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  1. Like
    LiquidFractal reacted to Jordan Miller in Welcome two new IC developers: Christopher & Marshall   
    Invision Community is growing at a rapid rate! To help us keep up with all of the epicness, we've brought on two new developers (4.7 we see you 😏).  
    Drum roll please...
    @Christopher Pei

    @Marshall Slemp

    Welcome to the team, gentlemen! It'd be greatly appreciated if you showed our new dudes some love in the comments!
  2. Like
    LiquidFractal reacted to Marc Stridgen in No progressbar on big file uploads   
    Please upgrade your site to the latest release first of all, as you seem to be a little behind on releases
  3. Thanks
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from InvisionHQ in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    Hi there,
    I'm on IPB 4.6.8 and am using Improved Clubs Enhancements v2.0.4b.  I've just created a private Club from scratch, but when I try to add a forum to it the suite throws the following error:
    ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\forums\clubsenhancements_hook_ceClubForums::clubForm(), 1 passed in /home/XXX/public_html/init.php(902) : eval()'d code on line 171 and exactly 2 expected (0) #0 /home/XXX/public_html/init.php(902) : eval()'d code(171): IPS\forums\clubsenhancements_hook_ceClubForums->clubForm(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form)) #1 /home/XXX/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/clubs/clubs.php(468): IPS\forums\hook2938->clubForm(Object(IPS\Helpers\Form), Object(IPS\Member\Club)) #2 /home/XXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\clubs\_clubs->nodeForm() #3 /home/XXX/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/clubs/clubs.php(38): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /home/XXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\clubs\_clubs->execute() #5 /home/XXX/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main} I was able to add the forum once I disabled all my addons (including ICE).
  4. Like
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from Nikoly Zelesky in Error code -200   
    I'm having huge problems with this on my site for large files, which neither Invision nor my VPS provider seem to be able to solve.  I try to upload large files (~600MB), and I get no progress meter and things crap out with the -200 error. 
    The added wrinkle to my case is: I have a test site on the same VPS as my production site: same Invision versions, same PHP version (which is set globally to handle files of up to 800-900MB).  Test site works just fine with 600MB files (which is what I need for my clients); I even get both progress bars!
    I'm currently talking with Invision about re-uploading the entire Downloads module to see if there are some discrepancies in the files which may be remedied that way.  Perhaps a long shot, but I seem to have little recourse.
  5. Thanks
    LiquidFractal reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    Quick fix tomorrow in the morning. 👍
  6. Thanks
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    Hey Adriano,
    I'm using Invite System 2.6.3 on IPB 4.6.8.
    I was editing one of my member groups (Guest) - specifically, I was toggling Can download original image? under the Gallery tab of the Guest group.  When I tried toggling this value and saving the changes, I got the following error:
    REPLACE INTO `invite_groups` ( `is_id`, `is_canvite`, `is_unlimited` ) VALUES ( 2, NULL, NULL ) IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'is_canvite' cannot be null (1048) #0 /home/XXXX/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(969): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*lfctlr_INVI...', Array) #1 /home/XXXX/public_html/applications/invite/sources/Member/Group.php(34): IPS\_Db->replace('invite_groups', Array) #2 /home/XXXX/public_html/applications/invite/extensions/core/GroupForm/Invite.php(60): IPS\invite\Member\_Group::setGroupData(2, NULL, NULL) #3 /home/XXXX/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(224): IPS\invite\extensions\core\GroupForm\_Invite->save(Array, Object(IPS\Member\Group)) #4 /home/XXXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form() #5 /home/XXXX/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/XXXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute() #7 /home/XXXX/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} If I temporarily disable the Invite System I can change the value no problem, but this is something you should probably look into. 🙂
  7. Like
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Possible bug with moving albums out of Clubs   
    Thanks for the prompt, Marc...it was a permissions issue which has been fixed.
  8. Agree
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Please fix sorting by group in adminCP Member view   
    Could you please fix the option to sort the Member list bu Group in the adminCP?
    Short version: it doesn't work.
    Long version: at present it doesn't even group different member groups together - I have one "Client" listed 2 pages down from other Clients, and there is nothing even remotely resembling alphabetical order.
  9. Thanks
    LiquidFractal reacted to IveLeft... in Server guru help re: failed uploads?   
    Firstly check is SElinux is running - if it is kill and disable it - it sucks
    Then check the logs - in particular 
    PHP-FPM log (default: /var/log/php-fpm.log) This may give more information
    You could also look at 
    request_terminate_timeout located normally in 
    /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf To see what its currently set at 
    This relates to an Apache server......
  10. Agree
    LiquidFractal reacted to Marc Stridgen in WEIRD: "PHP sessions not working on your server."   
    It sounds like you had the session detail at the end of the /admin/upgrade in the URL. This would be worth checking if you ever get that in the future. In any case, glad to see you managed to get that through.
  11. Thanks
    LiquidFractal reacted to Adriano Faria in Profile Backgrounds (Support Topic)   
    This is a core field. If you click in Customize, all groups will show up so you can choose which ones should use the resource. The way it is in your image, means that all groups can use it.
  12. Haha
    LiquidFractal reacted to Marc Stridgen in locked out of test installation   
    I shall refrain from comment. Every time I say one browser is the worst, its like another tries to compete to break things faster
  13. Haha
    LiquidFractal reacted to Marc Stridgen in locked out of test installation   
    Glad you managed to get it sorted out in any case 🙂 Gotta love browser caching at times.
  14. Like
    LiquidFractal reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: 4.6.7 is officially out!   
    Happy hump day, team! Apologies for no hump day post from me last week - I was on the streets of LA freedom fighting for Britney. 💪😅 However, this post isn't about me 😏 this is about us officially releasing 4.6.7 into the wild! It's available to you now!
    Just to refresh your memory, you and members of your community will now have the ability to subscribe to custom Activity Streams and receive emails with all the latest activity. There's also new Closed Club functionality and Stock Replies. 
    Ya boy penned a post about it last month. Feel free to give it another check - it includes more details on the aforementioned:
    Btw, one of my favorite parts of the new custom Activity Streams is the decay feature. 😎 
    Please be sure to have full working backups before updating. The upgrade should go smoothly, but just in case it's always great to have them.  
    Now, onto the updates! Since we didn't loop you in with all of the fixes and updates last week, here's a comprehensive list of all the awesomeness the dev team knocked out the past two weeks. Legit 🤯 
    Sink your teeth into these then drop us a line in the comments and let us know what you think! 
    - Fixed members REST endpoint responsible to award a badge. 
    - Added the ability to quickly navigate between Node permissions and Group permissions in the AdminCP.

