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    Sonya* got a reaction from christopher-w in Paid Plugin: Field Groups (same as ACF repeater in WP)   
    Probably this? 
  2. Like
    Sonya* reacted to ibaker in Localhost Downloading of marketplace apps/plugins (manually)   
    I presume like many many others, I have a test/development copy installed on my local PC using xampp. Here I do all my testing and development of any changes to suit my live site first. I have this development/test environment for unit, system etc testing, I have a pre-production test environment on my live dedicated server for integration etc testing and then I have my live production environment. Nothing, I mean NO ADDONS, NO TEMPLATE CHANGES etc gets to a pre-prod environment until it is completely tested on my local PC first...this is the way I am sure even IPS do it. So why in hell can't I download and test addons etc in my development/test environment on my local PC...why has IPS stopped this with v4.5 especially when everyone is developing and testing v4.5:

    It seems like as IPS progresses further it becomes even more frustrating to use...it seems along with other licensing things IPS is trying their hardest to drive people away from IPS and straight over to Xenforo who make it easy to create what you need and manage your installs.
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    Sonya* reacted to CoffeeCake in Localhost Downloading of marketplace apps/plugins (manually)   
    Absolutely a necessity to support multiple localhost development environments and to support the download of application/plugins directly from the IPS marketplace as existed in 4.4 and earlier. The inability to download files directly from the marketplace limits severely limits those that have installations that are not accessible from the outside internet, whether that be an internal corporate install or various development / virtualized environments.
    It also prevents administrators and security folks from being able to audit applications and plugins prior to installation in any environment. At present, one must install an application/plugin prior to being able to review. In the past, we've purchased plugins/applications that upon inspection of the downloaded file, we found that there were breaking changes that did not follow IPS development guidelines and that would have resulted in a degradation of service in our production environment. Without inspecting those files in advance, we would have not been able to identify these issues.
  4. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Numbered in My list of wanted cms/pages app improvements   
    Features that I missed in current IPS:
    we can't export/import blocks from one site to another one (we doing all changes on the staging server before deploying them to the production one) block contains media with their id's. So when we upload the same media files they have different id's. It will fix if the media supports folder and filenames instead of id. We can upload a lot of media files to different websites and copy-paste pages/blocks code contains the media. It might look like {media="some/folder/file_name.jpg"} if we have a lot of pages and switches from one 'main' page to another one we couldn't find on the next time which page is actual default right now. we should click on the arrow of every page to see if the star icon filled or empty. templates (page templates, css, js) - you couldn't understand where the current css file used now. You can only jump into the edition of each page and remember that. It's not useful. cms don't support languages at all. So in every block, we used code  {{$lang = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->short;}} {{if mb_strpos($lang, 'de_DE') === 0}} some html {{elseif mb_strpos($lang, 'fr_FR') === 0}} some FR html ... additional 10+ languages {{else}} EN content {{endif}} Or you can define variable inside conditions and call them. This is very dumb way to support multilanguage in 'cms'. And, no cache available for all language based blocks at all.
    block editing in ACP is unuseful. we have very little space for the editor (HTML). No 'revert' option (if save will support ajax we'll have a browser default Ctrl+Z option, but.. we haven't it with reload) same as for templates - when we editing block we couldn't understand on which page it used now You couldn't link the block content with template CSS and JS. Mostly it might be the default way to linking (blocks should be self-dependent). Right now it doesn't (in case of css and js). I hope this list helps the devs to understand the daily pains of our content managers.
    Thank you
  5. Thanks
    Sonya* got a reaction from Davyc in Is it safe to delete these folders from the server?   
    These are folders where attachments are saved. You should never delete, move or rename them. If you do all you attachments become broken. Also uploads in Pages are saved there.
  6. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Congrats IPS!   
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    Sonya* reacted to Gabriel Torres in Prevent empty messages when reporting posts   
    Hi all,
    We are using 4.4.10.
    Is there an out-of-the-box way to prevent users from reporting posts without entering any text?
    It is really annoying analyzing reports where users don't explain what is wrong with the post.
  8. Like
    Sonya* reacted to Jordan Miller in Just tried the mobile app... Yikes.   
    My initial thoughts are that if you build a great product, it will become profitable. 
    If your site includes content outside of IPB, like Wordpress, then yes that will be an issue. I used to use Wordpress and IPB and made the decision in February to be fully IPB and it was the best decision I've made for my site (maybe ever). Simplifying is important.
    Custom features and skins... I love my theme, but I also love the simplicity of an app. If there were a few color schemes for sites to choose from that could suffice in the beginning.
    Additional costs to maintain an app... if it's packaged in with IPB then I imagine it wouldn't be too costly as it would be the service they are providing a for an annual fee (perhaps).
    Decreased monetization... apps can implement advertising. I was thinking of giving my paying subscribers access to the app, so it would be monetized that way for me.
    SEO... yea, that's a good point. However, the app would be in addition to your live site just like how this community currently is. 🙂
  9. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from Ilya Hoilik in Congrats IPS!   
  10. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from CoffeeCake in Congrats IPS!   
  11. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from Maxxius in Congrats IPS!   
  12. Haha
    Sonya* got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Congrats IPS!   
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    Sonya* got a reaction from aia in Congrats IPS!   
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    Sonya* reacted to Rhett in Test Install   
    Test urls are a one time url, per our docs/policy below. 
  15. Thanks
    Sonya* reacted to HeadStand in Social Stream   
    Yes, I will be updating Social Stream They should already have been supported (it was previously), so I'll have to take a look at that Yes.
  16. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Block feed from more than one database   
    Yes, there is a block for activity stream, where you can select what to show in the block. 
    I have written a plugin for 4.4 displaying custom activity stream in a block. I will see that I make it free tonight. 😉
  17. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Dev List   
  18. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from Meddysong in Block feed from more than one database   
    Yes, there is a block for activity stream, where you can select what to show in the block. 
    I have written a plugin for 4.4 displaying custom activity stream in a block. I will see that I make it free tonight. 😉
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    Sonya* got a reaction from Hunter Lyons in Dev List   
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    Sonya* reacted to MMXII in translating word keys containing the word "in"   
    It is a huge problem that many phrases consist of language string fragments. While this works in English, it is a serious problem for many other languages.
    Sadly the translation section of the software has not seen many improvements in the past (and I highly doubt it will at all in the 4.x lifecycle). I hope that for version 5.x IPS talks to some foreign language speakers to get some feedback before a new translation system will be created.
  21. Like
    Sonya* got a reaction from svit in Restrict user to forum based on his activity   
    Create a new user group Set your specific forum to be viewed only by this group Create a promotion rule in AdminCP. Go to Members -> Group promotions. Click on New Rule. You can add the group as secondary one if you do not like to change primary group of promoted users.
  22. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to All Astronauts in Controllers defaults   
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    Sonya* reacted to Tennman in Global Rename of Clubs to Groups in ACP   
    I think it t would be useful if version 4.5 would have an easy way to rename Clubs to Groups by just moving a slider or ticking a box in the ACP instead of manually editing each instance where Club(s) is found in the language file.  Would anyone like to see that?
    I've not used clubs with success in my community because members don't seem to get clubs because they are use to groups on FB.
  24. Haha
    Sonya* reacted to media in Translit URL   
    Thank you so much you are the BEST ....

  25. Thanks
    Sonya* got a reaction from media in Translit URL   
    I have checked it on my 4.5 projects. It works as desired. No update is required. Enjoy! 😉
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