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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. On 27/06/2016 at 2:23 PM, Bluto said:

    Though, my site is just doing what it normally does without the plugin.  When someone posts a reply instead of the new reply showing up (as it should with the mod) it displays a modal at the bottom, just like it does on this forum.

    Sorry, yeah I get you now. If you view the source code when viewing a topic, can you find any reference to "liveTopics" in the source code? It sounds like the javascript isn't loading for some reason.

  2. On 27/06/2016 at 9:43 PM, Square Wheels said:

    Or is there another way I can set people to not receive these emails?  I'd prefer to not move them into another group.

    I've checked and that setting does cover bulk mails but I'm not seeing any reference to it in the email class. There is a "core_mail_error_logs" table that stores email errors, can you check it if there's any reference to the missing email? Also I assume you've ruled out it arriving in the users spam box as well?

  3. On 28/06/2016 at 1:59 AM, Eokoz said:

    With this plugin your can create multiple portals ? For my objective and creates 7 in all different. It's possible ?

    Can you clarify a bit more on what you mean by portals?

  4. On 25/06/2016 at 1:07 AM, DavoteK said:

    I can reproduce a negative value if I change the "or Add Points" value to something between "-1 and -10,000 pts" and the Members Points is less than that value I'm subtracting, but we're dealing with millions, so it'd be nice to adjust that 10,000 limit if possible please. 

    So it's only when you go below the 10,000 cap that your having a problem then? I'm not able to set an unlimited negative cap but I can raise it substantially to not be an issue.

    On 25/06/2016 at 1:07 AM, DavoteK said:

    Also (demanding, I know, sorry :D), is there a way of viewing a list of everyone's points totals? Currently, we can only get the top 20 via the block. 

    Not currently. Although that would be a good idea to add. Should it be displayed within the member list or another top points page?

  5. On 25/06/2016 at 3:44 PM, Bluto said:

    Just tried it on PHP 5.6.23 still can't get it to work.  Still shows the modal.

    Just to confirm I'm looking for the same thing as your reporting, could you please post a screenshot of this?

  6. 3 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

    If notifications is turned off, will this still try and send a birthday email?  I found at least one user who had notifications off, and I got a bounced reply.

    Where exactly were notification disabled in IPB? In theory it shouldn't affect the birthday email as it's sent out separately.

  7. On 25/06/2016 at 5:52 PM, lostaussie said:

    I noticed the short code, %topic_link% is not showing on the email that is sent. It is showing in the email setup and everything else seems fine but just not coming through in email.Just a space where the link should be. 

    This is a confirmed bug but I don't have a patch available right now. But will be fixed next release.

    23 hours ago, Eokoz said:

    I'm new to IP BOARD and let me know how this plugin is installed please :(

    If you view the included "Install Readme" file, it will instruct you how to install this application.

  8. On 24/06/2016 at 2:14 PM, Baby Jai said:

    How come paymentwall is grayed out? The instructions are out of date and I cant seem to edit anything to link it to my account.  No such api's or secret keys unless im leaving something out.  Authorize.net would be ncie as someone else request this as well

    The email address is not needed to setup the gateway, so it's greyed out to protect another part of the code that checks this field. But there should be a api, secret key and widget field at the bottom of the form. Could you please PM me an database export of your "donate_gateways" database table so I can check over this?

    On 25/06/2016 at 2:57 AM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

    I tried the RSS feed for donations but it's not working. This is the URL that I get on the donations page: http://forums.killinzedz.net/index.php?/donate/donations.xml

    This is a confirmed bug. i may be able to patch this within the acp but I would need to look, otherwise this will need to wait until the next version.

  9. On 26/06/2016 at 6:18 AM, Geryha said:

    Here you go :-)

    I would try a complete uninstall and then re-install again. If it's still not working, I'll need board login details to troubleshoot further.

  10. On 23/06/2016 at 11:02 AM, Baby Jai said:

    how do we go about getting a custom payment gateway, I would like authorize.net and I am sure a bunch of other people would like that as well.  Maybe even sagepay/  Also if i have a group set to 200 dolalrs but a guy donates 10 now, 10 in a week then 190 in a month will it give him the $200 group promotion?

