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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v1.5.0 is pending approval NEW Click to view password added support for Account Settings -> Password added support for Account Settings -> Security and Privacy New trick - "Require message on report" enable this to turn the Report form's optional editor into a required field
  2. They are Cloud only features, so if you are self-hosted you won't be able to get them. If you are Cloud hosted then you may not be on a plan that allows you to use them.
  3. Look what I can do... How to reproduce (do exactly as described...noother clicking elsewhere) on Firefox (Windows): Log into the site as a Member account (won't work if you are an Admin because you can't change your password there!!) Go to Account Settings Click the 'Password' entry in the left menu Click into the 'New password' field Click on any other entry in the left menu Click the 'Password' entry in the left menu Click into the 'New password' field Scroll down Tada - you got one in the corner. Repeat steps 5 to 7 again Scroll down. Tada - 2 in the corner. It appears a bit easier in Chrome (Windows): Log into the site as a Member account (won't work if you are an Admin because you can't change your password there!!) Go to Account Settings Click the 'Password' entry in the left menu Click into the 'New password' field Scroll down Tada - 1 in the corner. Click on any other entry in the left menu Click the 'Password' entry in the left menu Click into the 'New password' field Scroll down Tada - 2 in the corner Tested on earlier versions too - it's not specific to Have I disabled customisations? This test instance is my "Control" and zero customisations are made to it.
  4. Which would make it the administrators list 😉 This one has been here since the dawn of time, never thought of it as a bug myself but good to see it may get sorted.
  5. That answers the question, surely? Anyway...reproduced.
  6. Find the language string for menutab__members_icon and ensure it is set to user
  7. You have to populate that field with the tag for cookies.
  8. Because you can't renew via the ACP. Go here and renew https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/
  9. https://invisioncommunity.com/search/?&type=core_members&joinedDate=any&group[5]=1 Change the 5 to the ID of the group. Found via Member Search on https://invisioncommunity.com/search/
  10. Popup reloading here on IPS - Feedback - Invision Community — Mozilla Firefox 2023-06-21 15-36-41.mp4
  11. Or edit the template in the ACP... at <APP> -> Front -> Widgets Upcoming Events = Calendar -> Front -> Widgets -> upcomingEvents Members = Core -> Front -> Widgets -> members (note that "Today's Birthdays" is the title you gave that block, not the actual name of the block)
  12. Thanks, that answers the question better, and would explain why you have chosen not to list those indicated items in the function in core.
  13. Just to clarify...the question was: Is the response 'Yes'? Note: no trick "next question" incoming.
  14. Taking a look at this and noticing that it really does only list cookies Based on that, have you determined that the use of HTML5 local storage is exempt from needing to obtain consent from users? For example:
  15. But using Daniel's suggestion you could get the value using that code, add it as a data attribute to something in a template and then grab that using JS code up front. A few more lines of code though.
  16. Grab a cookie... var view = ips.utils.cookie.get('ips4_forum_view');
  17. If I read the above correctly, you will want to be using a Codemirror helper, and not a Text helper. A quick look at system\Theme\Theme.php for the theme_simple_header_settings and theme_simple_footer_settings fields gives the answer.
  18. v1.1.0 is currently pending approval NEW added ability to allow users to pick a date range for the deletion of notifications. if allowing users to also choose applications then a date range per application will be available to the user. added a setting to display an indicator, which updates when the user chooses applications and/or changes date ranges, and indicates the number of notifications which will be deleted based on those choices. added a setting to display the "Are you sure?" description as a warning instead. CHANGES The 'Guests' group is no longer selectable in Settings. added the number of deleted notifications to the "Notifications have been deleted" feedback. Change the confirmation form's checkboxes to "Yes/No" toggles. FIXES fixed an issue where the breadcrumb on the 'Delete notifications' page didn't link to a controller. fixed an issue where the breadcrumb on the 'Delete notifications' page didn't display a friendly URL when hovering over the link. added missing restrictions language strings
  19. If you mean that when they click on the GIF button in the editor, then they can't search for GIFs...no reasons why. But if you mean that they don't sse the GIF button in the editor, then ensure that they have permissions to see it via ACP, go Customizaton -> (Editor) Toolbars and click on the GIF button to assign/remove groups. Something else? Elaborate.
  20. See video for what this likely refers to - on a device where the "accept cookie" button has been clicked, the cookie bar still appears for a brief moment on page refreshes and then is hidden. And here is how it can be reproduced: Enable the cookie bar for guests Clear cookies and go to the site as a guest Cookie bar appears - accept cookies Login Refresh page - all is well. Clear cookies again and go to the site as a guest When the cookie bar appears, do not click either button Login to the site If/when the cookies bar appears, accept cookies Refresh the page - there's your cookie bar briefly. Tested on Firefox & Chrome on Windows 11. Forums - YNWA.TV (Test site) — Mozilla Firefox 2023-06-19 11-26-28.mp4
  21. @Marc Stridgen - I'm going to start a new topic about the "cookie popup issue" so that you have more details on it outside of the "there is a momentary appearance of the cookie bar" that has been provided so far.
  22. Ha...you should stop expecting, because software has bugs regardless of the creator. If you are someone running a site then should TEST the upgrade to see the effects it may have. If you don't then suffer the consequences. My advice to you going forward would be that if you are not testing then wait a week before jumping in the pool.
  23. You upgraded early too though so... Not trying to win any points here. Point fingers wherever but at the end of the day, the decision to upgrade is your own and should always be based on your own testing. If on Cloud, let someone else suffer first. If self-hosted, test because you can. I am sticking on 4.7.10 for the moment - I tested 4.7.11 beta 1, reported stuff i found, saw those were fixed in beta 2 and then final appeared. It's the weekend so I am not touching the final release.
  24. Have you also installed the patches' patch? Test. Test again. Test further. Some of these issues may have been found if Invision ate their own dog food (enabled on here the new functionality) but unfortunately you also have to do your own testing. If on Cloud, you are in a bind there, but if classically self-hosted then make use of a test site BEFORE you upgrade your main site.
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