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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. On 12/3/2016 at 6:02 PM, Koby said:

    Tracker still counts 'unapproved' donations towards goal. I believe it shouldn't add to the goal until/unless approved.

    Also on goals it still lists all donations ever made, when it should just list the donations made towards that goal like it did in 3.4.x

    Both noted for next release.

    7 hours ago, Koby said:

    On top of this; some parts counts all donations, while others count donations and take fees into account. Because it doesn't do the same in every place you end up with it saying you've reach a different amount.

    Confirmed bug, will be fixed next version.

    7 hours ago, Koby said:

    Also on the main Donation page the donate box seems to have a lot of unnecessary borders which make it look really unappealing:

    Is this still the case in the default skin?

  2. On 11/3/2016 at 4:37 AM, fabnay said:

    I have got an issue when i use custom language (FR) the donation bar is "white" but if i use English (default) language the bar is dark.

    Can you try reverting any changes to the "percent_goal_reached" language string only and see if that works?

  3. 13 hours ago, कृष्णा said:

    This is about png quality being to low (with artifacts). The thumbs are being automatically created from the linked Vimeo or Youtube videos. Is there anything in the code that can improve them? I remember the similar situation on the IPB 3.4 versions of this application. I think that png thumbs are created of the ~60% of their normal quality. I do not care about the thumb size but I need the best picture quality.

    Can you provide a sample Youtube url your using and will check the oEmbed code and see what kind of thumbnail is generating?

    5 hours ago, कृष्णा said:

    If this view of the Features Images block is enabled then there is automatic transition in effect. This is becoming boring if the user clicked to view the video in this block right on the index page. Then the video is playing and the transition is also in effect. Please, make the switcher in ACP to disable/enable the automatic start of the transition. Meanwhile may I have the code lines and how to disable the automatic transition in the Features Images block?

    I haven't tested this yet but I believe if you remove the "data-ipsCarousel-slideshow" code from the featured block that should remove the slideshow affect. I'll need to confirm this when I get home.

  4. 10 hours ago, Neej said:

    Is there plans for it to be a Dynamic form that is multi page, and will bring up a certain page of questions depending on what was selected for a specific question?

    Not immediate ones but I will make a note of it. This is possible in IPB4 but I'd need to figure out a way to have it customizable in the admin cp

  5. 6 hours ago, Amy Pond said:

    Hi! It's possibile disable it for single groups? 

    Yep enabled for all by default. But the "Disabled Groups" setting allows you to disable access to certain groups. Let me know if you need a demo of this in operation.

  6. 18 hours ago, Koby said:

    Works! Thanks Mike.

    Thanks, noted for next version.

    16 hours ago, CP said:

    It seems I have not received any replies from Mike on this. But everything I said remains the same. Kinda like the Unreal Portal released years ago. That is what I would like to see. 

    Support for 3 columns is my goal but when I get there is uncertain. This was one of the first if not the first IP.Board 4 application to be upgraded and I've updated it continuously to ensure stability. But right now my focus is still on bug fixing on all my mods before I look to new major features.

  7. 16 hours ago, कृष्णा said:

    I got the blank page while trying to save the settings of the just installed application. 3.1.8. The settings were not saved for all tabs. There is nothing in the server error log or in the IP Suite error log. This is Aviator browser (on Chromium).

    Please apply this patch here.

    6 hours ago, कृष्णा said:

    Automatically created thumbs are to much compressed. Please, provide the code lines were it can be set to 100% quality.

    Thumbnail dimensions? The oEmbed feed for Youtube should already provide the "hqdefault" version of the thumbnail.

    4 hours ago, कृष्णा said:

    I think that the language key is missing in the languages. Or some other bug here.

    Thanks, noted for next version.

  8. 20 hours ago, Koby said:

    So the portal is showing me hidden topics because I have the ability to see hidden topics? If that's the case; is there some way to make it not pull them period? Especially since there is no indication it's a hidden topic in the portal.

    Try this.

    Open applications/portal/modules/front/portal/portal.php


    $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Content( 'IPS\forums\Topic', \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=portal&module=portal&controller=portal', 'public', 'portal' ), $where, NULL, NULL, 'read' );

    Replace With:

    $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Content( 'IPS\forums\Topic', \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=portal&module=portal&controller=portal', 'public', 'portal' ), $where, NULL, FALSE, 'read' );

    Save. Just let me know if it works and will confirm for next version.