    You'll need someone with php and IPB knowledge to setup your own custom gateway. I can provide the instructions if you have someone who can do this for you but I'm not available for custom work myself at the moment.

    There's a donation setting called "Award based on total donations?" that will allow you to issue rewards based on a users total donation rather then individual donations.

  11. On 21/06/2016 at 7:36 AM, DavoteK said:

    Manually adjusting a points total to below 0. Currently gives you an error if you select to take say 10 off someone that only has 5. 

    I'm not able to reproduce this locally, can I please have acp login details to look more closely?

  12. On 23/06/2016 at 5:10 AM, sovushik said:

      - Add the possibility of placing dynamic fields: currently one form is applicable to a recording! Modify, if possible, accommodation in the form of more than one record!

    Dynamic fields is a very likely addition when I start adding new features again. No ETA on that yet.

  13. On 23/06/2016 at 7:02 AM, Geryha said:

    The actual settings page, cannot remember where it was supposed to be, so when you answer this reply an image will be uploaded.

    See ACP > Customization tab > Portal > Settings.

  14. 20 hours ago, Geryha said:

    admin panel configuration is not working with, settings tab will not show, any way to check for errors on my part? Freshly installed ipb. Can confirm by setting it as standard, it does show and blocks work.

    The "Setting" menu link or the actual settings page itself? Would you mind taking a screenshot?

  15. On 18/06/2016 at 5:54 PM, Neej said:

    Is there a way to force a user (the submitter) to be auto subscribed to the topic it creates when a form is submitted, or is that more the backend of IPS in the notifications permissions per user?

    It's tied into the new topic/post form itself, so not something I can extend into easily but will note it for a future version.

  16. On 18/06/2016 at 3:06 AM, PirateCaptain said:

    how heavy is your branding on this plugin, can i expect to see devfuse on my forum if i install it ?
    (after donations im a bit apprehensive buying from you sadly)

    No copyright tags like I have in most of my apps if that's what you mean. If you need a demo, let me know and can set one up.

  17. On 17/06/2016 at 10:33 AM, adam kinder_191751 said:

    I'd say somewhere in the bottom left near the replies counter thing.

    Try something like this.

    Open acp > theme editor > portal > front > browse > topicRow


    <li><i class='fa fa-comment'></i> {lang="replies_number" pluralize="$topic->mapped('num_comments') - 1"}</li>

    Add BELOW:

    <li><a href='{$topic->url(). '#replyForm'}'>Add Reply</a></li>


    15 hours ago, Bonaparte said:

    A big big thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful portal APP!

    Thank you.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Bluto said:

    No it's on my dev server.  Don't have a live v4 site yet... only v3.  I'm going to do some more tests on my end to make sure it's not something being blocked by my conf, I use Centmin Mod.

    I'll try a live site test this afternoon and give it another stab then. Just let me know how you go, I've had 1 other report of this so there is something to this.

  19. On 15/06/2016 at 0:01 PM, Bluto said:

    Thought it might have been the issue some people are having with PHP7 starting at the below post.  But I rolled back to php 5.6.22 and it's still showing the modal.

    Is this available on a public forum I can view myself? I haven't been able to reproduce this 100% of the times and still troubleshooting causes here.

  20. On 16/06/2016 at 4:12 AM, MastricX said:

    Any plan to switch to PayPal's gateway to the API method? The old catchall IPN appears to be sending reoccurring payments for Nexus to the Donation add on.

    Can you PM me some sample ipn data for such transactions so I can look at weeding it out. No immediate plans to switch to the API method but it is a priority as another option.

    9 hours ago, Eidorian said:

    I would like to integrate a service like HiPay (Allopass : mobile payment) on this application (to take advantage of other features, automatic group display show username in the list, etc.).

    It's not currently included but there is the ability to add additional payment gateways if you have a bit of IPB4 code knowledge. It's not something I can do personally at the time, you would probably need to check with another IPB4 modder if you wanted to create another gateway file.

  21. 4 hours ago, Bluto said:

    Not working for me in the newest version of IPB.  Still showing the "Member has replied" modal.  Was there some other setting I needed to adjust?

    Please confirm the exact version of IPB and will take a look.

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