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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Done in dev - will test it over the next few days and release an update once done.
  2. If you have Pages, create a custom block using Manual HTML and add the following code in the content (if your existing language isn't English then change the 'en' element - https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages) <div id="google_translate_element"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement( {pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element' ); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script> Once created, drag it in place onto your site: Be aware that sometimes Google decide to make that unavailable.
  3. Great, thanks - did a quick test and reproduced. It's all down to ONLY having the re-ordering functionality enabled - didn't envisage that someone would exclusively use that when I put it in, as everyone previously using the resource would have been using either the "Separate" or "Separate & collapse" functionality. Leave it with me, I'll have a think about how to exclusively allow reorder only.
  4. OK - just basing it on the other outputs they have provided.
  5. You should be doing your checking against the following instead, as this is the FQDN of the endpoint the suite connects to... remoteservices.invisionpower.com
  6. A forfeited vote is still counted as a vote:
  7. Nope. that setting controls PROMOTION of content to your site's social media. If you want users to do that, crack on and give them permission to do so. But that is not what you want to do if you just want your users to be able to SHARE a link on their own social media via the sharing options. Control over visibility of the various sharing options is via this area: And finally...if the content is not viewable by a Guest then the sharing options won't be visible regardless of what you set in those permissions.
  8. @IndianaJoe - send me a PM if you would like to test something out.
  9. Option 1 - from the topic listing...when prompted after clicking the indicated icon, select the topic that you wish to keep (that would be the existing topic, in your case...not the new one) and then click Merge. Option 2: Go to the new topic Copy its URL from the address bar Go to the old topic When prompted, paste the copied URL into the provided field and click Merge.
  10. Can you provide screenshots of your currently configured settings for the application, please?
  11. Nope - that specific setting control permissions to PROMOTE to social media. Sharing is an option available via that dropdown on each content item - topic/post etc - and is available if Guests can access the content.
  12. If you don't have it available then enable Guest viewing of the content. Don't give them them permission to do so.
  13. Here it is The already enabled toggle is for notifications within the ACP - so is it understandable that they may have been missed if you were not aware that they were there? Just to be 100% sure - did you toggle the 'No' in the select to a 'Yes' so that you could determine if the email notification works? If you are not getting notifications at all then it's best to get this looked into as a bug, as opposed to feedback (as the functionality is already there, but maybe not working) - but make sure.
  14. Give this a try... (NE) Post anonymously checked 1.0.0.xml
  15. Don't install via ACP - download it (choose 4.3 or 4.4 as your version)
  16. OK, I'll bite.. I'm not expecting anything - I never do. Which "you" didn't on this occasion hence me raising my confusion here... Nope, all it says is that that an email conversation has been started - with no actual conversation in it. Ah, there's the bit that explains things...and if it had been sent in a follow-up email then all confusion would have been cleared up. Now, if you are referring to this in my reply as causing your own confusion: I posted my comment twice previously, via the PWA - it appeared briefly, then disappeared. I then posted it a third via a browser, with the added note, and it remained. Hence my comment.
  17. Then follow it up as such? Note: this is my third attempt posting this, in case it appears multiple times (possible PWA issue, we'll see)
  18. A bit of feedback on the above... I received an email titled "Re: Future publish topics can be seen" with the following content: I am assuming that this is because a ticket might have been opened for the above report, but I am guessing on that because there isn't anything in this topic or the email to explain why I received the email. More detail, the better.
  19. Reproducible. Log in as an account with permissions to future publish. Create a topic, do what is needed (no point in me going in to detail) Log out Log in as a normal user Go to the profile of the account used to post the topic Click 'See their activity' Click on 'Topics' Result: you don't see the topic....phew!! (image 1 below) Now click on 'Posts' Whoopsie!!! (image 2 below)
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