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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Starting this because they are likely to get lost in the other topic related to the refresh No more 'Create' button? Shame Client area - clicking "Our Community" is pointless, isn't it? (see first screenshot below) Title doing a "John Cena" behind the header (see second screenshot below)
  2. They did make an app, for iOS and Android, in the last couple of years. They are now dead in the water though.
  3. Yeah, that slight increase works out at just over 50% when placed against my previous 6-monthly payment...that's not 'slight'. It's manageable, for me, but don't refer to it as 'slight' You really do get the wrong end of the stick a lot, don't you? And then others pick up on that, and things get lost. Try reading the full statement I made, instead of just quoting 'almost': It most likely puts an end to me purchasing Blogs, is what that means.
  4. You're on the same as my - Forums & Pages, yep? So it's gone from $40 each six months ($80 a year) to $125 a year...$45 increase ($22.50 each six months equivalent). I'm not overly bothered by that...however, it does mean I've got an additional $85 to account for in February. And it almost puts to rest any ideas I had to add Blogs to my package to further develop some of my apps for that application.
  5. Wouldn't it make more sense for this: to point to https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/, instead of https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/406-community-support/
  6. Update on the progress of v1.1.0 of this application: Items 1 & 2 above are proving problematic due to what appears to be a caching issue with some calls I am making to IPS functionality to retrieve topic image information (I'm making use of the 'Topic Summary' functionality to achieve these items) What I am doing works if the correct topic image information is returned, but getting that correct information is the issue. I'm going to keep plugging away on it to see what I can do. Item 3 above is added "for Club forum posts, it creates a placeholder even though there is no attachment" is fixed.
  7. @Philip Krasilnikov again - please post in here if you need support on the application. I do not provide support in the first instance via PM. Provide more detail on the issue (exactly what you have done, clearly indicating what you have clicked on to insert the image), screenshot your settings from the ACP and provide a link to the post in question. Once you have provided that information, I can then perform my own testing with the same settings as you have and then go from there.
  8. v1.1.1 has been submitted for approval FIXES Editing a comment causes an error if the user editing didn't have permissions to create new warnings via the front-end CHANGES None NEW Added account settings option to allow user to choose whether or not to see content warning notices. Setting this to 'No' results in user no longer seeing warnings on content Setting this to 'Yes' results in user seeing warnings on content, with options available as previously to allow hiding/showing of the content itself
  9. v1.2.0 has been submitted for approval FIXES "Allow these groups to enter their own site URLs" setting did not save correctly if no option chosen "Site URLs" ACP controller didn't have a title "User URLs" ACP controller didn't have a title Account settings would fail to load if no site URLs were configured and user was required to choose a URL (as opposed to manually type a URL) by the "Allow these groups to enter their own site URLs" setting CHANGES In user account settings, added a 'None' option to the "Site to open in new tab/window" setting to allow users to NOT select a URL. Minor language string updates NEW Added ability to delete configured URLs, via the "Site URLs" ACP controller if a URL is deleted but has been chosen by a user, the user's setting will be updated to change the URL to the default configured in the application's settings Added ability to delete a user's chosen settings, via the "User URLs" ACP controller
  10. @Philip Krasilnikov This is where you request support for the application, not the reviews. Provide more detail on the issue (exactly what you have done, clearly indicating what you have clicked on to insert the image), screenshot your settings from the ACP and provide a link to the post in question
  11. They will still be logged - and then logged items older than a day will be discarded when background tasks run.
  12. Go to any user account in the ACP and at the top of the screen... Then...
  13. Contact your host and ask them to set the servers default storage engine to InnoDB
  14. Just finishing my testing off... If the site is IN_DEV - all good, setting has an effect in ACP If the site isn't IN_DEV - setting has no effect in ACP I'm out 😄
  15. Ok - not specifically a forum setting but the theme setting. Just been testing it here and this might be a bug - the picture above is from the 4.5 ACP, with a theme set to turn off rounded photos. However, same thing has no effect on 4.6
  16. Rounded photos is a theme setting, and works on front and back-end: I'm not aware of a forum setting that handles this - what do you mean by this? Maybe you have a different front-end theme to the ACP? And the 2 themes have different settings for the rounded photos?
  17. The full package? If you did that then please stop. Do the following: Go to here -> https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addons/plugins/ Search for the addon/plugin you want Download the zip file for version that is compatible with the version of ckeditor on your version of IPS Install the zip as directed previously
  18. Download the addon (everything in the native ckeditor is available for download) from the ckeditor website (https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addons/plugins/ and upload it using the "Add button" button in the ACP. Note: the version of ckeditor in IPS 4.5.x is v4.15 and IPS 4.6.x is v4.16...you'll need to ensure compatibility.
  19. FYI: I've helped someone out over the weekend with fixing an issue with a custom version of this on IPS 4.6, related to issues with links to attachments submitted AFTER upgrade to IPS 4.6.x If anyone has an issue with that specific element (link to attachment no longer working on IPS 4.6) then send me a PM and I'll see if I can help (Note: self-hosted only, as it will require a file edit)
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