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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. You've said 'Before' twice now, and now 'recently' - before what? how recently? An upgrade of IPS software? If so, from what version to which version? If 4.5.x to 4.6.x then audio embed was added in 4.6.x, changing the precious "it's just an attachment, here's the link' behaviour to "here is the player", just like when video embed was added in IPS 4.4.x (happy to be wrong, it's late) If so then I can revisit this again later in the week:
  2. You have quoted from the opening post, which was relevant for the original plugin version. That information is no longer relevant to the application version. I'll test it out later.
  3. There are per-group settings available which alleviate some of that 'everything goes'
  4. Try looking again - here it is on mobile, after clicking the search button: It's in a similar position (tabbed) on desktop
  5. The prompt is up to the browser, not the site. The site makes the manifest available, the browser responds.
  6. Cool - keep an eye on https://www.deepl.com/pro-account/usage to see how you are doing on the character usage - and remember, I've built in caching on this one so that each item that is translated is done once and then subsequent requests by users are pulled from the database instead.
  7. Yes, Google charges for most of their Cloud APIs - their pricing specifically for Translation API is here: https://cloud.google.com/translate/pricing The API used by this application is the 'Basic' API. Use the DeepL API instead, and sign up for the free version to start off with - 500,000 characters a month, free. In the MP listing, I'm going to expand the already provided information about the APIs used to clearly indicate that there are potential costs involved - providing the existing links is obviously not enough)
  8. v1.3.0 is pending approval NEW Added a new setting to allow easy modification of the version number for the Facebook code, as and when FB release a new version.
  9. v2.1.0 is pending approval CHANGES 'Separate' functionality added to 'Questions' forums (was a feature of the original 'Separate' plugin) 'Collapse' functionality added to 'Questions' forums (was a feature of the original 'Collapse' plugin, as a result of the separation) 'Separate' functionality added to the 'Condensed view' of the Forums 'Fluid' topic listing (was a feature of the original 'Separate' plugin) NEW 'Collapse' functionality added to the 'Condensed view' of the main 'Fluid' topic listing in Forums (disabled by default) 'Separate' & 'Collapse' functionality added to the 'Expanded view' of the main 'Fluid' topic listing in Forums (disabled by default) 'Separate' & 'Collapse' functionality added to the 'Fluid' view of a forum
  10. Revert the template please, first of all. If still an issue, then I will take a closer look (tomorrow)
  11. Explain how you did this, as it will probably make the answer easier.
  12. As previously stated... As mentioned before, as with the 'Translate this topic' option - the current areas are not always visible and I am not going to continue trying to kludge things for the existing locations, because I can't guarantee how it may affect other plugins/applications. I have added the 'Positioning' options so that you can choose a different location for the menus.
  13. v1.4.0 is pending approval FIXES fixed issue where translating a record in Pages wasn't translating the record title CHANGES removal of theme hook modification added in v1.3.3 NEW added a 'Menu styling' tab in Settings 'Translate'/'Translate this topic' menus can now be displayed as buttons, if you wish 'Translate'/'Translate this topic' text can be replaced with a Font Awesome icon, if you wish added a 'Menu positioning' tab in Settings 'Translate this topic' menu, in topics, can now be displayed in 3 different locations 'Translate' menu, in calendar events, can now be displayed in 2 different locations 'Translate' menu in comments (Forums/Calendar) can now be displayed in 4 different locations within the comment container Note: if you have modified the HTML templates for this application, you should revert them to ensure that you are using the updated versions. I'll take a look at the structure of this and see how it fits with my existing code. This will be looked at further when v1.5.0 is being worked on.
  14. Upcoming v1.4.0 already has options for different locations for the translation menu. You can customise your own installation if you wish, right now - template edit, or even add your HTML to the language string for 'Translate' Going forward - I won't provide ability to upload an image. But I may provide an option for you to use an FA icon - so, please peruse the available FA icons and tell me which one you think it's a suitable icon to convey 'Translation' to an end-user...maybe this one? (don't suggest one that is available in a later version of FA - this application is built with the stock IPS software in mind, and that currently supports FA 4.7)
  15. v2.0.0 is currently pending approval NEW Plugin has been converted to an application Application no longer provides only the 'Collapse' functionality of the plugin version, but now also provides similar 'Separation' functionality to the plugin it was originally created to extend Note: the original separate pinned topics plugin is no longer available for purchase, and is also not officially compatible with IPS 4.6 Permission added to control forums in which the separation of pinned topics from other topics is performed. Permission modified to control forums in which separation and collapsing/expanding of pinned topics is performed. Added setting to allow control over the transition effect used (previously was just simple hide/show possible, now has a Fade In/Fade Out option)
  16. Yep, edit forums -> front -> topics -> topic and change this line: <div class='ipsPageHeader ipsResponsive_pull ipsBox ipsPadding sm:ipsPadding:half ipsMargin_bottom'> to this: <div class='ipsPageHeader ipsResponsive_pull ipsBox ipsPadding sm:ipsPadding:half ipsMargin_bottom' data-ipsSticky>
  17. Have you tried using the search? (Because it works)
  18. I'll take a look at the structure of this and see how it fits with my existing code.
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