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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. No - click the X in the notification to close it. 2 ways...the message doesn't reappear, or you go to your Tasks listing (type tasks in the search bar) and check that tasks have been running since you put the cron in place.
  2. v1.3.0 currently pending approval NEW Font Awesome icon value no longer limited to v4.7 icons, if you use the (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS plugin or the (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS application.
  3. Now you've sorted that DB issue out, have you tried recovery mode again? Also, clear the /datastore folder contents. Report back.
  4. You should be looking at that fatal error - the mySQL database can't be accessed using the credentials that are in the conf_global.php file "Access denied" Fix that.
  5. You'll need to update to that later version that is being indicated then (which is where I guess you are heading anyway)
  6. If you are saving the change, but not seeing a "publish this menu" button then your change isn't really being put in effect. I'm going to include a bigger screenshot to show where the "Publish this menu" button is, just in case you couldn't see it because it was off-screen when you were working on things.
  7. I'd comment on this in the blog entry, but I don't use Cloud so can't join in. Doing something like this: May help towards comments like this one:
  8. v1.2.0 pending approval - that's it for the moment; will take a look at other features/fixes at a later point. FIXES Fixed a numpty issue with saving group settings correctly to the database instead of just the cache. Fixed issue where disabling "Manage 'Create New Stream' permissions" had no effect (only observable if it had previously been enabled AND the groups configuration had been modified from default) NEW Added the following freebies into the box (both previously unavailable via the Marketplace) (NE) Language usage counter (NE) Order databases in "Create" menu
  9. v1.1.0 NEW Plugin converted into an application FIXES Guests group no longer present in settings
  10. It's a free resource - if it doesn't work for you, go ahead and disable the functionality. If I feel the urge, I'll look into those behaviours at a later point
  11. I think you are getting the entirely wrong idea here. "All Activity" is the default stream when you go to /discover The resource doesn't make another stream the new "All Activity" - it simply displays another stream as the default, it doesn't become "All Activity" The settings from your first screenshot are relevant to the "All Acitivity" stream; they are not relevant to other streams so I would expect those items to show up in other streams. Nothing to do with the resource. Not reproducible - it defaults each time to the configured view setting. The only time it doesn't is if the user has themselves chosen to change it via the front-end (by clicking it) If you can provide clear bullet-pointed reproduction steps for that one then I can take a further look, but at this time it's not something I can assist with.
  12. Please note that from now on there will be no new versions of this plugin as a standalone resource. Future releases will now be maintained within the following application:
  13. It literally ONLY does the following "Overrides 'All Activity' as the default stream" - there's nothing else in it. If you want me to look at an issue, then any chance you could give me some reproduction steps to identify what it is that you are doing (as an admin and as a user) or even the settings that you've put in place (that tells me which stream you have chosen to use)
  14. OK - will look into it next time I look at this app.
  15. v1.1.0 is now available FIXES Fixed an installation issue NEW Added the following freebies into the box (both previously unavailable via the Marketplace) (NE) Manage 'Create New Stream' permissions (NE) Override 'All Activity' as default stream
  16. Do you have a .htaccess file in the root of your site? If so, what are the contents?
  17. Nope, it's logically your theme. Most likely missing the "is FutureDate AND canFuturePublish" check that exists in forums -> front -> topics -> topic in the theme.
  18. There is a 'Publish' option available in a topic's moderation actions, for this purpose.
  19. v1.1.0 is currently pending approval NEW Plugin has been converted to an application.
  20. If anyone ever needs it... Every app except Forums. body:not([data-pageModule="forums"]){ }
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