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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 12 hours ago, Michael R said:

    After upgrading to, I no longer get daily topic posts. I am running the latest version of the app. Any suggestions?

    Can you try running the task manually in the acp and see if you get any errors? If not, I'll need board access to troubleshoot further.

  2. 10 hours ago, Kurt De Pauw said:

    The error comes with this URL after a manual donation  --> HTTP ERROR 500

    If it's a generic server error, then I don't have a lot to look on. I'll need board access to troubleshoot this further.

  3. 6 hours ago, InvisionHQ said:

    Hi @Mike John, there are an option to show logo only in forum view and not in the home page?

    No not currently, I can provide a temporary edit to achieve this but a on/off toggle would have to wait until the next version.

  4. On 15/07/2016 at 11:16 PM, Netherlord said:

    So i've had to disable app for the time being.

    And that's with the very latest version of IPB4? Could I please have board access to look over or more error log details. That error is not ringing any bells for me.

    On 18/07/2016 at 0:59 PM, Baby Jai said:

     here's a brain picker for you.  So I got an email from Payza that a donation went thru for 5 bucks, but when I look at the donation log and donators on the back end it shows nothing and I have it all configured like it says.  They charge huge fees, $1 for a $5 donation. Wow

    And any relevant Payza gateway instructions were also followed?

    On 20/07/2016 at 8:33 PM, Kurt De Pauw said:

    If I add a manual donation I get a error (but the donation works) :  HTTP ERROR 500

    I'll need a copy of the error your getting to troubleshoot.

  5. On 13/07/2016 at 3:24 PM, GrooveOnBeat said:

    I've tried it in IE and Firefox and both revert back to the original user. I tried to reinstall, but I'll try again.

    If still, let me know. If board access is possible that would help, otherwise I'll log this and include in the next version. I'm working on a new release anyway to clear up some of the mess that these recent IPB4 versions created.

  6. On 13/07/2016 at 8:13 PM, gweny25 said:

    Hi, can't find the menu point at customization for editing items after installation at the latest IP Board version. Is there anything I can do?

    In ACP > System tab > Menu Manager? Or are you referring to somewhere else?

    On 13/07/2016 at 11:46 PM, Azoun said:

    If you just send me a pm with the file changes etc I'm sure I can do it and it saves you time too ^_^

    Patch can be found here.

    5 hours ago, ToeJam said:

    Have it up and seems to work fine. Is there a way to set up blocks on both the right and left side of the center?  I like Unreal Portal and used to have that so trying to get something that would have block on both sides.

    I've actually looked into this recently and until IPB4 includes a better way to setup a left side widget area, this is unfortunately not possible.

  7. 4 hours ago, Circo said:

    I am also having issues since the last upgrade, it fails when trying to add a new video.

    I'll need either board access or a full copy of your most recent error logs in the uploads/logs/ folder. It's obviously failed at 1 point and has prevented the rest of the database changes to be made.

    If you load ACP > System tab > Support > Something isn't working correctly. Do you see any errors mentioned for the videos database tables?

  8. 19 hours ago, Apfelstrudel said:

    yes, indeed it was a member. In my boards guests do not have any permissions but the pm hasn't been delivered.

    16 hours ago, Neej said:

    I can confirm this bug with not receiving a PM after submitting a form.

    I've logged a bug report then for this to be fixed next version. I'll need board access if you want this patched manually.


  9. 20 hours ago, Baby Jai said:

     is it possible to use authorize.net AS a gateway?  This would be really nice as payza is a VERY long process, been waiting a month back off and on with the company.  PayPal I just dont ilke and paymentwall is just the same.  Authorize.net I think is a huge gateway that others have requested.  Instead of using donations in commerce (yours is more robust) I would like to use yours but I need the same gateway for the both of them.

    Yes authorize.net should be able to be included as a gateway but not until the next version is added. Existing gateways for commerce can't be adapter but I will look into that more next major release as it would be easier to integrate with existing gateways.

    16 hours ago, Neej said:

    's app 'Featured Content' also was displaying errors, and he said it was just a bug with IPS itself, but he released an update to fix it so it would not display the error in System>Support.

    Thanks for the information.

  10. On 01/07/2016 at 0:33 PM, XPSuedoX said:

    How about the other method I mentioned? would that be possible?

    That will need to be modified in a future version, not something I can patch now. I assume your current rewards are not likely to change for a while? If not, then perhaps a fixed file edit could be utilized until something more permanent is setup?

