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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. 23 hours ago, RPG-support said:

    Please, make fix for the duplicated language strings. No other concern. Since they are multiple, this is breaking normal work of the default applications. The duplicated language strings' keys should be made unique.

    I'll push this up the queue and have it done as soon as the Collections update is complete. I can't commitment to an ETA just yet.

    22 hours ago, Joey_M said:

    It would just be nice to have that area match up/fully see-able.

    Sorry Joey, I'm probably missing something obvious here but could you post a screenshot highlighting the area?

  2. 13 hours ago, duyfr said:

    Can you add a small function "dont allowed multiple value" in option "checkbox set" please

    Have you considered using the "Radio" field option instead? Has natural support for 1 selection only.

  3. 4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

    1) Is it possible to allow decimals for point values? I would like to set 0.5 and 0.25 for some of the values in the forum settings, but the current code doesn't seem to allow it.

    I'll note this for v1.2. Not a quick edit as points are stored a bit differently right now.

    4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

    2) The points prefix and points name on the settings page doesn't seem to carry over to all pages and elements of the plugin. For instance, the /index.php?/points/ page still uses points for the log and the top earners and the profile page also uses points for the log. I would like to completely remove all reference to the points idea and replace it with my own wording.

    The url is a bit more tricky to handy. I've experimented with changing it in another app of mine but ideally this should be changed in the furl section yourself. IPB4 now allows you to change any friendly url to what ever you want. Let me know if you need instructions or guidance here.

    Yeah there were a few areas I missed, let me know a list of anything that was missed and will make sure it's fixed next version.

    4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

    3) On the points log, is it possible to replace the ipsBadge +1 with the actual prefix that we use in the settings?

    Sorry not quite sure what your after here?

    4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

    4) Points multiplier based on the level. For instance users who reach level 2 can be set to receive 25% more points that what is set in the forum settings for per topic and reply. Level 3 can be set to receive 50% more points, etc..?

    And what is the basis for levels? The number of points already owned or some group/perm option?

    4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

    5) Prevent certain groups from earning any points.

    Good idea, should be easy to include this as a group permission next version.

  4. On 08/04/2016 at 9:56 AM, Joey_M said:

    I could do with a white border/background, also the 'read more' can this be fixed? You click it, it just disappears (nothing extra is shown).

    I've posted a bug report with a manual patch for the truncate problem here. Where exactly did you want to add the border?

    5 hours ago, RPG-support said:

    Any idea of the next version release?

    I don't have a great deal of pending bugs so probably not for a while. Is there a particular thing you needed?

  5. On 08/04/2016 at 3:07 AM, Tribalize said:

    I have this portal installed on 3 sites. After the 4.1.10 upgrade on 1 site. got an error with the portal. so i uninstalled then reinstalled it. Still getting the same error. Only happens on one of the sites the other 2 are fine. Any suggestion Please?

    I can't reproduce this but it seems IPB 4.1.10 did make a change in relation to how the topic post was loaded. I'm going to need board and ftp access to troubleshoot this further but I believe this may be an issue with IPB 4 itself.

  6. On 08/04/2016 at 3:44 PM, misfit76 said:

    Looks like this is only happening on the Calendar that existed in the old version of the board.  News ones handle this without problems.

    Sorry but just to clarify, do you mean previous events that were created before a certain date?

    On 08/04/2016 at 3:44 PM, misfit76 said:

    do you need both ACP and ssh access?

    Preferably acp and ftp/file access to your forums plugins folder.

  7. 10 hours ago, Lord Balandar said:

    The only change I've made is the exclude group permissions, however, I'm not excluding the groups to which emails are sent... as it does send an email when I manually run the task. I'm going to remove the excluded groups and see if that makes a difference.

    If it doesn't. Can you please PM me and I'll either need login details or I can provide some debugging code. I just want to get an idea if the task is running at all in auto mode and then at what point is it stopping.

  8. On 06/04/2016 at 7:16 AM, Simon Woods said:

    ... and as you can see the entries aren't truncated. Is this possibly related to the theme?

    Just try in the default theme to rule it out but I have had a similar report before. In the News settings, what do you currently have set for the truncate setting?

