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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 7 hours ago, TQWorld2 said:

    Great application, thanks. Working great on v4.1.10. This is a noob question but...how do I get the portal to be the landing page instead of the forums? The last time I messed with a portal was a few years ago with IPS v3.4.5 and it was a simple tweak in conf_global.

    If you open your ACP > System tab > Applications. You'll notice a "star" icon next to every application. Click the star icon next to the Portal application will set it as the default start page for the forums.

  2. 6 hours ago, RPG-support said:

    Please, provide instruction. For example, the sql command.

    PM sent with test query I'm using and further information regarding this. I'm just seeing if IPS intended old language files to be kept or not post upgrade. I'll keep you updated on the reply and then if I need to make another version to clean up old strings or not.

    6 hours ago, RPG-support said:

    I believe I read here or on your site a report about that and your reply that you do not think this is the important bug. That is why I wrote that it is not fixed again.

    I deal with lots of bugs & support but this one still doesn't come to mind. Do you have a source I can look at to see why this was skipped? I don't use the mod permissions extension in the Videos app and keywords in the tab look like this is from the Pages app and not my application.

  3. 16 hours ago, RDxZen said:

    Do you have any plans to support the rules application? I would love to automate a donation medal with some conditions via the rules app. 

    I think the Rules app is great but no plans right now. I'm still focused on bug fixes before I turn to new features.

    4 hours ago, PirateCaptain said:

    finally got around to upgrading to 4.1.10 and this is what happens now when members try to donate

    I'll need board access to troubleshoot, no changes were made that should cause this.

  4. 2 hours ago, RPG-support said:

    Installed by the previous versions and already reported duplicated language strings are not removed after upgrade to 3.1.10. They are still causing problems with the default applications.

    It doesn't look like IPB 4 removes old language strings when an application is upgraded. I'll need board access to manually remove the older language strings or alternatively I can provide instructions.

    2 hours ago, RPG-support said:

    This is still not fixed after upgrade to 3.1.10.

    I don't believe this was ever reported to me as a problem. I can't reproduce this locally so will need board access to troubleshoot this further.

  5. 2 hours ago, ADKGamers said:

    @Mike John talked with support and they said that they'd be unable to assist to see why that's happened. So where do we go from here? 

    If it's happening with a few different applications, then I would of thought that would point to an issue with IPB4 itself rather then the applications. Could you PM me your ftp and admin cp login details and I'll take a look and see what's wrong?

  6. 8 minutes ago, ADKGamers said:

    I do have a ticket into support as well with this as your application isn't the only one that I'm having an issue with, so want to make sure there's nothing going on that they need to fix.  Donations upgraded just fine for me but nothing else has. Including Auto Welcome and then a few other plugins from different authors. 

    There's a couple of reference to that error.

    1. Open your applications folder. Do you have a folder created called "form" in there?
    2. Can you paste the last part of the url you see when choosing the upgrade option? What's set for the "appKey" parameter?

    If your database table has an entry, check if there are any cache issues. See ACP > System tab > Support > " Something isn't working correctly. ". See if your getting any errors rebuilding your cache, it might be that an app is preventing the application cache rebuilding.

  7. 12 hours ago, Joey_M said:

    Latest version is running and I edited the currency, no difference. :/

    It looks like there were some legacy issues that were caused before the latest version. I've updated them and it should be showing 10 pound in all locations on the front page. just let me know if there's something not right. But this shouldn't be an issue anymore with the latest version.

  8. Just now, ADKGamers said:

    Yup, been following that ^_^  And just checked and I do see it in the core_applications database table.   And yes I have the Forms App. This is one of the most important apps that I need to get upgraded. haha  Probably 25+ forms at least that we have and don't remember everything that we had for each of them. 

    Yeah I thought I remembered you using the latest. Does the error also have any error code with it? If so, can you let me know and I'll look through the code causing the issue?

  9. 11 hours ago, Bendensin said:

    Has anybody been able to disable these, or link the default "Contact Us" to one of the forms in the Forms app? I know this topic isn't about Nexus, but I am wondering if anybody has been able to disable that contact method as well.

    I haven't paid much attention to this in the past as not a big Nexus user but I'll add it as something to look at next version. Shouldn't be an issue to override the default contact link and point them to the Forms app.

    2 hours ago, ADKGamers said:

    Should I just upload the new version and it'll see that there's info in the database, or what should I do here?

    That would cause quite a few issues as it wouldn't run the upgrade routine then. IPB 3.4 to 4.x instructions can be found here. But it looks like your already following that. Do you see an entry for the Forms app in your core_applications database table? Just to rule out the obvious, you had the Forms app for IPB 3.4 and not the Contact System app?

  10. 19 hours ago, VR6Pete said:

    Yeah - that would be awesome mate ^_^ thanks! Just give me a nudge when ready to test ^_^ 

    Sorry I should of asked if this was for the items widget or images widget? The later is possible now, the former will probably require a new version as it's a bit more complicated to include.

  11. I've just updated the Videos app with a few more bug fixes. View full list here.

    I've also included some significant improvements to the language files. Please keep in mind that the entire language file needed to be overhauled and that can't be done in 1 single version. Make sure you report any missing problem strings and they'll be corrected in the next version until this is 100% sorted. I apologies to those with other languages that are affected by this.

  12. On 17/04/2016 at 10:12 AM, Joey_M said:

    However, the 'donation stats' shows '£0.00'. This might be something I have done incorrectly, it could be my sites server (as sometimes I have to re-add the widgets to the index page for it to update).

    First off, make sure your using the latest version as I have been continuously updating currency/goal stats calculations in the last few versions. Secondly, can you try editing that donations and making sure the desired currency is selected and see if it triggers a recalculation of the stats?

  13. On 15/04/2016 at 8:26 PM, VR6Pete said:

    Hi Mike - is the option to only return items with a photos uploaded available in the widget for collections?

    I do remember the request but it must of got lost somewhere. I can put together some edits now so you don't have to wait until the next version?

  14. 8 hours ago, sabolchi said:

    Do you have plans to integrate the points with other parts of the suite such as the gallery? For instance being able to set a point amount for each gallery upload?

    Yes but still thinking of the best approach to cover a lot of actions.

  15. 2 hours ago, misfit76 said:

    IPB Support fixed this

    Can you let me know what was the problem so can see if I need to fix anything on my end?

    2 hours ago, misfit76 said:

    The previous version of Garage used to list users vehicles in their profile box on the forum.  Is it possible to bring that back?

    A profile tab? Was recently added in the latest Collections version I believe.

  16. 6 hours ago, KevinGrand said:

    Doesn't work for me, even when I run the task and have dummy accounts with birthdays set to present. Does having a sever lock (require server login to access page) affect this plugin?

    The Birthday Greeter relies on IPB4 tasks which in turn relies on page visits. If you've got a server load and are not going to have a lot of visits, I would recommend setting up your tasks to run as cron jobs instead. This will ensure all tasks, including IPB's own will properly.

  17. On 12/04/2016 at 9:58 PM, sabolchi said:

    Im wondering if it's possible to have it displayed like the following if I have the points prefix on the settings page set to "$".

    I'll note this for the next version but if you wanted some template edits to achieve this now, let me know and I'll put something together.

  18. On 12/04/2016 at 5:24 PM, duyfr said:

    yes i were thinking to use this field , but i have 4 fields using "checkbox set" but only one i need only a value , i can use 1 radio field + 3 checkbox set just it not same style in my forms ,

    Yeah I understand that. I'll note this for the next version and see what I can do.

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