  9. Allows your members to customize which forums appear in their forum index homepage when signed in. Set which forums you would like to require, flag new forums and manually add new forums to members forum selections.

    v1 Features

    1. Each member can customize which forums appear on their homepage (index).
    2. Guest button that points to sign in page to encourage guests to sign up in order to customize their homepage.
    3. New forum flagging for forums that are added X days after creation. Shown both on the home page and selections page.
    4. Set which forums are required when customizing a homepage.
    5. Set which groups can not customize their homepage.
    6. Special prompt appears when a user visits a forum that is not in their homepage.
    7. Included link so members can peek at all homepage forums without saving.
    8. Member can disable homepage customization at any time and all forums will show as normal.
    9. Rebuild tool to manually add new forums to a members customized homepage.


  10. On 6/3/2016 at 7:51 AM, Koby said:

    Did you miss seeing this post?

    You sure it's just not showing you the topic? Just hid a post and logged out and it seems to be hiding the hidden topics.

  11. 16 hours ago, Netherlord said:

    was the promotions info added to the donations tab? i saw it confirmed in your bug tracker but cant see any info on donators.

    No not in the very latest version but it will be something I look at next version.

  12. 23 hours ago, Koby said:

    Nope. Installed latest version and it didn't fix it.

    I'm on 3.2.10 of the Donation Mod and the issue still exists.

    One last idea. Have you reverted the template changes made so ensure latest code is loading? Also an obvious one but just make sure none of your goals are "private" goals either.

  13. 12 hours ago, VR6Pete said:

    Who Was Online: name lookup timed out PHP & TXT Widget: BAD_JSON Subscriptions Manager: BAD_JSON

    Yeah I think I've seen a few of those before. Might want to notify the mod authors so they can fix their update checkers.

  14. 28 minutes ago, enigmapatrick said:

    Sorry, where is this located?

    Also, I was testing some stuff and got myself added to $ Donors but I don't seem to be able to remove it currently.

    Thanks for the awesome app and help! :)

    In ACP > Customization tab > Localization > Languages.

    Can you view donations in ACP > Donations tab > Donations?

    Thank you.

  15. On 4/3/2016 at 5:06 AM, Koby said:

    Patch doesn't fix it. Still shows '--' however the tooltip that pops up over it when you hover displays the correct amount now at least.

    Newest version includes this fix, so I would upgrade as it includes a few other crucial fixes as well.

    8 hours ago, enigmapatrick said:

    Is there anyway to customise the private message that is sent?

    Yes all text is covered under the language manager. So you would just need to edit the language string for the PM message to alter it.

  16. On 4/3/2016 at 11:11 PM, VR6Pete said:

    Update checking must be broken in that case. 

    I have now updated. Will see how I get on

    Do you have any notice of the updatecheck task failing? I know a few modders have broken update checkers which stops other apps from being checked.

  17. On 4/3/2016 at 10:19 PM, Joey_M said:

    Example - I run a fan site, so having the match discussion 'Live' and perhaps highlighted as so - would be a great way to get people posting more. I think as it standards now, people wouldn't gather around the same topic and in turn end up not being as effective as I'd like. Having all topics update instantly would wear off with my audience I think, so I would certainly like the option per topic.

    Yes I think some type of "Live" flag in a special topic would be something I would include if per topic support was added.

  18. 9 hours ago, karld said:

    Hi I wanted to put it in the left panel but not in the default advertisements areas.
    Prior to upgrading to ipb 4 I used to use the hook custom blocks which you could pull this kind of content or add html etc.

    I haven't had a chance to test this yet but you could setup a php portal block and try something like this.

    $advertisement = \IPS\core\Advertisement::loadByLocation( 'block_side' );
    print $advertisement;


  19. 9 hours ago, 2ucs said:

    Is there a way to setup donations for people who want it to automatically pay every month ?

    As in subscription support? No not currently but next major upgrade will likely include it.

  20. 17 hours ago, VR6Pete said:

    I have been in discussions with IPB support as there is an issue with my website that is causing duplicate subscriptions to be created in Commerce when this add-on is enabled.

    What version of the Auto Welcome app are you currently using? One of the recent versions should include a "hasInstance" check for the dispatcher which I believe was the issue before.

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