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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. And they will be looked at when I next work on the app, as already mentioned to you. The next version isn't bug fix only, and requires planning and I work at my own pace.
  2. Not much with that, as the domain is facebook.com May need www. but start with the domain first.
  3. I know this is an echo chamber now, but it keeps me happy so @Nathan Explosion, enjoy this... Front-end: Back-end:
  4. The 'Page' tab doesn't appear when editing a database (which is what you are doing) When you created the database, if you left the 'Page' tab at defaults (see screenshot) then you need to manually create a page and add the database to it, via Page Management -> Pages. If you changed the default to "I want to create a new page for this database" then you would have filled out the details for the page and it will be sitting in Page Management -> Pages.
  5. Um, yep. With it now working, I can see that it does put in an iframe via the Javascript so you could try putting typeform.com into the Editor's settings: That's the limit of assistance that I can provide, because it works fine once the obvious issues with the code are fixed as far as I can see.
  6. Oooof....seeing the code...change this: <div data-tf-widget=“XXX” data-tf-opacity=“100" data-tf-iframe-props=“title=Thread/DM Support Immediate Feedback - Mentor Instigated (Es)” data-tf-transitive-search-params data-tf-medium=“snippet” style=“width:100%;height:500px;“></div><script src=“//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js”></script> to this: <div data-tf-widget="XXX" data-tf-opacity="100" data-tf-iframe-props="title=Thread/DM Support Immediate Feedback - Mentor Instigated (Es)" data-tf-transitive-search-params data-tf-medium="snippet" style="width:100%;height:500px;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script> There's no iframe tag in the code, so it's irrelevant
  7. As Typeform isn't a supported oembed I'm going to hazard a guess that your embed code includes an iframe and you need to add the domain to the allowed iframe bases in the Editor settings in the ACP.
  8. FYI: this doesn't do what has been requested by the OP:
  9. Did you try doing what I suggested? the option is one of the answers to the mentioned question I would have included screenshots but I am not near a machine that can access an ACP.
  10. In the ACP, go to your own profile. Click the dropdown arrow beside the 'Posts' indicator at the top and click 'Recount' Then answer the resulting question.
  11. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/473822-giphy-stopped-functioning/?do=getNewComment
  12. Well, yes...it is posted a few posts up, and the plugin that was made for those that don't want to edit the template has since been added to this:
  13. BOOM! Will fix it in next release - until then, your workaround is simply to create a database in Pages.
  14. That is not what I am asking. Do you have Pages installed? yes or no. Within Pages, do you have any databases? Yes or no.
  15. I'm guessing that you have Pages installed, but you don't have any databases - is that correct?
  16. Personally, I think your problem here is the number of videos all on one page...if I scroll REALLY QUICKLY down the page, and then go back up then I can see that some of the preview images have shown and some haven't. But if I scroll slowly then they all load as I scroll. I believe that the default 'preload' value is 'metadata' (so if it is missing then the browser should adhere to that) and that is enough to get the first frame to display it as the preview image. The other options are 'none' (which means no image) and 'auto' (which means the full video is auto-downloaded, ready to be played - you don't want to have that in effect on a page that has so many videos either)
  17. The preload tag? Yep...but I doubt that that is your problem, based on my own testing.
  18. I access the page - nothing special. And seeing as I am playing around with an iPad right now...looks fine in Safari too.
  19. And the true cause is the Safari setting "Request Desktop Website" is on by default. Toggle that off, and the user agent is now iPad. Go Apple!!
  20. This will be likely be down to this https://donatstudios.com/PHP-Parser-HTTP_USER_AGENT
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