0 beta 6 I've resurrected an old 4.6.9 test installation locally, issue doesn't occur with that version. Ask New Question - Invision Community — Mozilla Firefox 2022-06-10 08-38-13.mp4
  12. So, what are you guys managing to do with the time you've saved reading these items faster?
  13. An image posted where, and how? The more information you provide on something, the more I can understand your use-cases here.
  14. OK - as you've brought galleries/files into the mix. I will only be checking textual content, posted via a rich text editor, just to be clear.
  15. If you've ruled out 3rd party, post the issue here and get IPS support: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/
  16. Quick check on this one - it informs me that you've got Forums & Blogs and potentially other applications ( = etc). Can you confirm the apps that you may be referring to here?
  17. v4.0.2.1 is pending approval, with a tweak made to the fix I added in v4.0.2 allowing it to account for other 3rd-party hooks affecting a check I had added in.
  18. Login to your ACP, click the bell icon (notifications) then click 'Notification settings' and toggle the 'Receive email notification?' option to 'Yes' for 'An Invision Community upgrade is available'
  19. v1.1.0 is now pending approval NEW plugin has been converted to an application no longer limited to just the Forums application, should now be extended out to all applications tested & compatible with IPS 4.7 CHANGES none FIXES none
  20. I'm guessing that what you are asking for is how to find out what the ID attribute is off an item in the menu in IPS. Simple - right click the item you want to find out about, and select 'Inspect' and then view the resulting HTML in the console:
  21. I reckon there is something else hooking in that results in a failure in a check I added - should have taken into account possibility of this, so modifying the check. If you have FTP access to your site, download the following file and send it to me via PM and I'll patch it for you. applications\nehidecontent\sources\ProcessStuff.php
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