     - Fixed an issue where deleting members my leave orphan status update reports.
    - Fixed an issue where json-ld info can show the wrong author details after a display name change.
    - Fixed an issue where deleting members may leave orphan status update reports.
     - Fixed an issue where json-ld info can show the wrong author details after a display name change.
    - Improved the reliability and security of using the (S)FTP upgrade method in the AdminCP.
    - Fixed an error when viewing members with Commerce purchases in the admin control panel.
    - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to resend validation emails if internal logins were disabled.
    - Added a Limit of 1 to the First Comment query to improve performance. 
    - Fixed an issue where Blog json-ld output may contain invalid HTML output.
    - Fixed members REST endpoint responsible to award a badge. 
    - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create new default database inserts in the developer center.
    - Fixed an issue where links to user profiles were shown in some circumstances where profiles could not be viewed. 
    - Added the ability to optionally require a billing address for subscriptions.
    - Fixed an issue where adding similar events could cause a blank cover photo to be saved.
    - Fixed an issue where incoming emails may be rejected incorrectly when the x-auto-response-suppress header is set.

     - Added a Limit of 1 to the First Comment query to improve performance. 
    - Fixed incomplete administrator logs when performing actions on achievement rules.
    - Fixed an issue where promoting content may cause items to appear twice in our picks.
    - Fixed a database error shown when managing followed content for Gallery images.
     - Added a Limit of 1 to the First Comment query to improve performance. 
    - Improved the achievement new rank and new badge emails.
    - Fixed an issue where deleting members may leave orphan status update reports.
    - Fixed an error thrown when sending Easypost shipping notification emails.
    - Fixed an issue where, after splitting a hidden content item, the comments show as hidden without the option to un-hide from within the new content item
    - Added Achievement filters for bulk mail, group promotion and automatic moderation
    - Fixed an issue that may prevent new badge emails from being sent.
    - Added a Limit of 1 to the First Comment query to improve performance.

