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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. You have an 'optional patch available' right there - the 'top-left box' that isn't really a top-left box.
  2. Go to the url in the error and review it? Possibly to do with Google logins, or maybe maps?
  3. You're running an unsupported version of PHP (8.2 isn't supported yet, ignore that tick) for the current version of software. And the mysqli PHP extension appears to not be enabled.
  4. OK - as you didn't that include that information previously, an assumption had to be made based on what you did provide. Stil...run the requirements checker to check all is well. If you are sticking with old versions of the suite (might be a good idea to say what version it is) & php for the moment, you will need to run an earlier version of the checker. I believe this one should be good: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/?changelog=24577
  5. Well, that's most definitely not going to work if you are using the latest version of the suite. If you've changed to 8.0 or 8.1, you really should run the requirements checker to ensure all is well before even attempting to troubleshoot further.
  6. Yup - works OK with main record and reviews, not comments. Front-end view:
  7. Have you created your own key and implemented it? Because that is now the requirement.
  8. Notification list here... Received on my device, via Push... same phrasing, but also the incorrect name of the person who posted the solution.
  9. To not show on your own profile page - the above. Not 100% sure that there is a specific setting a user can enable to not show themselves on other profiles, outside of going anonymous.
  10. v1.2.0 is now pending approval. NEW Plugin has been converted into an application (as of unreleased v1.1.0) Editor fields in dialog boxes are now supported (v1.2.0)
  11. If unsure, provide a screenshot of what you currently have set for the 'Type' of each of those forums/categories, as well as the permissions for each of them. Let people see how you have them configured currently.
  12. They (General Copy and General Copy 2) are not in a category, so they won't show up until you put them in one ('General') or you create a new one and make it their parent category. 'General' and 'Personal Projects' - ensure that 'General' is set to be viewable by checking the permissions set for it.
  13. In the absence of any information about your device OS and browser name... Here's how to do it on Android.... In Chrome tap the 3-dot menu in the top-right and deselect 'Desktop site' In Firefox tap the 3-dot menu in the bottom-right or the top-right (depends on what you have set in Settings -> Customise -> Toolbar) and deselect 'Desktop site' If you are using iOS, someone else can suggest how to do it (might be a good idea to provide browser name, in case you aren't using Safari)
  14. Before you dive into the above, let's clarify what you are seeing. What you should see when editing a theme currently is: Front-end templates Custom CSS What you won't see is the following: Back-end templates Application CSS If you are not seeing what you should be seeing, then maybe you've got a problem that needs to be looked into. If you are seeing what you should be seeing, then dive on into the topic.
  15. v2.0.1 is now pending approval Fixes fixed a display issue with the "Hide poll results in these forums" setting where the "All forums" checkbox would be enabled even though not actually configured. the "Hide poll results in these topics" setting will now suggest only topics with polls. Changes minor language string updates
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