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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 11 hours ago, zenzoidman said:

    Here, I've attached a copy of my logs.

    Thanks, you can remove it now if you wanted.

    11 hours ago, zenzoidman said:

    Another thing I'd like to figure out: how is the time frame of those Week/Month/Year values calculated? Is it based on the last calendar week/month/year, or is it just the last 7 days/30 days/365 days?

    The later. I use the DateInterval function to add 7 days, 30 days or 365 days to the current date.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Prank said:

    Hi Mike, images on page 1 seem fine. Its definitely some images now and not all. 

    Could I get a copy of the full version of any image your having issues with so I can test them a bit more on my own forums?

  3. 4 hours ago, kotaco said:

    Does this include a feature that resets a goal after the end date is reached? 

    The best way would be with the "Donation Auto Reset". This clears new donations and recalculates the status of goals for donations made after X selected date. If you need a demo setup to see it in operation, just let me know.

    Donation Auto Reset.png


  4. I noticed a few images on page 1 that appear to be loading fine. I assume they don't load the same when you view?


    22 hours ago, Prank said:

    You can see a squished one on pg5 atm;

    Is this limited to any specific image like this one or for all images?

  5. 20 hours ago, zheck said:

    Well most of my members receive an Error when submitting a Video. The video still gets posted it just shows an Error every time making them think it was not posted and then they send me messages saying it's broken. Now this doesn't happen for Administrators, but for all the other Members Groups it shows the Error.

    Could I have more details or a screenshot of the error their getting?

    20 hours ago, zheck said:

    I sent you the full Error in a PM message ^_^  

    Reply sent, I think there might be a conflict with another app.

  6. On 23/09/2016 at 10:20 AM, Prank said:

    The class ipsthumb_large adds a max width & height of 175px. It seems this is what is constraining it.

    My limited understanding of css is that it should only set a "max" dimension and if below should still use the images natural dimensions. If your Portal publicly available? If so, I wouldn't mind viewing it and ruling out any client side issues on your end. I recently worked on another site with the Portal installed and the image loaded fine with a custom theme as well.

  7. 8 hours ago, zheck said:

    Any ETA on when the Video System is going to be ready for download?

    The next bug fixing update should be released within a week or two max. If there is any particular bug your waiting on, please let me know and I'll see if I can provide a temp patch.

  8. On 24/09/2016 at 0:11 AM, zenzoidman said:

    As for the page error, the error code I'm getting is 1S160/2.

    Thanks, I've noted a bug report for this and will take a look at this soon as I'm currently working my way through bug fixing updates now.

    8 hours ago, zenzoidman said:

    There's something odd that I've noticed about the Top Points widget, and I don't know if it's an intentional feature or not. The All Time tab shows whatever the users' current points total is. However, the Week, Month, and Year tabs seem to show how many points the users gained during that time period, regardless of whether or not points have been removed from those users.

    The time based options are loaded a little differently then the all time option. Using the "basicpoints_logs" table instead as it contains a timestamp to filter with. Is it possible to get acp access or a copy of your basicpoints_logs database table so I can check over why it's not accurate?

  9. 9 hours ago, zenzoidman said:

    There's something odd I noticed--after I installed this application, a new tab appeared in my menu bar called Points. But when you click on it, it just gives an error saying "the page you requested does not exist". Is there some way to configure this that I'm missing?

    Were there any other error codes with that error?

    8 hours ago, zenzoidman said:

    Also, where can I go to change the title of the Top Points widget to something else? If I have to edit the files of the application to do this, which file (or files) would I edit?

    All text should be covered in the language manager. In this particular case, look for the "block_pointsTopPoints" language string.

  10. 20 hours ago, Prank said:

    No changes to the template - maybe thats a quick fix? Which template houses this?

    See acp > theme editor > portal > front > browse > topicRow


    <img src='{$firstImage}' class='ipsPos_right ipsThumb ipsThumb_large ipsResponsive_hidePhone' />

    Make sure you don't see anything like "ipsThumb_bg" in there. I assume that even the default theme does the same thing?

  11. On 17/09/2016 at 1:02 AM, Rob Pearson said:

    All permission groups have been set to empty (which it then auto disables it in group perms)

    I've noted this as a bug and will patch in the upcoming release. If your available for testing, I can see about putting some patches. (PM me.)

    On 17/09/2016 at 4:42 AM, PedroNL said:

    Great, should I contact you in towards the end of September about this?

    Probably towards end of 1st week of October.

  12. On 16/09/2016 at 1:07 PM, The Dark Wizard said:

    What file?

    On 16/09/2016 at 1:24 PM, Neej said:

    I tried manually commenting out the code from the Theme Template in AdminCP under donate > front > global > profileHook and it still kept the Donations tab in the profile?

    Find and delete applications/donate/extensions/Profile/ folder.

