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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. On 21/10/2016 at 6:09 PM, Vianney Gantelmi said:

    Edit: I can attach a video, but now I've enabled the plugin, some features of my forum are broken. For example, I can't edit a message (the text editor doesn't show), some plugins don't work anymore (like the one which allow me to change the author's name).

    Yes please, a video or screenshots would help track this down. I've had a quick look on my test board and not seeing any issues like this. I may also need a copy of that other plugin to see if there is anything conflict between them.

  2. On 21/10/2016 at 8:38 AM, matthias23 said:

    Are there plans for integrating Stripe?

    Both that and authorize are high priorities for the next major version. No ETA on that.

    21 hours ago, GrooveOnBeat said:

    Donation settings are still not saving the correct PM Sender. It goes back to the user I'm logged in as.

    Ignoring what you see in the setting itself after saving, is the correct PM sender set in PMs?

  3. On 21/10/2016 at 7:17 PM, InvisionHQ said:

    Then I leave PM sender blank?

    No the code itself has that set and should be send as "system" personal messages. Are the personal messages filling up your sent box or something like that?

  4. 22 hours ago, Lycanth said:

    Does the 3.4 version have the ability to reply to topic with form data, instead of just start new topic?

    No neither version supports that currently. Only new topics are created.

  5. If you've recently update the app, you'll need to go through and ensure the settings are correct as a recent version of IPB4 forced a change on how a few settings are stored. If your still having an issue, can you take a complete screenshot of your birthday settings and I'll try and reproduce it locally.

  6. On 22/10/2016 at 2:33 AM, RSAC said:

    for the top points in a week and month

    I'll need acp login details to look and a rough idea of what your expected values are for this? There was a change recently to how those top points for week/month/year are calculated.

  7. On 18/10/2016 at 11:09 AM, Rok Zupan said:

    Hi! This plugin makes every form have its own page, which is cool most of the time :D but is there a way for me to put the forms created in the plugin onto an existing custom page? (Other than just copy-pasting the code, which creates the problem that whenever the form is updated, it needs to be copy-pasted again on all pages it's placed on).

    No not currently. But I will note this and see what's possible next release. I've had this suggested a few times now and thinking about it more, it should be possible to include the form in a widget.

  8. On 19/10/2016 at 1:53 AM, matthias23 said:

    I have a hosted IPB, how can I install this great plugin? I can only upload xml files.

    I assume the above reply helped but if not, make sure you follow this install guide - http://www.devfuse.com/forums/tutorials/article/162-install-application-guide/

    On 19/10/2016 at 0:10 PM, Volstate said:

    That's a yes @Mike John! You can include it :)

    I'll note it for the next version and I should be able to get it included in the next few weeks.

    15 hours ago, InvisionHQ said:

    How to send PM as "system" or how to auto leave PM after sending ?

    Assuming you haven't made any changes, I just checked the code and it should already be setting the "system" flag as true.

  9. On 18/10/2016 at 5:48 PM, Vianney Gantelmi said:

    I tried it, replaced the 2 occurences with the code attached in your website, but it still doesn't work. When I try to send a new topic with no video attached, the topic is not posted, because I have to enter a video link... :/

    I've added additional patches and an additional patch to fix some issues that IPB 4.1.16 caused.



  10. On 18/10/2016 at 5:44 PM, The Old Man said:

    Hi Mike, yes, it's always been a plain text for me.

    I'm sorry, I was mistakenly thinking it already supported the editor field. I've noted this for the next version. If you don't mind some test edits, I should be able to provide a patch some time next week.

  11. On 17/10/2016 at 4:33 AM, Eterna Gaming said:

    Hey there, been trying to make an application based on the integration you guys have with Collab? It's not working not sure what to do from here. Let me know, @Mike John

    I know Kevin helped add "Rules" support but I don't believe there was any work done for the Collab app. I might be missing something but if so, please refresh my memory.

  12. On 16/10/2016 at 0:18 AM, Bonaparte said:

    Everything works fine until I set the portal as the default application. When I do this both the 'portal' and 'forum' links in the 'browse menu' lead back to the portal. I couldn't find a solution, so now I have put temporary the forum as the default application and then both links are behaving normal.

    Do you have any other apps installed? Can you check if the same behavior occurs? Either this is an IPB4 bug or something unique to the Portal app itself. I'll check the later as soon as I get home.

  13. On 17/10/2016 at 10:26 AM, Volstate said:

    Any chance this can be made to post a welcome message in Chatbox like it did in IPB 3

    Provided it supports 3rd party messages, I don't see why not. Check with the author and I might be able to include in the soon to be released next version.

  14. On 16/10/2016 at 11:08 PM, The Old Man said:

    Hi Mike, thank you for this. I was wondering if you could alter the text to be rich text, so we could have paragraphs, formatting etc?
    Many thanks!

    Are you adding your formatting to the "Donation Note" setting? Because it should pretty much use the existing setting and display it's html in the widget.

  15. 1 hour ago, LinkMania said:

    Hi, when is the price sale of your plugin? I would like to get it but i am cheapskate for the actual full price.. Thanks !

    The sale price is still listed and hasn't been changed since last year. I actually forgot to update it but might keep it at that price until v2 is released. (No ETA yet)

  16. On 10/10/2016 at 6:56 PM, TheGreyWizard said:

    So how can I simplify the url to just www.ohiocannabis.com/videos?

    And is this a bug within your video plugin for FURL, or within the IPS suite?

    I don't believe you can. The url would be {yourforumurl/videos and start from there.

    The bug is an IPS bug and seems to be affecting all apps at this stage. Hopefully IPB 4.1.16 fixes it.

    On 10/10/2016 at 10:45 PM, TheGreyWizard said:

    And yes I'd like to add video to blogs & articles etc.  But the "Insert other media" only seems to do images, not videos?

    I don't have access to the Gallery app so not entirely familiar with it's approach. Would you mind taking a screenshot?

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