    On 05/07/2016 at 4:45 AM, Baby Jai said:

     how come we cant use the payment gateway authorize.net that comes with commerce/nexus?  I have tried to upload the folder to it since thats where all the other folders and gateway settings are but no good

    The gateways for commerce are completely different then for the Donations app. The file names may be similar but the code is different.

    On 07/07/2016 at 6:21 PM, duyfr said:

    After update last ips got this error

    On 07/07/2016 at 6:44 PM, Neej said:

    Yes I am getting the same errors in IPS System check, donations most likely needs an update to fix these errors with IPS

    I've gotten a few reports of this and will be upgrading to the latest version to check over. Has anyone been able to use the "fix" option on their forum?

    On 10/07/2016 at 8:37 AM, GrooveOnBeat said:

    1) When I changed the "PM Sender", it defaulted back to the original user (appears to be the user who's logged into the ACP). The user I'm trying to set it to has PM's enabled.

    The logged in user is only displayed if there's an empty value for that setting. Are you noticing any errors when saving the settings? Something to suggest it's not saving the custom user you set and therefore defaulting to the logged in user? Also what version of IPB are you using?

    On 10/07/2016 at 8:37 AM, GrooveOnBeat said:

    2) Permanent Promotion: Is the amount based on a one-time promotion or is it accumulative? For example, I set the permanent promotion to $100. A user donates $20, $50, and $30, on 3 different occasions totaling $100. Then the user has been promoted permanently? Or does the user have to make a $100 donation at once?

    If it's by per donation, is there a way to make it an option for permanent promotions based on accumulative?

    There's a setting in the donations area to have it tally the total donations of a user or just individual donations. If you only want to trigger that permanent donation once a users total donations hits $100, enable the "Award based on total donations?" setting.

    On 10/07/2016 at 0:19 PM, GrooveOnBeat said:

    3) Reset per goal? What is the possibility of each goal having its own reset dates?

    Not currently but I am seeking feedback on the whole reset function. Seems to be causing more confusion and problems.

    On 10/07/2016 at 10:22 PM, enigmapatrick said:

    This is prior to the recent update. Anyone know where Mike is? He seems to be inactive the past week.

    Should be back to the normal now. Very minimal internet access last week.

  11. On 07/07/2016 at 5:34 PM, Apfelstrudel said:

    : I just installed your app and added a new form with the new "confirm pm" feature enabled. Then I submitted a form but the submitting user didn't get any pm. Why that?

    Silly question but can you confirm they were a member? I just checked through the code and not seeing anything obvious that could go wrong. I may need board access to troubleshoot this further.

    On 07/07/2016 at 5:34 PM, Apfelstrudel said:

    Which message will be shown within this pm?

    The PM message can be changed in the language manager. Search for the "form_confirm_pm_message" string.

    On 07/07/2016 at 5:34 PM, Apfelstrudel said:

    How can I disable the captcha for normal logged in users?

    You can "bypass" captcha through the group permissions for groups that you want to skip the captcha.

  12. On 29/05/2016 at 10:09 PM, emeric73 said:

    No reputation function is not displayed.

    I'm sorry emeric73, your reply got lost to me. Could I either get board access or a copy of the theme your using and will take a look?

    On 08/07/2016 at 2:14 PM, Chris59 said:

    yes i only use ipsfocus themes to , Brave and Chameleon ... on default theme is a single view of file... on ipsfocus themes the video shows twice. .. sen you a copy of one of the thmes so you can see ...

    Yeah board access would help and will just see if there's a change in the themes that would cause this to hook in twice. I believe you've sent me a PM about something else that I'll get to soon. If you haven't already, just make a note of this and I'll take a look at both issues.

  13. On 03/07/2016 at 11:52 AM, Eokoz said:

    Simply put simply creates a specific page by games with box and contents and therefore subjects the latest topics posted on this particular game.

    I'm sorry I don't understand. Do you have a screenshot of what you mean?

    On 07/07/2016 at 10:08 AM, iDeath said:

    I replied to your message stating the code snip did not work. The issue only occurs when someone registers using an external login app such as facebook, twitter and so forth.

    I'm just catching up with my personal messages but from a quick glance I'm not seeing anything recent from you. Will reply if there is.

