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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. And the true cause is the Safari setting "Request Desktop Website" is on by default. Toggle that off, and the user agent is now iPad. Go Apple!!
  2. This will be likely be down to this https://donatstudios.com/PHP-Parser-HTTP_USER_AGENT
  3. Just looking into a potential sign-in related issue related to iOS/iPadOS 16.5 and signed in to my own site in advance of an upgrade: That was actually an iPad being used there. iPhone reports fine though. Here's an entry from this site:
  4. Tested on Android using Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Edge - the 'thumbnail' is displayed in all. The availability of that image for the video is up to the browser - it's obtained via preloading of the metadata of the video, which gives it the first frame of the video as long as the browser isn't stopping the default preload functionality for the HTML5 <video> tag. Invision's implementation doesn't include the preload attribute on the <video> tag, so it is up to the browser to decide what it wants to do as it isn't being told specifically.
  5. The first image is the forum description. The second image is description, plus the forum's rules:
  6. v2.3.1 is pending approval with a minor addition NEW added an "Add to site's ban settings" option when submitting a report to abuseipdb.com Note: this will add the IP address only - if a report function for email addresses is added at a later point then it will be extended to include email address.
  7. Because at the time, that topic probably existed in the 'Recent Topics' block you have on the pages...therefore the phrase you are searching for is on those topics when they were last indexed.
  8. You're welcome - here's the theory proven...I don't have permission here to post HTML so...
  9. Some observations: The notification contains the text of what was submitted by the user - it's contains what appears to be the embed code provided by Youtube for a video. But checking the post itself - it doesn't contain that code any longer. It now contains the expected Invision embed code The post was edited 8 hours ago by the user. Theory: User posted the code, thinking that was what was needed User realised it displays as text and not as a video User edited the post, and correctly added the URL for the video itself and Invision did its thing.
  10. You should only use use 'Download', as that does what it says on the tin...it downloads the plugin. The other options will add the plugin to an editor, and the resulting download is then the Editor itself. Not surprised if that caused your problems. Regarding this: Edit your globalTemplate in your theme and after this entry: <title>{expression="output.getTitle( $title )"}</title> Add the following (replacing the obvious placeholders with your own information): <script> const OPENAI_KEY = 'YOUR-KEY' const OPENAI_ORG = 'org-YOUR-ORG-KEY' </script>
  11. Installs fine (but you'll likely not be able to use it immediately as it requires additional configuration elements to be put in place, which appear easy enough to put in place) Which button did you press on that page? 'Download' or 'Add to my editor' or 'Build my editor'?
  12. You click the 'Add button' button and upload the zip file for the plugin. Which plugin is it you wish to use? (link)
  13. By clicking the big button?
  14. Tested locally in dev/test and also on my test and live sites... In short...the default key used by Invision has been banned (below test image is from this site, follow up images from my testing) If you pop a var_dump into the giphy function in the Editor module (core\modules\front\system\editor.php) as follows: You get this response: As this isn't picked up by the error check (as it is checking $request['message'], which doesn't exist in that response) it progresses all the way through to "No results to display" as the returned information to the front-end. Fix: switch to a custom key if you are using the default key provided by Invision.
  15. v1.4.0 is now pending approval: NEW Added this and named it "Main site elsewhere" effect on header CHANGES a little grouping juggle of the display of the 'Available tricks' tab in settings
  16. Oh, you could handle it using javascript quite easily. But then someone can easily turn off javascript. Also nothing stopping someone from opening up the developer console and editing the content of the quote that way:
  17. The issue with the resource should be sorted by the following:
  18. v2.2.4 no longer pending; replaced by v2.2.5 FIXES fixed user account settings issue where "Display quotes as" setting would always display as "Fully collapsed" even though a different setting had been chosen prior to saving. fixed issue where a "too many recursions" Javascript error occurs if someone has happened to post a quote within a quote.
  19. @Marc Stridgen hang fire on that - I believe the observed effect may be triggered by "(NE) Quote Enhancements", as the poster is using it (just checked that they have purchased it, and I appear to be able to reproduce the observed effect) I'll look into it when I have some time - in the meantime, @Valtasar disable "(NE) Quote Enhancements" and then edit the post that has the quote in a quote to tidy it up or.. BTW: Yes, you can (if you try to do it manually)
  20. I just sparked up a trial and reproduced that issue immediately...
  21. Thought it was pretty obvious myself, seeing as it is the reason the topic was created. Anyway... The information is incorrect and guides to a location which doesn't exist anymore. it should be AdminCP -> System -> API -> OAuth Clients
  22. IPS need to update a language string there to provide the correct guidance too.
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