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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. The specific reason that causes an issue is because it itself has a dependency of the XML plugin being installed - so make sure you install that too (just tested, fixes the problem) Also...make sure that the plugin you are installing is compatible with the version of ckeditor in use (IPS 4.6.8 uses CKEditor 4.16.2)
  2. OK - nice idea, I'll add it in. v1.1.0 is pending approval: NEW Added a setting to control display of the chat plugin in specific applications only (defaults to all applications, and includes 3rd-party apps) FIXES None CHANGES None
  3. Probably, yep. Clarification - a certain page ONLY, or all pages within the Store (therefore at the application level)?
  4. Do you mean their ID in the database? If so, it's the numbers in the following: https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/596365-bankfodder/
  5. That might be doable, so I'll look at it for the next update.
  6. Are they 3rd-party applications? If so, contact the developer of the application.
  7. No problem - no issue at all there with clearing the cache, it's sometimes a necessary evil with theme hooks. Enjoy.
  8. What is it This adds Facebook's "Chat plugin" functionality to your site, allowing your configured visitors to initiate Facebook Chats with your Facebook page. How? Simple - it adds the code provided by Facebook to your theme without the need to edit the theme itself. All you have to do is provide your Facebook Page ID to the plugin's settings. But how do I do that? Well, first you do the following (correct at the time of posting this, and will be updated as and when Facebook change their instructions): Go to your Facebook page In the 'Manage Page' column, locate and click 'Settings' In the 'Page settings' column, click 'Messaging' Scroll to the 'Add Messenger to your website' section, and click 'Get Stared' On the resulting page, you should be in the 'Chat plugin' section. Click 'Set up' and then follow the prompts to: Set your language Add your site domain Copy the code (you'll need this soon) Paste the code (just pretend you've done it, click 'Finish') You can configure the chat plugin further, if you wish, via the 'Customise your Chat plugin' section Then you look at that copied code, find the line that contains the 'page_id' chatbox.setAttribute("page_id", "123445523342432376"); The series of numbers in there is, surprise surprise, your Facebook Page ID: 123445523342432376 So copy it and add it in the relevant field in the plugin settings in the ACP.
  9. The previous times I looked at your request, I decided against adding it in to this application and I don't envisage me changing my mind on it - if/when I am doing a new version, I will have a think about it.
  10. Or you set this and login to then disable things... <?php define('RECOVERY_MODE',True);
  11. Right - here's the full set of requirements for the field to be displayed: "Can edit silently?" is set off in the user group The 'Edit log' setting is set to "Log all edits made to content and what has changed" (setting is in Systems -> (Settings) -> Posting -> General (see screenshot)
  12. Are you using a modified record template? I'm not - I don't...just stock functionality, and the setting is there. If you don't have it, then https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/
  13. Then turn it off, as I said... You want the field present then turn off the setting that controls it being hidden.
  14. Might want to check that again: Presence of that field relies on the user's group having the "Can edit silently?" setting turned off.
  15. Is the app listed as "Custom" in the application listing? If so, then Invision will have to assist you with toggling that to be "Marketplace" so that you can upgrade the app.
  16. No need to ask - the app does what the user is requesting.
  17. Like this? My first post - A Test Forum - Invision Community — Mozilla Firefox 2021-11-18 11-56-07.mp4
  18. v2.0.0 is currently pending approval Plugin is now an application Settings from existing plugin will be migrated over to the application Existing plugin will be uninstalled automatically IPS 4.6 now supported Black Friday discount is applied (20% off the original plugin price, 40% off the post-BF application price)
  19. Can we get a "New Calendar Event imported via iCalendar Feed" option added? Currently the "New Calendar Event" does nothing for those...
  20. The language strings are part of the application - these are then available within your own installed languages.
  21. v1.0.3 is currently pending approval FIXES None CHANGES Switching of hard-coded language items to language strings Changed title of "View badges" dialog box to indicate user's name as opposed to "My badges" NEW Added "Show recent badges (if none chosen)?" setting to allow display of badges for those who have not yet made a choice. Option to override user's choice is provided in event that user chooses not to display any badges. Added ability to switch the "View badges" dialog box to a custom template, which exposes the following controls: Ability to show/hide a badge's description, if one exists. Ability to show/hide a badge's earned information. Ability to show/hide the 'Rare' tag on the badge.
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