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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. This is reproducible, based on the information provided. You'll need 3 user accounts: 2 'Members' who can create records in the database and a 'Moderator' or 'Administrator' who can view the unapproved records. Login as Member 1 Create and submit a new record in a database that requires approval of new records Confirm you see that the record is pending approval (icon next to title) Logout Login as Member 2 Confirm you cannot see that new record Logout Login is Administrator Edit the new record, change the existing publishing date to a future time, save the record Confirm you can see that the publishing date has been set (icon next to title - note that approval icon not displayed anymore too) Logout Login as Member 2 Confirm you cannot see the new record Logout Login as Administrator Approve the record Confirm you can still see that the publishing date has been set (icon next to title) Logout Login as Member 2 You can now see the approved record Tested on 4.7.10
  2. OK - I've dug a copy of the plugin out and taken a few minutes to check the code and the answer to this: ...is most likely a 'no', and looking back to v4.6.x I doubt it was working back then too.
  3. Well, I read all that as being specific to the email validation element, and the information back on the registration section indicates that too: "Email validation (but not administrator validation) is bypassed if the user signs in with a login handler which provides an allowed email address." Here's my point - if you have the registration setting enabled to require admin validation and it's not working then I wouldn't be posting it here in feedback...I'd be raising it as a support issue if it's not working in the way my images indicate it does.
  4. I'm a little confused on this one, as the following is stated in the registration settings: "These settings apply to all new accounts, both those created from the standard registration form and through other login methods." So I've just tested out signing up using the Google authentication method and I get this as the user: And there is the user awaiting admin approval in the ACP: Is this functionality not working for you then? Maybe I'm missing something here?
  5. Have you run the current version of the ips4.php file on your installation, post-switching to PHP 8.x, and confirmed that all is good?
  6. They'll get pruned if there is no reply to the reply...
  7. Here's your starter... Edit the following template in your theme: core -> front -> global ->commentRecognized Add the following at the start of the template: {{if($comment->recognized->badge)}} {{$badge = \IPS\core\Achievements\Badge::load($comment->recognized->badge );}} {{endif}} Then add this where you want the badge displayed: {{if ISSET($badge)}} {$badge->html()|raw} {{endif}} That will give you a full size badge - experiment with the following to change the size....range is 1 (small) to 8 (large) {{if ISSET($badge)}} {$badge->html('ipsFlex-flex:00 ipsDimension:4', FALSE, TRUE)|raw} {{endif}}
  8. Pretty sure I sent it to you previously and we had a discussion about all that. Anyway... Do I still have it? Yep, somewhere on a backup. Does it still work on the latest? No idea - I don't use it, and several years ago it became difficult to test it on the adsense site to confirm it was working "AdSense Crawler plugin" - it's not an adsense crawler plugin. It's a security-weakening plugin that removes CSRF check on a specific account that is then used by you to configure a Adsense to login. Someone who still uses can comment on no.2 above and advise if it still works - if it does, then I'll dig it out when I've got time to look through backups and send it over.
  9. While there is no 'need', we can do it if we wish though - I've had the time in April to do this, so getting something that I've planned anyway out of the way. Makes it easier for me.
  10. Is it normal? It depends on whether the application is designed to do the deletion. If it is, and it doesn't delete, then discuss it with the developer. Should I delete the plugins? Yep - if the application is replacing a plugin, crack on...but maybe talk to the developer to confirm? One point - the method I use to delete a plugin, provided to me by another developer, works beautifully. And it is a queued task, not an instantaneous task - if you check the plugin listing immediately after the application installation then there is a possibility that the plugin is still there. So maybe check your background queue task has run...and if the plugins haven't gone then, talk to the developer.
  11. v1.3.0 is currently pending approval. NEW Added the following freebies into the box (NE) Hide advertisements from search engines (NE) Additional Pages media types (NE) Remove 'Newsletter' from notification settings This one actually ended up in (NE) User annoyance ages ago.
  12. Because when you first purchased it, it has a renewal fee enabled. That's because Invision don't display the renewal information in the ACP...which leads to the confusion you have.
  13. Not possible, as the form field can't be modified in that way (it requires a listing of allowed file types)
  14. Thank you - that is more informative. I'll probably merge this into the Box of Tricks app when I have time.
  15. Could you show more about how it is indicating that to you, please?
  16. Contact the developer of the resource? Purchase a self-hosting copy of the software, and develop locally?
  17. As it could potentially affect performance, it's not likely to be added. Maybe at a later point.
  18. It's ok to say you made an assumption. @Ask21 my advice ...revert to prior backup from before the update, and make sure the uninstall of the chat free aplication actually completed.
  19. It also 'only exists' when the JavaScript on the page hasn't kicked in to put the HTML into place when there are more than 3 icons to display in the buttons column. Don't jump to conclusions.
  20. The information that links a post to a user has been deleted - it's been posted by a Guest, albeit a guest who previously had a name on the site. Zero benefit to rebuilding the search index - you'll be able to search on the content only.
  21. Maybe contact the resource author to see if they could do a custom version that will do what you want? Anyway...as you didn't anonymise attribution when you deleted the user (evidence by you stating it's "Guest preceding the old user name") If you are talking Forums only, then you're likely going to have to use a SQL query that updates the author_id value in the forums_posts and the starter_id value in forums_topics when the author_name (for forums_posts) and the starter_name (for forums_topics) is the name of user. There may be other areas that need modification too... I will advise the following: don't do it if you don't know what you are doing don't do it if you haven't taken a backup don't do it on your live site until you've tested it works on a test site rebuild your search index afterwards.
  22. See how the attached works for you - single setting, type extension, enter a comma if multiples, save. if it works OK, I'll bundle it into this: (NE) Additional Pages media types 1.0.0.xml
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