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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. So, to clarify - you do not currently have an issue with v1.1.3 of the plugin? If you don't, then great - I just reupload v1.1.4 and it's available for 4.6 users to install from the MP. If you do, then I would like to resolve that before I upload a version that I know has no functional differences from v1.1.3 Just clarify the above (issue/no issue) and I can crack on.
  2. For reference: I have just performed a test on IPS, using the unmodified default IPS theme, and the poll results are hidden as expected in both the topic view and also the widget view: Confirmed on both PHP 7.4.20 & PHP 8.0.7
  3. I'd prefer to understand this before uploading the same version again. Why? v1.1.4 contains NO fixes - nothing. It has been tested by myself against 4.6 and as far as I am concerned it works. So, when you say that it does not work then can you please elaborate and provide more detail? What exactly isn't working? What are your settings? Did you go directly from 4.5.4 (or earlier) to or was there an earlier upgrade to another version of 4.6.x also? What version of PHP are you using? Are you using a custom theme - if so, does your issue also occur with the unmodified default IPS theme? I can then take that information and test more precisely on your situation.
  4. v1.2.0 has been submitted for approval NEW added ability to annoy an IP address (this can only be targeted at guests only, not members - do not request a change to the targeting, it will only be for guests) FIXES Fixed issue with Moderator CP form, where the 'Target' field couldn't be used correctly Screenshots re-uploaded to the resource as they were lost CHANGES ACP controllers have been renamed to avoid conflicts with other controllers with same names minor language string modifications
  5. It's not new. Not sure where you are looking but these are the IPS plugins in ckeditor:
  6. The behaviour is controlled by an IPS specific plugin (ipsimage) not one that is available from ckeditor.com
  7. Highlight the content in the word document, hit your copy option, go to the topic, paste it. That's the obvious answer...but I suspect you are asking because something isn't working. Care to elaborate?
  8. Thank you - so, from that, I can determine that: "Forums" is your default app You have the "Default forum view" setting set to 'Fluid...' in the Forums -> Settings section You have the "Default topic list view" setting set to 'Expanded view....' in the Forums -> Settings section I do not know if the specific forum option I posted previously will have any effect on the sort order of your configuration, as I haven't tested it out to see the effect - but at least others might be able to assist now they know how you have things configured.
  9. How? Is it a Page, showing a topic feed in a block? Is it an activity stream? Maybe show people a link to your site?
  10. Assumption here - your home page is a single forum (if not, explain what your home page is - it might be a listing of several forums, it could be an activity stream etc)
  11. By any chance, are you using an app/plugin that makes changes to the tagging functionality? Reason for asking - on a quick first look, the description for that field doesn't exist in the default language pack.
  12. What's new in v1.0.2? Updated for IPS 4.6 compatibility
  13. Type 'delete' in the search bar in the ACP. Click on "[System] Can delete own content?" then click on the group you wish to allow to be able to do that.
  14. Ok - but when does it NOT work. You say "it works only" but if you need assistance with something then you need to tell us what you are doing, and what you want to happen? Otherwise, it's guess-work on our part.
  15. Your server serves the locale that your browser prefers. So check what your browser is asking for: https://manytools.org/http-html-text/browser-language/
  16. Show a before/after screenshot...based on the code, I would be expecting 'centre' somewhere. What did it look like? what does it look like now?
  17. You mentioned forums twice, so why not use forums? Maybe use club? One per customer? Or driver? Or something? Flesh out your requirements more - what is it that you need? What features would it have?
  18. The above issue is now resolved and v1.0.2 of the application is now available for installation from the Marketplace. Now that this is issue is resolved v1.1.0 will be worked on next and will have the following in it: A little tweak in it to assist with the following situation: First post in a topic has an image Activity Stream is configured to "Show content items only" Entry for the topic, which shows the last reply, doesn't display an image as the last reply doesn't contain an image The tweak I am putting in will allow you to choose to show the image from the first post, or an image from the latest post to contain an image. Issue mentioned can be 'avoided' by using the "Show content items, review and comments" setting instead as that displays an entry for each post from a topic. The linked image used in the stream/search results will be he stored thumbnail of the image, and not the image itself (required a little trickery to figure this one out, as the thumbnail is not available by default) Addition of some extra CSS selectors. An issue reported via PM will be looked into:
  19. Manually download it - pretend you are using 4.4
  20. Well, they should be helping you with this installation issue you are having because it's most likely to be problem on their side.
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