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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Log in to your ACP and go to the Marketplace section, then search for the resource. You then can buy and install it directly from in there.
  2. In that case, I'd be checking if there is a conf_global.php file in the root that contains SQL information
  3. Use the correct login details for your SQL server/database.
  4. Which is wrong - you need to follow the instructions under the box, and provide the FULL tracking code provided by Google, similar to my third image
  5. Like this? If so, then you've probably done this: instead of populating the actual code needed - minor example, not showing you my whole information:
  6. What language is it? I think Polish. You'll notice that there is translation being done - look at the English content in the quote changing. Anyway, similar situation to this one: There is more English content in the post (it's in the quote) than there is Polish, so the API detects it as English. Not really much I can do about that, but I'll keep it in mind next time I do some work on the application.
  7. Have you enabled status updates on your own profile, on the front-end?
  8. Try this out, at your own risk...template edit: Open forums -> front -> forums -> forumDisplay Find the following: {{if \IPS\forums\Forum::getMemberView() === 'grid'}} <div class='ipsPadding' data-role="forums"> <div class='ipsForumGrid'> {{foreach $forum->children( 'view' ) as $childforum}} {template="forumRow" group="index" app="forums" params="$childforum, TRUE"} {{endforeach}} </div> </div> {{else}} <ol class="ipsDataList ipsDataList_zebra ipsDataList_large ipsAreaBackground_reset"> {{foreach $forum->children( 'view' ) as $childforum}} {template="forumRow" group="index" app="forums" params="$childforum, TRUE"} {{endforeach}} </ol> {{endif}} Change it to: <ol class="ipsDataList ipsDataList_zebra ipsDataList_large ipsAreaBackground_reset"> {{foreach $forum->children( 'view' ) as $childforum}} {template="forumRow" group="index" app="forums" params="$childforum, TRUE"} {{endforeach}} </ol> Save the template.
  9. I am providing the developer with a link to the topic which has lead to you asking them the question you have asked - it gives the developer the background to why you asked the question. Simply that, nothing else.
  10. ? My point: you asked a dev if something could be done, I have provided the background to why the question was asked
  11. Would help to provide the background for the request, as codec issues are a minefield:
  12. v2.1.0 is pending approval... FIXES Fixed issue where the "The following limits are in place" notice would be displayed even if no limits were imposed NEW Limitations on the number of videos has been explanded to allow limits on: total number of videos is now a check of the content in the editor as well as any videos which have been uploaded but not yet added to the content in the editor number of attached video files (checks the uploaded files under the editor) number of remotely linked video files (checks the content in the editor) Limitations on the number of images has been explanded to allow limits on: total number of images is now a check of the content in the editor as well as any images which have been uploaded but not yet added to the content in the editor number of attached images files (checks the uploaded files under the editor) number of remotely linked image files (checks the content in the editor) Limitations can now be placed on the number of attached audio files (checks the uploaded files under the editor) (note: IPS 4.6.8 and higher only) Limitations can now be placed on the number of other attachments (checks the uploaded files under the editor) CHANGES None
  13. @Adriano Faria - send me a link to a test site and I'll take a look at the CSS on that one.
  14. It's not an issue with my application, therefore I cannot give you a workaround (if it was an issue, I would fix it)
  15. Also, of interest, I uploaded that very same file from your own test post - twice. Player displays fine - but look at the HTML code that is displayed instead: <video class="ipsEmbeddedVideo" controls="" data-controller="core.global.core.embeddedvideo" data-fileid="110796" data-unique="byou12hql"> <source type="video/quicktime" src="https://domain.com/community/uploads/monthly_2022_03/sample_960x540.mov.a545b66d4c0838907d2d3d31f0ddf688.mov"><a class="ipsAttachLink" href="https://domain.com/community/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=110796&amp;key=626d460192124c8f8029e997b730e948" data-fileid="110796" data-fileext="mov" rel="">sample_960x540.mov</a> </source></video> See the type="video/quicktime", whereas in your test post it is type="video/mpeg"? (both of my test posts were added using a desktop browser - Firefox - and it is able to play the files. However, if I open Chrome then it displays in a similar way as your test post (I expect that with Chrome - see the previous page, or before, for a previous discussion about this behaviour)
  16. @abobader Thanks for the login details. I suggest that you disable my application (which I've done) and access that test post of yours again, as the issue you are seeing also occurs with my application disabled. The player being presented is the IPS embedded functionality - here is the code in the HTML of the page: <video class="ipsEmbeddedVideo" controls="" data-controller="core.global.core.embeddedvideo" data-fileid="110793" data-unique="jbut9v9lk"> <source type="video/mpeg" src="https://domain.com/community/uploads/monthly_2022_03/sample_960x540.mov.0fab6b30d1a7b3ec2303b6a49a633e5c.mov"><a class="ipsAttachLink" href="https://domain.com/community/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=110793&amp;key=0b76b4bfb3c5bbbabf9d7092a8d34b63" data-fileid="110793" data-fileext="mov" rel="">sample_960x540.mov</a> </source></video> If you load the page and observe, you will very briefly see a player displayed; then it displays as the link. Why? Because the browser likely believes that it cannot play the file, and therefore reverts to the anchor element of the code above: <a class="ipsAttachLink" href="https://domain.com/community/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=110793&amp;key=0b76b4bfb3c5bbbabf9d7092a8d34b63" data-fileid="110793" data-fileext="mov" rel="">sample_960x540.mov</a> This is how the HTML video tag is expected to behave when a browser is unable to play the source file - it reverts to the link (if one is included)
  17. This application hasn't been responsible for displaying a player since IPS 4.3 came out - that is when IPS added their own support for adding a player for uploaded and supported videos. Can't remember if I may have something in there that adds support for video extensions that IPS doesn't support natively - but the ones they (IPS) support are: 'mp4', '3gp', 'mov', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'flv', 'webm', 'wmv', 'avi', 'm4v' I will take a look for you to see IF my application is doing something that it shouldn't be doing - provide me with a link to a post etc on your site which contains an uploaded MOV or FLV file, please (if it isn't guest viewable, then send me somelogin credentials via PM)
  18. Is the MOV file remotely linked or is it locally attached?
  19. @Marc Stridgen I suggest you do a brand new test install, and see if you can set up the REST API. I had same issue after re-installing my test site, and ensuring I had friendly URLs enabled, and knew that (unless something has changed) I needed to place a htaccess file in the API folder. Problem is: there appears to be nowhere on the API section where I can download the file. So I grabbed the file from my live site, job sorted.
  20. "An activity stream of things you decided to follow (clubs, topics, member status, events, etc)" https://invisioncommunity.com/discover/followed-content/
  21. No worries - if you have FTP access, you can fix it quickly as follows: Edit applications\neappoembedmanager\extensions\core\GroupForm\NeappOembedManager.php Find the following: $myData['oe_captivate'] = $values['neapp_oembedmanager_captivate']; Add the following after it: $myData['oe_allow_internal'] = $values['neapp_oembedmanager_allow_internal']; Save the file You will then be able to edit your groups and set the relevant setting correctly.
  22. Nothing to do with 4.6.11 - the setting wouldn't have been working in any IPS versions if a group was edited after installation of v2.0.0 of the application. v2.0.1 has been submitted for approval FIXES Fixed issue with 'Embed internal links?' setting not saving when editing a group, defaulting back to disabled and causing internal embedding to be disabled for that group CHANGES None NEW None
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