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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Yeah, I think that stopped working a while ago (used to use it - but it may be browser-specific)
  2. If it is an existing quote block then on desktop/laptop you can select the block and copy/paste it ..then edit the contents to remove irrelevant text in both boxes.
  3. Pretty sure you had someone reporting something similar on their own site recently too. Here's my current unread stream - I've read that top one (all pages of comments) a few times since that last post made.
  4. Any questions on the above, use your Invision support channels: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-technical-problems/
  5. Have you thought that maybe they are just using your RSS feeds? No knowledge of your site, or the other one, so can't check if you have them enabled. But if you do then...
  6. A possibility is that someone requested a deletion (triggering a notification) and then cancelled it. Maybe it's not tidied up, and just disassociated the member from the notification as opposed to removed the notification.
  7. I already have, if I decide to continue developing them - as I mentioned. I'm adding a callback to the $customValidationCode for a text field, to validate it - as I mentioned. Unfortunately, based on the information provided thus far, a few projects I'm working on are now dead in the water. When more information is made available, maybe they'll be resuscitated but I can't proceed with them (at this time) in all good conscience without the bigger picture.
  8. Thank you - that's several project dead in the water then.
  9. Hypothetical question - let's say I've created a hook on \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text and added in something to be used as the $customValidationCode callback. Will that be possible using the new tools you are currently planning to provide in v5? Note: I'm aware that I can probably do something JS to do this in a different way - but I'm just looking for a Yes/No answer on the above question, as it will help me make an immediate decision on something.
  10. A quick look at the resource itself suggests yes...
  11. On the default theme, that setting removes the loading of the webfont from Google... Before: After: Maybe an issue with your theme then? If so...check the includeCSS template in your theme, which contains the code for those highlighted lines.
  12. Is that the time that an automated backup of your site's database takes place?
  13. An additional item added to v1.6.0 NEW "MFA login filters on Members table"
  14. Jeff...instead of using the 'sign is as...' function in the ACP, why not try actually logging in as them using their actual credentials? One is not like the other (sign is doesn't actually log you in as them, it simulates it for you)
  15. It's as indicated - usernamepassword The other question...you'll have to try it out to know, or ask Google themselves. I don't use AdSense
  16. v1.6.0 is currently pending approval NEW "External login filters on Members table" CHANGES Little moving around of settings in the ACP, because them not being properly alphabetical was annoying me (cue one still being out of order)
  17. Ah well - it looks like their language string doesn't match up to the ways the others work then. I might look into it if I loop this into Box of Tricks.
  18. Give this a go - adds a filter for each enabled external login method.
  19. Before I go off digging into this one further, I am just curious as to whether this is yourselves performing these requests on my site: IP addresses are Amazon AWS, the API Key used doesn't exist on my site and the request data is: { "query": "query Stats { core { stats { contentCount, memberCount } } }" } Thanks
  20. Jeff - thanks for posting this here, you'll get more assistance this way (plus, I'm a few cans deep into several hence why I wasn't in a position to help) However..one thing about the "Sign in as" functionality. You need to be signed in as yourself (the same account as in the HACP) to be able to then sign in as someone else. Please ensure you are logged in as yourself on the front end before trying to use that "Sign in as" functionality.
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