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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 13 hours ago, Julien Leconte said:

    Hello, Well I have a big problem with, I've installed the app but no one can now register our forum, I have an error : 2S129/1

    That looks like the "You are not permitted to register a user account with this site." error message that the spam service produces. Have you modified any of your spam service settings, perhaps the threshold for triggering a spam account is set lower then normal?

    The database changes the app makes adds language strings for the welcome messages, I don't see how that would affect the spam service at all. Especially not if the Auto Welcome app itself is uninstalled.

  2. Replace your one logo with random logos on page load. Group logos for different themes and member groups.


    • Setup random logos on page load.
    • Group logos that display on different themes.
    • Group logos that display to different member groups.
    • Set an override URL for each individual logo.
    • Set custom alt text for each logo image.
    • Use logos dimensions or fixed dimensions when displaying. 



  3. On 10/06/2016 at 4:32 PM, Koby said:

    Swapping what out? I don't understand what you want me to do with that code in the box.

    Sorry thought I included the file. Open applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications..php

    Find this code and replace with the above code I mentioned:

    			catch( \PharException $e )
    				\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'application_notvalid', '1C133/9', 403, '' );

    Now try and upload your tar file again and it should print out the exact Phar exception.

  4. On 08/06/2016 at 5:23 PM, Koby said:

    According to php.net, Phar comes built into PHP since 5.3.0 so there would be no way that it isn't already installed.

    Can you try swapping out that for this and see what exception it's providing?

    catch( \PharException $e )
    print $e->getMessage();
    				\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'application_notvalid', '1C133/9', 403, '' );


  5. 13 hours ago, mknobbe said:

    Does this mean I can link a newly created calendar event to a previously created topic?

    No, only events that are newly created or updated will have discussion topics created for them. You can link an existing topic but it would have to be done manually via the database.

  6. On 07/06/2016 at 2:13 AM, RPG-support said:

    Yes, they are. I already deleted them again by the sql requests you gave the last time.

    I've noted this last 4 remaining ones and will have them fixed next release.

    On 07/06/2016 at 2:13 AM, RPG-support said:

    I think you should continue to inform the IPS staff that the bug exists.

    I believe you have access to the Contributor forums? I'm going to open a topic there requesting more information as I can't seem to reply to my bug report.


  7. On 07/06/2016 at 0:42 AM, Koby said:

    1. 1C133/9

    2. Not sure what this is, but I'm on a dedi, so I can install it if you point me to it.

    I'm kinda leaning towards this being a lack of Phar on your server then. The error code itself would suggest that as well. I'm not server admin so can't help much there but I believe it's just a PHP extension you can add into your PHP install.

    			catch( \PharException $e )
    				\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'application_notvalid', '1C133/9', 403, '' );
  8. On 06/06/2016 at 5:27 PM, duyfr said:

    Still dont have this option in new update ? And if you want i can use radio field then you can add option require field ? Because when i use checkbox set field they can check all value but i need only 1 reponse , and when i use radio field as you said i have nothing in reponse because it not require 

    No sorry I wasn't able to include it due to some parts being more complicated then I first thought. I've still got this logged and it should be placed in the next version.

  9. On 03/06/2016 at 0:51 PM, RDxZen said:

    If their primary rank is one of the excluded groups, it changes their secondary to donor? Is that how it works>?

    Yes correct, if the primary exclude is in affect. It will still perform any "Secondary" group promotions you have setup.

    On 04/06/2016 at 6:48 PM, Koby said:

    The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.

    See my Portal reply for more troubleshooting tips. This looks host/user related unless someone else is having issues with the latest updates I made?

  10. On 02/06/2016 at 5:24 PM, RPG-support said:

    May be you make mod permissions?

    Yes it looks like I'm being forced into that direction. IPS haven't gotten back to me and I still believe this is a bug as I don't make use of "modPermissions". I could add the language strings for those fields if it helps? They wouldn't affect anything but at least would have strings present.

    On 02/06/2016 at 5:55 PM, Brenden Scifleet said:

    The theme is called Dispersion and I currently use it on http://www.brendenplayz.com/forums

    I've made some further progress in the latest version but will adjust further if needed.

    On 02/06/2016 at 9:27 PM, RPG-support said:

    Again you are installing the dupliucated language strings. When will you stop to ruin my site?

    Are those the 4 remaining duplicates you see?

  11. On 02/06/2016 at 7:02 AM, VR6Pete said:

    Wanting to use this to allow my members to submit a "feature car" for my website. 

    I'm not seeing any issues with the fields you'll need or submitting that data to a topic. But 1 issue would be the approval process for the topic. Typically the "topic alert" is used in staff/admin forums and approved straight away for view. There's no "approval" option along the way.

    Depending on who and how you want to manage approvals. The easier way would probably be to add a topic state option in the topic settings. That way you could set topics to "hidden" and mods/admins could come along and approve a topic if needed. Would something like that work for how you want to approve submissions?

    If you want I can setup a demo board and that way you can add the fields needed and make sure they passed onto the topic like you want.

  12. On 04/06/2016 at 7:00 PM, Koby said:

    Getting this error here too:

    1. Can I have the error code for that error?
    2. Are you positive your host supports Phar in PHP?
    3. Just to rule it out, you selected the "tar" file and not the zip?
  13. 3 minutes ago, Artur Godzik said:

    Total statistics doesn't work. Total amount of donations = 0,00

    Can you PM me board details so I can look over your setup? Not seeing any obvious issues on my test board.

  14. 14 hours ago, ADKGamers said:

    I'm thinking he'll probably have forms done tomorrow. (Well today. . Tuesday) He's upgraded a few of his other apps already and pushed those so I don't think this one is far behind. ^_^ Kind of in the same boat as you, but it's only just one form that's not working so I guess we're lucky.  haha

    Yep, spot on. Very much likely today.

    14 hours ago, Apfelstrudel said:

    But I'm still hoping in getting the confirmation pm feature I requested a couple of months ago. ^_^ I want to keep the user onpage.

    Wasn't planned but I'll bump it up and try my best to include it this update.

    6 minutes ago, duyfr said:

    have something going bad with function "Menu manager" when your application active , i cant use this function "menu manager" in acp and got error

    Check back within a few hours and the new version should have this fixed.

  15. 12 hours ago, Durango said:

    Regarding the rss, would it be possible to add a new item "video caption image" so that we can show the last videos on another site using the rss feed and showing the captures of the videos ^_^

    Good idea, will see what IPB supports in it's rss feeds and include in the very next version if possible.

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