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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Thanks for providing that access - allowed me to check the response being sent back by the server when you type a name, reveals a HTTP 500 error. Testing locally, and on my live site, and I don't see that - but then I introduced PHP 8.0.19 into the mix, and there it is. I'll get working on a fix and release as soon as I can.
  2. Not seeing any issues in my testing on my live site, will do some further testing later tonight. Via PM, can you send me a link to your site along with a username/password to login as a user? Thanks
  3. I'll test it out - what are your settings currently configured as?
  4. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/466965-live-view/?do=getNewComment
  5. Official support, by IPS: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/ Yep, but above link is where they really should be guiding people to.
  6. That's a goer, as long as you don't expect it to be an 'exact' representation of the actual content.
  7. This would be for the Club's 'homepage', using 'Manual HTML' for the Content Editor: {{if \IPS\Request::i()->id == '5'}} Unique content for Club with ID 5 {{elseif \IPS\Request::i()->id == '6'}} Unique content for Club with ID 6 {{endif}} This would be for the Club's topic listing, using 'Manual HTML' for the Content Editor: {{$forum = \IPS\forums\Forum::load(\IPS\Request::i()->id);}} {{$clubId = $forum->club()->id;}} {{if $clubId == '5'}} Unique content for Club with ID 5 {{elseif $clubId == '6'}} Unique content for Club with ID 6 {{endif}} This would be for the Club's topic view, using 'Manual HTML' for the Content Editor: {{$topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::load(\IPS\Request::i()->id);}} {{$clubId = $topic->container()->club()->id;}} {{if $clubId == '5'}} Unique content for Club with ID 5 {{elseif $clubId == '6'}} Unique content for Club with ID 6 {{endif}} Do not enable the 'Cache this block' setting
  8. Do you have the 'Pages' app? If so, create a custom block (with a custom template) which detects the Club ID and then presents your unique content. Then drag the block in place in Clubs.
  9. Most likely an update to imagemagick/PHP - have the same myself on my site, just started happening a week ago. Prior to that, no issues - and zero changes from an Invision point of view.
  10. v4.0.1 is currently pending approval This is a big rewrite of the application - since it began life in November 2016 as my first attempt at a plugin, it has turned into a bit of a beast. And this beast needed taming to change how the content was inspected, to simplify adding in additional items to be hidden should it need to be done and also to remove some kludges that were in place to achieve certain things requested over the years. v4.0.1 also includes the following: NEW added ability for audio attachments to be hidden added ability to hide content in Pages database reviews (was already possible with comments) added ability to limit number of Pages database reviews shown when using the 'Hide all content' functionality (was already possible with comments) added ability to hide content in Calendar events/comments/reviews added ability to limit number of Calendar event reviews & comments shown when using the 'Hide all content' functionality content loaded via inline notifications is now processed, and content hidden as configured (see https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/434067-ne-hide-replies-from-guests/?do=findComment&comment=2869307) added ability to suppress the inline 'New replies' notification in topics (if hiding all content & limiting number of replies displayed) added ability to enclose 'Hide all content' message in an "ipsMessage" box CHANGES settings controller name changed to provide uniqueness (note: if administrator restriction has previously been used to restrict access to settings, please revisit to apply restriction again) some minor language string updates removed several redundant language strings FIXES fixed issue with 'Spoiler' account settings impacting ability to hide videos if both spoilers & videos are chosen to be hidden in the content.
  11. Checking my notes from way back when... MariaDB 10.1 was the sweet spot between 3.4.9 & 4.5.x - meaning both versions could run on the SQL server.
  12. Spotted the following in the system logs after upgrading my test site: Just run through the same on localhost and this is core_statistics before the upgrade: Post-upgrade, same errors in the system logs:
  13. Yep, it will be added in. Some other stuff came up that I needed to get done but this one is next on my list. Hold off until I release the new version.
  14. Try dropping down to a supported version of PHP - 8.0.x
  15. Oh, interesting - I don't recall the hiding of the groups being tied to the 'default...' setting, so I see the confusion. I'll have a think...
  16. Either/or If you set 'Basic'... Usergroup 1 will have access to it, so it will be used. Usergroup 2 won't have access to it, so can't use it - so 'Gold' will be used. If you set 'Gold'... Usergroup 2 will have access to it, so it will be used. Usergroup 1 won't have access to it, so can't use it - so 'Basic' will be used.
  17. Well, yes...you have to have at least one theme set as your default, and it will be set to those who have access to it via the "Available for" field below it. If someone doesn't have access to that theme, but instead has access to another theme (and that is the only theme they have access to) then they should get that theme. And then, if you want to force a theme to a group right away, overriding what they have chosen...use the option to do so:
  18. The dropdown displays the themes that the user has access to - so edit your themes and change the groups that have access to them. Repeat until the only theme available to the group is the one you want them to use.
  19. Easy to reproduce on here - upload a file and click it to insert into a post, link is missing the key Number field 1.0.0.xml But don't click the uploaded file, and instead allow it to be inserted by the 'Submit' process...link is fine. Number field 1.0.0.xml
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