  9. On 05/04/2016 at 3:42 PM, misfit76 said:
    • Would it be possible to make the Collections searchable? 
    • Allowing for multiple unrelated collections. Associate fields to individual collection or category
    • While using make a models database also allow non DB user input in case vehicle is not in database
    • This one is a long shot. Something like a VIN decoder.  User inputs VIN, and based on data in the database a year and model comes up. The admins will have to populate this DB
    1. Should be included in the IP.Board search at the top for items as well.
    2. Can you expand on this a bit more?
    3. Actually that should be possible with IP.Board 4 now, will check if the node field can accept an "other" option like that.
    4. I'd need to see a bit more demand for such a feature. But I'll keep it in mind.
    On 05/04/2016 at 6:31 PM, misfit76 said:

    I went to try to make changes to the Topic Posting settings and received this error after changing the Title and hitting Save

    Can you make sure you have the latest patch from the last post of this bug report?

  10. On 01/04/2016 at 2:37 AM, Lord Balandar said:

    Manually running after it's unlocked works, which is what I have been doing.. But it'll re-lock occasionally. I'm going to watch it over the next week or so and set some test accounts to have birthdays and see if it locks again. It doesn't appear to lock unless there is a birthday on the given day. I'll report back. Thanks!

    Yeah if you can try running when there is a confirmed birthday, that should then display the error that's obviously locking it.

  11. On 01/04/2016 at 8:41 PM, Joey_M said:

    It's the widget I'm using Mike, I did manage to resolve the padding on my old theme but I had to edit a template to re-add spacing. I've slept since then and I don't recall exactly how I achieved it.

    Just logged in using my previous details and it looks like you may have gotten this fixed? The top widget block seems to be lining up properly in both themes.

  12. 3 hours ago, Joey_M said:

    where is the CSS controlled?

    There's not a dedicated css file but you can modify the template bits in theme editor > gms > front > global > messageList and messageRow.

    What message style are you using and is it a widget or the default hook position? The widget area actually will add it's own padding to all widgets, so that's a little different to change then the actual global message itself.

  13. On 30/03/2016 at 3:42 AM, Lord Balandar said:

    Another issue that came back up are locks on the task. It'll lock and remain locked until I manually unlock it from the tasks window. There are no associated error logs.

    What about if you manually run the task after unlocking it?

  14. On 30/03/2016 at 5:15 PM, duyfr said:

    i dont know why i get this error when trying to update 


    1. Make sure your uploading the form.tar file and not the zip.
    2. Check what CHMOD permissions you have for your applications folder.
    3. Check with your host that it supports the PHP Phar extension. IPB4 uses that to extract and import the application files.
  15. 12 hours ago, Simon Woods said:

    ... and I got an answer. Shall I use a ticket to get help with this?

    I've sent you a PM with the modified file to make things easier. That file just needs to be uploaded in that location I mentioned by IPS.

    I'm not sure where their support guidelines fall on this, with this being a third party app. But worse case scenario, I'll put together a new version that just includes this fix.

  16. On 24/03/2016 at 6:44 AM, 2ucs said:

    under the choose automatic settings it will add the date again after i save it

    If you or anyone else with this issue can PM me admin+ftp login details to troubleshoot this further. I can't for the life of my reproduce this locally but I have had confirmed cases where this is happening.

    On 25/03/2016 at 3:15 PM, Koby said:

    When do you expect the new bug fixes to be out? Would really like the tracker to stop displaying three different amounts raised depending on which page your on, as well as to stop unapproved donations as being added to the amount raised. People feel less inclined to donate when the goals are showing close or met already even though they're still actually a long way off.

    At least 2-3 weeks. If you don't mind some file edits, I might be able to put together some patches for the easier fixes.

  17. 3 hours ago, crazzzydave said:

    Hi Mike. As always, another great app. Love it. The only slight issue I've noticed is that although it does send the New Member a welcome email, the notification isn't working. So unless they click on the "messages" icon at the top of the screen, they don't actually know the pm is there? Only a slight bug, otherwise a superb app!

    Yeah I noticed a few cases where that icon won't show. It is on my radar but a lower priority until a few more other fixes are done.

  18. 2 hours ago, Simon Woods said:

    Thanks! Can it be done manually on Community In The Cloud?

    I assume the cloud allows ftp access? If so, shouldn't be an issue modifying as the News app files won't be encoded like IPB files are.

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