Everything posted by Nathan Explosion
(NE) Hide poll results
I am guessing that this is what you are doing: Toggled off the "All forums" checkbox (which will reveal the "Hide poll results in these topics" setting) No forums have been selected in the "Hide poll results in these forums (including clubs)" setting You have then set a specific topic in the "Hide poll results in these topics" setting Save The "All forums" option is enabled. Please confirm if that is correct.
(NE) Hide poll results
I'll take a look over the next few days. Interesting idea - I'll have a think on this for the next time I'm doing a design review.
(NE) Delete notifications
Currently pending approval...
[4.7.11 Beta 1] Word expansion issue when using quotes (single or double)
Of interest - try it in Firefox. Works fine in Chrome. (both on Windows 11)
[4.7.11 Beta 1] Word expansion issue when using quotes (single or double)
Nope - do you guys? See video attached, from a demo site - https://q326764.invisionservice.com Posting — Mozilla Firefox 2023-06-06 17-37-09.mp4
Search Engine Optimization : Sitemap
And /api/.htaccess, if it exists.
[4.7.11 Beta 1] Word expansion issue when using quotes (single or double)
Note: tested on earlier versions too; same occurs. Login to the ACP Naigvate to System => (Settings) Posting -> Word Expansion Create an entry Type: Acronym Word: Test Expansion: "Test" Click Save Result: saves fine Edit the entry Click Save Result: Nada, nothing, zilch!! Change expansion to something else: sausage (for example) Click Save Result: Nada, nothing, zilch!! Repeat same with 'test' instead of "test". Posting — Mozilla Firefox 2023-06-06 16-27-58.mp4
Search Engine Optimization : Sitemap
No. but go to the expected URL in the browser (www.domain.com/robots.txt) and you will see the content.
Search Engine Optimization : Sitemap
Search Engine Optimization : Sitemap
[4.7.11 Beta 1] account deletion request as the only admin?
Just because it's a stupid thing to try out doesn't mean someone won't do it...so I did, for s***s and giggles. Set up a new board. Login to front-end as the admin. Go to account settings, request deletion and confirm it via link in email. Go to ACP and approve the now confirmed deletion request. Result: Error displayed in image below Account is deleted and you cannot get in the ACP again as a result. Suggestion: do not make it possible for the ONLY admin on a site to attempt to delete their own account via this method, in the same way as it is not possible for the only admin to delete themselves.
[4.7.11 Beta 1] cancelling a deletion request produces an error when user confirms via email link
Steps to reproduce: Login as User A Go to Account Settings and request deletion Once confirmation email has been sent/received, change your mind and cancel the request Click the 'Confirm deletion' button in the email Result:
[4.7.11] - Account deletion requests
Feedback #1 The current flow is as follows: User requests deletion Email sent User confirms deletion request Admin approves deletion request Account gone I think an "Admin confirms approval of deletion request" step after no.4 above would be useful to guard against accidental clicks on the approve icon. Feedback #2 Manually deleting a user via the Members page produces this asking what to do with the member's content: Approval of the account deletion request doesn't present this, so what will happen to the user's content? Answer: equivalent of "Leave" and then "Anonymize attribution"
Error searching user by e-mail (Cloud)
That was patched a few weeks ago - check for patches on your Support page in the ACP. If you have none available then it may be a reoccurrence of the issue.
Classifieds System
Install Commerce
Animated GIFs button not working
Classifieds System Error
Your call, but you are going to be told the same thing by Invision support.
Classifieds System Error
Post the issue in the support topic for the application.
Site Dysfunctional After Upgrade
Possibly have a custom Pages block in place in the front-end that has code that needs to be updated.
(NE) Box of Tricks
v1.4.1 currently pending approval FIXES fixed issue with settings, caused by enabling the "Order databases in 'Create' menu" functionality, even though no Pages databases exist added some extra checks for the use of the functionality. the checks now include the following: the Pages application is installed (that was already there) at least 2 databases exist in Pages.
(NE) Collapse Blocks
v1.2.0 is currently pending approval. NEW functionality has now been extended to the following administrative areas: the front-end Block Manager Admin Control Panel menus
Configure Manifest Details Missing
I reproduced the same issue by clicking the search result. To get there, click 'Web App"
Getting this error message in the AdminCP
Contact the developer of the Videos application via their support topic
(NE) Mention list enhancements
And they will be looked at when I next work on the app, as already mentioned to you. The next version isn't bug fix only, and requires planning and I work at my own pace.
RSS Feed Import: Video embed in iframe not working
Not much with that, as the domain is facebook.com May need www. but start with the domain first.