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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 19 hours ago, [OBAG] Drew said:

    - The "manage news" button at high level access is giving me a 2S100/6 error code. Not sure if I am missing something there or otherwise.

    What version of IPB4 are you currently using? I'm currently working on a bug fixing round for all my apps, the News app being one of them.

    19 hours ago, [OBAG] Drew said:

    - In the news preview segment in the list, I'd like to add a small image alight right next to my preview text, and I was wondering if you had already worked something in so I could just drop a tag on the image I would like to be included. So picture the three lines of preview text with a small supporting image align right to add flavor. I ask because it does not seem to be picking up any images included within that first three lines, I'm sure there is a restriction there I am unaware of.

    Nothing present now but I have been working on something similar for my Portal app, so will see if I can utilize the same code in the News app and include it in an upcoming release.

    17 hours ago, [OBAG] Drew said:

    Also - that link to devfuse in an absolute bottom config throws off the design and is driving me up the wall. It is not even vertically centered properly and really looks out of place. I do not mind giving you credit although I am paying for this add on, but I would like to move that item so it is inline with everything else and does not break Ux flow. 

    Can you PM me a screenshot and will see what can be adjusted?

  2. I've just put together v3.1.13.1 that includes a fix for the above sql error.

    19 hours ago, JTHastings said:

    Thank you sir, while you're here would you care to enlighten me as to the point of this feature?

    This was part of a custom request that I decided to include in the release if others found it useful. I guess some may not find any use for sending donation amounts from member to member but I have included permissions so the new feature can be disabled if not needed.

  3. On 23/08/2016 at 10:13 PM, Unlucky said:

    We have just noticed that the status update is not working correctly

    I've noted this and will try to include in the next update. To help me troubleshoot this, can you tell me if you have the same issue when you create an account through the acp?

    13 hours ago, Buschiq said:

    Since I updated to latest version of IPB ( two days ago Auto Welcome is no longer sending out pm's or creating posts in our welcome topic. 

    I've got no reports of this yet but will check when I do my bug fixing round for IPB 4.1.14.

  4. On 23/08/2016 at 0:48 PM, pilotguy said:

     - Thanks for the latest release.  Got this error when viewing Donation Changes:

    I'll rush out an urgent update to fix this tomorrow.

    On 23/08/2016 at 11:46 PM, JTHastings said:

    Question concerning the new "Donation Transfer" widget. I've tested this and it works however how is the receiving person supposed to know that a transfer was made and requires their approval? I didn't see/notice any notification of any kind to the receiving person that a transfer is in their queue awaiting approval.

    It should leave a "(Sent to {username})" note after the message was sent. But this looks like another bug. I'll check and include this in the next update.

  5. On 24/08/2016 at 0:45 AM, BIgnat said:

    Yes, there's an edited file:

    Assuming your using a recent version of IPB4, that code is still working for me and I'm unable to reproduce this. I'll need ftp and acp login details to troubleshoot further.

  6. On 22/08/2016 at 9:09 AM, Mike John said:

    I'm working on a mass bug fixing update for all my apps and plugins now. Will have it included in the next few weeks.

    I believe this version once released should cover all this recent url issues.

  7. I've just released a new version of the Donations app that ensures compatibility with IPB 4.1.14, as well as several more bug fixes included. This version also includes a new "Donation Transfer" widget to allow transfer of a users donation total between members as well as logging/moderator of those transfers. I've attached some screenshots of how this new feature works.

    Donation Transfer Form.png

    Donation Transfers Widget.png

    Donation Transfers.png

    Edit Donor Amount.png

  8. On 21/08/2016 at 7:09 AM, BIgnat said:

    Hello! I've done this, but now a message appears in all topics, not only in the selected forum.

    Can you me the modified file mentioned in that page so I can check over your edit? I'm not able to reproduce this issue locally.

  9. On 19/08/2016 at 10:14 PM, JiigSaaw said:

    I've some suggestions, it could be great when creating an event:

    Noted all. I did have a custom request for a few of those but that hasn't really progressed further. But I'll still consider adding them as default features when I begin work on new features again.

  10. On 20/08/2016 at 5:38 AM, Lenny Warren said:

    Since updating to PHP 7, I have an issue that my index.php file doesn't redirect from my root directory to my forum directory. Do I need a new version of home.php ?????

    There shouldn't be for PHP 7, are you getting any kind of errors on your end?

    12 hours ago, Caiden Spencer_321044 said:

    REALLY hanging for this truncating posts with images ^_^

    I'm working on a mass bug fixing update for all my apps and plugins now. Will have it included in the next few weeks.

  11. On 18/08/2016 at 5:56 AM, zheck said:

    I've messaged Mike about how that option is confusing the members of my website as well.

    In case I missed this, I logged it again and should be able to squeeze it in the upcoming update.

    On 18/08/2016 at 6:02 AM, ToeJam said:

    Even if I go back as admin to edit that out, nothing changes

    Can you try adding a new video this time and report how that goes?

  12. 19 hours ago, BIgnat said:

    I haven't added a widget. So, I've just set a forum in the settings:

    I've noted this as a bug to include in the next version. You can view a manual patch here if you want to manually fix sooner.

  13. 1 hour ago, Caiden Spencer_321044 said:

    This worked... is it possible to put it on the right side ?

    IPB4 includes a css class that may be of use here.

    <li class='ipsPos_right'>{number="$topic->views"} Views</li>


  14. 13 hours ago, PedroNL said:

    Mike I am sure I would be willing to throw some extra dollars your way if you could accomplish this.

    That wasn't really a concern for me and can provide a file patch if technically possible. But from my brief view, it looks like it's a bit more complex to achieve and I'd need more time before I could work on this. That applies for new features or custom requests both alike.

  15. On 15/08/2016 at 1:30 AM, Square Wheels said:

    It seems that banned members are getting birthday email, can it be updated to not send to banned members?>

    I'll note this for the next version. From memory I believe I provided an edit for this but it was never included in the actual release.

  16. On 13/08/2016 at 0:58 AM, BIgnat said:

    Hello! I've just bought this app and there's an issue. I set to show a message in a particular forum, but I also can see this message on the main page. Is it a bug? Is it possible to short messages only on selected forums?

    If you select forums, it should be only displaying in that forum. Are you using the default hook or have you added a widget?

  17. On 12/08/2016 at 11:55 PM, Samantha Smith said:

    Hi Mike,  Is there an optimal size/file type for uploaded images?  I've tried a few tests with different sizes and file formats but I don't seem to be able to find a setting that displays the image sharply.

    Are you using the dimension setting or letting it display the natural image dimensions? Could you PM me the image your trying with?

  18. On 12/08/2016 at 3:09 PM, Caiden Spencer_321044 said:

    Is there any way in the portal to display for each post the number of views the article has had?

    I'll note this for the next version but if you wanted to include something temporarily. View this edit on how to add content to the topic row. Adding something like this should work, (Haven't tested yet)

    <li>{number="$topic->views"} Views</li>


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