    - Added member's rank and achievement point total to the member CSV export.
    - Fixed an issue where task progress bars could show percent completion above 100%
    - Fixed an issue where deleting members may leave orphan status update reports.

    - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to resend validation emails if internal logins were disabled.

    - Fixed an issue where word filters may not work correctly when editing titles inline. 

    - Added a Limit of 1 to the First Comment query to improve performance. 
    - Changed the stream subscription email to include max. 10 items.
    - Fixed an issue that may prevent new badge emails from being sent.
    - Fixed an issue where the confirmation modal for stream subscriptions would show a broken confirmation description.
    - Changed the activity stream subscription emails to filter only by the create date.  
    - Fixed a minor link target issue with the add phrase button when editing blocks.
    - Fixed an issue where removing a currency can cause errors in search results.
    - Fixed an issue where reviews may not be correctly indexed with Elastic Search.
  15. Like
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in locked out of test installation   
    Well, it's a bit of an exotic issue...I think it was in fact a browser/caching issue or something to do with what I'm currently troubleshooting, which involves https: connections.  So I had edited conf_global to toggle SSL on/off and it did weird things to my login, and then when I switched it back my browser (Edge) wasn't playing nice.  So I switched to another browser and that seemed to clear things up.
    So, long story short - let sleeping conf_global.php's lie. 😉
  16. Like
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from levsha in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Yes, but there are people like me who have little use for browse bookmarks and prefer to keep things contained in the sties they visit. 😄 Instead of having to go into my browser's (sub)folders and delete/recreate bookmarks, I had envisioned something like being able to read a long thread, click a comment and "bookmark/re-bookmark" it so that I could progress through the debate/discussion.
    A further, non-related observation: if you talk to yourself while drunk you can still call it "social drinking" 🙂
  17. Thanks
    LiquidFractal reacted to Andy Millne in Files not being deleted?   
    Downloads files are deleted immediately after the main file records are *permanently* deleted (not soft deleted). There are occasions where "unclaimed" files may remain however. For example, if you upload a file on the submission form and delete it or upload without submitting the form then these will be retained in case the user returns to submit later.
    Those temporary files are deleted via a task after one day so if your tasks weren't running or you took your backup during that 1 day period then it would explain why you may have had some redundant files.
    I hope that helps. 
  18. Agree
    LiquidFractal reacted to Sonya* in Weird: set_resource images disappear from time to time   
    No. The issue is not reproducible. It happens occasionally, but I cannot tell what should be done to make it happen. 😐
  19. Thanks
    LiquidFractal reacted to Sonya* in Weird: set_resource images disappear from time to time   
    Is an old bug 
  20. Thanks
    LiquidFractal reacted to Dll in Weird: set_resource images disappear from time to time   
    I've seen this happen recently as well.
  21. Agree
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Commerce: different fees for different payment methods?   
    Hi all,
    I could be splitting hairs here, but is there an easy way to offer two different payment options with different costs for product X?  If I want to offer PayPal but pass PayPal's costs on to the client, is there a way to list both options for the same product without creating two different products, e.g. two options for product X: pay via bank transfer or PayPal?
    I suspect most people bundle this fee into their product cost across the board, but I thought I'd ask.
  22. Haha
    LiquidFractal reacted to nodle in Hump Day: humpless   
  23. Haha
    LiquidFractal reacted to Jim M in Hump Day: humpless   
  24. Agree
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from Unienc in Commerce: different fees for different payment methods?   
    Hi all,
    I could be splitting hairs here, but is there an easy way to offer two different payment options with different costs for product X?  If I want to offer PayPal but pass PayPal's costs on to the client, is there a way to list both options for the same product without creating two different products, e.g. two options for product X: pay via bank transfer or PayPal?
    I suspect most people bundle this fee into their product cost across the board, but I thought I'd ask.
  25. Agree
    LiquidFractal got a reaction from OptimusBain in Commerce: different fees for different payment methods?   
    Hi all,
    I could be splitting hairs here, but is there an easy way to offer two different payment options with different costs for product X?  If I want to offer PayPal but pass PayPal's costs on to the client, is there a way to list both options for the same product without creating two different products, e.g. two options for product X: pay via bank transfer or PayPal?
    I suspect most people bundle this fee into their product cost across the board, but I thought I'd ask.
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