  14. 11 hours ago, Bendensin said:

    I am running Videos version 3.1.11. When I upgraded to the latest version of IP Community (Version, during the upgrade, I got two error messages concerning Videos:

    Was the Videos upgrade done concurrently with IPB or was this simply a IPB upgrade? If the upgrade failed for any reason, I'm most likely going to need board access to run the rest manually.

  15. On 07/07/2016 at 9:05 AM, Azoun said:

    Any idea how to fix this? You can see this happening on our website here - www.drobnovia.com

    On 09/07/2016 at 2:10 PM, Caiden Spencer_321044 said:

    I produce the same error..

    I haven't had a chance to test the latest version but noted this bug for the next version. I'll need acp login details if you want me to patch this manually.

    On 09/07/2016 at 2:10 PM, Caiden Spencer_321044 said:

    Also is it possible to Truncate and include the image?

    Not in this version but I do have some code for the next version that can include the first image within a post and also have truncate enabled.

    22 hours ago, ToeJam said:

    Can I use this portal with

    Should be fine, no major reported issues yet.

  16. 9 hours ago, abetts said:

    IPB Support won't fix this for me as it's a third party application.

    Could I please get admin cp login details and I'll take a look. IPS will need to fix the bug if it's the case but I'll see if there's anything wrong on the Garage end and see if the broken images can be patched.

  17. 9 hours ago, Eokoz said:

    Hello, I was thinking about this stuff : http://dofus.team-exodia.fr/

    Could you please take a screenshot of the specific area? Some of it's lost to me due to the translation needed.

    5 hours ago, BostonBob said:

    So that you'd have a multiple set of responses so that it doesn't look automatic.

    I like it! I'll note this for a future version. It all depends on what's possible within the editor but if I'm able to add it, I'll definitely consider it.

  18. 17 hours ago, DavoteK said:

    That would be great if you could supply the file edits. I would really appreciate it.

    Open applications/basicpoints/modules/front/basicpoints/submit.php

    Find and adjust 'min' value in this line:

    $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'member_log_points', NULL, FALSE, array( 'min' => '-10000' ) ) );


    53 minutes ago, Alexander Scott said:

    Considering to purchase. However I wanted to know if this has the ability to Mass add points to all forum users like ibeconomy did or if it has it by groups at least

    Not a built in feature right now. Would have to be done manually with a mysql query.

  19. On 29/06/2016 at 9:59 PM, Square Wheels said:

    I suspect I explained it wrong.  I want a way to exclude specific members from getting the email.  One of my sites has over 10,000 members, clearly some of them have abandoned the site and have also changed their email address.  I change their preferences in ACP so that they will not receive any notifications.

    My bad, I assumed that was the problem but you actually want to exclude them based on that setting. Try this edit, should check that setting and exclude the member if needed.

    Open applications/birthdaygreeter/tasks/birthdayGreeter.php


    $where           = array();

    Add BELOW:

    $where[] = array( "allow_admin_mails=1" );


  20. On 29/06/2016 at 0:46 PM, XPSuedoX said:

    It needs to be something like taking the current state of the secondary groups, removing any "Reward groups" and then adding back the appropriate reward group.

    It would need to have some kind of reference to what the current reward groups were offered. That way it knows to remove the previous reward groups and add what ever the new ones are. Do you use a limited promotion or is it permanent? If it's limited, it should be possible to include the data needed to ensure it removes the current reward groups.

    If you've got permanent group promotions setup. In theory it should check the members secondary groups selections against all the rewards and find a best case match, remove those current reward groups and then issue the new ones. My only concern would be manually issued secondary groups getting in the way or you making changes to the reward groups after reward already issued.

  21. On 27/06/2016 at 4:34 PM, XPSuedoX said:

    Any word on my query?

    I'm sorry XPSeudoX, your reply got lost to me.


    Is there a way to remove them from secondary groups as they progress? e.g. Dontate $25, they go to VIP1, donate another $25 they go to VIP2, but it removes them from VIP1?

    Right now it's merging the existing and new secondary groups. Would it work for you if it replaced all the secondary groups with what ever was issued in the reward? So essentially blanking the secondary groups and adding what's ever set in the reward settings?

  22. 14 hours ago, DavoteK said:

    If you can set the "or Add Points" to have a negative or positive cap of say 999,999,999 that would be ideal. 

    Do you have ftp access to your forums or are you hosted by IPS? If so, I can put together some file edits for you to use now instead of waiting until the next version.

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