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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. On 20/2/2016 at 5:32 AM, ThiagoRibeiro said:

    Question 1: How can I configure one specific member with promote and demotion group and after a specific date this member return for another group ??

    Question 2: It's possible to keep an member promoted while this member make some donate before 30 days expire ?!

    Have you already setup your member rewards settings? If so, when you manually add a new donation you have the option to issue a promotion manually as well.

    On 20/2/2016 at 5:55 AM, Netherlord said:

    "Award based on total donations?" setting? <--- Its toggled off!

    The next version should clear this up, if not will need board access to troubleshoot again.

    On 20/2/2016 at 9:32 AM, Netherlord said:

    Also donation goals widget still does not take fee's into account!

    Can you remove and add the widget again? Just want to see if a widget cache issue.

    On 20/2/2016 at 9:32 AM, Netherlord said:

    and would it be possible to change the -- on donation amount when anonymous to anonymous amount or something

    Open to idea? Maybe I can just include in language files?

  2. On 17/2/2016 at 5:40 PM, Cloud 9 said:

    Has the Cron issue been fixed yet ?

    Yes, the latest version should fix profile sync and tapatalk issues.

    On 17/2/2016 at 7:45 AM, ABGenc said:

    I would like to test it but I am currently out of town. I will PM you when I am back

    No worries.

  3. On 17/2/2016 at 5:19 AM, The Honor Empire said:

    Question 1: Can a goal be set to a specific payment gateway? For example: Goal 1 utilizes PayPal Account A only, and Goal 2 uses PayPal Account B only.

    Not to a specific payment gateway (Paypal/Paymentwall etc..) but each goal can have an override Paypal address set where donations go to that Paypal address when goal is selected.

    On 17/2/2016 at 5:19 AM, The Honor Empire said:

    Question 2: Can there be recurring monthly goals? Example: "Monthly Hosting Costs" that resets every 30 days whether the goal was met or not.

    Yes, setup a goal that you force open and then set the "Automatic Reset" to reset donations at the start of every month. That way the goal is constantly displayed but associated donations and status is reset each month.

  4. On 15/2/2016 at 3:20 PM, MadMcardle said:

    That's right, currently I can't set my points system as the default currency as it is not a "real" currency,  which is a shame as we don't sell anything for real money lol 

    If Commerce allows integration like that, I'll add it as very likely in my to do list for v1.2.

  5. On 15/2/2016 at 6:18 PM, ABGenc said:


    I'm going to need some time before I can revisit this but I do have a theoretical bit of code that may work. If you want to test it, let me know and can put together the instructions.

  6. On 5/2/2016 at 5:24 AM, MadMcardle said:

    Another thing that would be great, if possible is some kind of random points generator that members would get for say, logging in daily if that makes sense?

    IE member logs in = Rewarded X amount of points today but maybe fixed or random? 

    I can set it to issue points for logging in but how did you want to control the random nature?

    12 hours ago, MadMcardle said:

    Is it possible to make this the default currency through commerce? 

    As in used for purchases for commerce product?

  7. On 12/2/2016 at 0:58 AM, Michael R said:

    After upgrading (3.1.8) I am getting this when members add videos.

    Are these media urls or uploads? If the later, I'm going to need a sample video to test myself.

    On 12/2/2016 at 0:59 AM, Heyhoe said:

    Pleeeaaase can you make the categories show the videos contained inside it. I really want to use this application but it's fundamentally flawed in this respect.

    This is not directed at you personally Paul but in general. Can you guys please ask for support before leaving poor reviews. At least give me to the chance to address an issue first.

    I believe this should be possible but wouldn't mind testing it a bit more before hand. If your board is available for that, please PM me.

  8. On 12/2/2016 at 6:23 AM, ABGenc said:

    @Mike John I was testing login with facebook functionality and found out that for users logging in with facebook do not receive a welcome message or email.

    My forum highly depends on the welcome messages and email the new users receive to get into the community. Can this be achieved ?

    What user validation setting do you have currently set?

  9. I've just released a new version that introduces some new features:

    1. Auto reset points ability added.
    2. Daily topic limit now working.
    3. Top points widget added for displaying top point members over week, month, year and all time.
    4. The fixed point 100 & 200 options are now settings and can be disabled if needed.
    5. Points can now be renamed and a prefix set throughout where points figure is displayed.
  10. On 8/2/2016 at 7:31 AM, VR6Pete said:

    Yes that's enabled but still no sign of the settings - do you know what the URL would be - I will validate I can load it ok

    Should be collections/items.xml or in your case I believe garage/items.xml

    Are you looking for the rss icon on the homepage or collections homepage?

  11. On 9/2/2016 at 0:09 PM, Lenny Warren said:

    and it seemed to work. Occasionally it doesn't though, and seems to load the index.html page instead of the index.php.

    Is there a reason to keep the index.html file still though? The index.php will just show the Portal all the time.

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