    On 17/09/2016 at 0:11 AM, B_U_R_I said:

    if you enable "Send promotion PM" and "Send new donation PM" you only have the option to edit the message for the new donations. You can edit the message for promotions but you have to go and edit the Language pack, which can be a bit time consuming.

    These are the current tags available for writing a message. Another very useful tag would be something like %promoted_group% so you could write: Hi %member_name%, you've been promoted to the group %promoted_group%

    I would very much like to see an option to warn users before the promotion ends by sending them a PM a certain amount of days before their promotion expires. Are there any plans for that?

    The code for the donation pm should be easily transferable to the promotion pm. I'll note this for the next version to be included. I haven't really considered a warning notice before. It's a bit more complicated and might be a few more versions before I could add anything like that but none the less will note it for a major version.


  13. On 12/09/2016 at 0:49 PM, Prank said:

    Yep, here you are;

    Have you made any changes to the portal template yet? I did a little testing on this before and was sure it was somewhat adaptive to different aspect ratios.


    On 16/09/2016 at 6:43 PM, KillianK said:

    Portal is not working on our site after the last update by IPB, IPB support recommended this update. I am using the latest version of Portal.

    Can you confirm your using the latest version of the Portal app? This should of been fixed in the most recent version.

  14. On 13/09/2016 at 7:21 AM, Netherlord said:

    Yes! I have Can send amounts? disabled for everyone.

    I've noted for next version.

    On 13/09/2016 at 11:57 AM, The Dark Wizard said:

    Is there anyway we can have the profile tab for donations removed? Users really dislike other users being able to see. Perhaps a template we can alter or a setting?

    Unfortunately, right now you will need to manually remove the file. But a setting of some sort should be possible in a future version.

  15. On 13/09/2016 at 7:00 PM, Apfelstrudel said:

    2 months later .... Still can't use the plugin. :(

    I'm sorry for the delay but I'm more then happy to manually patch this. The next version should be out within the next few weeks but even so, it would be beneficial to confirm my fix works for you given the wait. Please PM login details if you want me to test the patch.

    On 14/09/2016 at 5:06 AM, PedroNL said:

    Please send me a PM what this would cost if you don't mind.

    I'll need a few weeks before I can even send out any quote.

    On 14/09/2016 at 0:23 PM, CP said:

    Be sure you get a quote on what it will cost you to keep this updated if IPB releases an update that makes this not work properly. I do not mean to be negative, but be sure to get that.

    If a new custom feature is built into the app itself. I generally will update it for that IPB version it was made for. So for example, a new feature will be supported for as long as IPB4 is around.

    15 hours ago, Rob Pearson said:

    Our wait times are inherited from group permissions (we have tried the alternative way as well) and have set it too 172800 seconds before another form can be submitted however the message that people receive when trying to submit a new application shows no more than 60 minutes.

    Do you get the same issue when only setting the submit wait in the form itself? i.e. leaving the group permissions empty. It sounds like there might be a number limitation in the group permissions but I'll need you to confirm that by checking the form submit wait time.

  16. On 13/09/2016 at 10:27 AM, Netherlord said:

    new videos has messed up rows for me. Seems to be caused by the views part being too long. removing that part in my browser fixes it.

    I have noticed this on a few sites now. I'll note a bug and see how this can be improved.

  17. On 12/09/2016 at 5:36 PM, jair101 said:

    Does this also respects the activity streams? I.e. if you hide forum from homepage, topics won't be visible in activity stream too? If not, maybe a nice suggestion will be to have an activity stream based on homepage created by the app. 

    It shouldn't, only the homepage forums are altered. I'll note your idea and see what's possible next major version.

  18. On 12/09/2016 at 4:00 PM, Buschiq said:

    Any news about this? It's been almost three weeks now and I really miss this feature, Auto Welcome is great when it's working.

    Not for a few more weeks unfortunately. Still flat out with bug fixes for all my apps.

    On 15/09/2016 at 11:07 AM, DrMath said:

    These will not show up in the list in the ACP, but you will be able to then use them in your welcome messages and code. ^_^ If the author does not want this posted, I will remove it upon request. Hope this helps some people!

    No issue for me as long as people understand it's not currently a core feature.

    On 15/09/2016 at 11:07 AM, DrMath said:

    , is it possible to change when the messages are sent? For example, we have two-step registration, email confirmation then admin approval. We'd like to send the message/post the thread before the admin approves if possible. Thanks!

    Technically yes but IPB4 doesn't make things easy for me. If you open applications/autowelcome/hooks/validatehook.php. I'll have to confirm with the code but if you remove the "validationComplete" function and the second if statement in the "postRegistration" function.

    	    /* Welcome member straight awway */
    	    if( \IPS\Settings::i()->reg_auth_type == 'none' OR \IPS\Request::i()->do == 'complete' )

    That should in theory welcome the member after email validation but before admin validation. But it would need to be tested and I may be missing some improvements that IPB 4.1.14 or later may have introduced.

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