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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. On 24/03/2016 at 1:56 PM, Circo said:

    Start a new topic is working fine.  The rest of the site seems ok.  Two of my video submitters reported it to me yesterday after I upgraded to the latest version.  It was working fine before.  I did notice that if you post the video when you go back in to edit those options will work.  But for some reason none of them work in the submission screen.

    On 26/03/2016 at 6:31 AM, Circo said:

    Any ideas on my issue guys?  As I said it's only since I upgraded to this last version a few days ago.  The rest of the site is fine.  Is it possible to downgrade back to a working version of the plugin?

    I'm most likely going to need board access to troubleshoot this further. I've never encountered something like this before. Just about all those fields are using internal IPB4 functions and therefore IPB4's own javascript. I'm going to need to take a look at this as right now I have no theories in mind.

    No downgrades are not possible in IPB4 without uninstalling and loosing data.

    On 24/03/2016 at 0:24 AM, g1nt3r said:

    Does this work on IPB 4?

    Latest version is IPB 4.1 compatible. v3.1.6 is available in the previous versions and supports IPB 4.0 still.

  2. On 25/03/2016 at 2:25 AM, Lord Balandar said:

    I haven't tested this yet, but can we use php logic in the content? Check if age is null and have a different message?

    I've logged this as a bug for the next version, my plan is to add some kind of text value to the {age} quick tag. Something like "Not Provided".

    If you wanted to use a difference message instead, I can provide the edits but I'm not sure I'll include that approach in the next version.

  3. On 25/03/2016 at 2:18 AM, Simon Woods said:

    When I click save on the Settings page I get this:

    The next bug fixing update is still a few weeks away. In the mean time, I've put together a patch here. Just PM me forum details if you need me to apply this patch.

  4. 8 hours ago, Nick Bowen said:

    This is exactly what we're looking for on our feature suggestion forum.  One quick question, is it possible to hide the thumbs ratings on forums you wish not to have it? 

    No not currently but I've noted this for the next version as relatively easy to include. In the meantime I can provide temporary template edits if this is crucial.

  5. 9 hours ago, 2ucs said:

    Under Automatic reset/ Goals i cant disable it

    Using the "remove" link or manually removing any values and saving the form?

    15 hours ago, Janyour said:

    Done John, i'd just sent you a pm.

    Thanks, might be a bit of a wait until I can address it.

  6. On 18/3/2016 at 5:51 AM, 2ucs said:

    Our Donations do not reset every month i have to create new goals is there something im missing

    Can you check that your goal reset is disabled and only the donations reset are in operation?

    On 18/3/2016 at 8:19 AM, Janyour said:

    Hello, we have installed recently ssl on our forum, when we click on the Donate button we get an alerte popup message about non crypted data, is there any parameters to set up ?

    I don't have ssl to test, can you PM me your forum details and will take a look directly on your site?

  7. On 21/3/2016 at 0:22 PM, RPG-support said:

    The following language keys are duplicated and because of that can not be translated in the normal way:

    Thanks, all noted for next release.

    7 hours ago, Circo said:

    Not sure if I am missing something small, but after upgrading to the latest version I started having a few issues.

    Can you try a hard refresh of your browser? e.g. Ctrl + F5. It looks like it's not loading the javascript portion of IPB. Do you notice this in the new topic area as well?

  8. On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:
    • Increments can currently be configured for new topics and posts.
    • Allows configuration of cash increments for individual forums.

    I believe that's already implemented how you want.

    On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

    Allows users to donate cash to other users. (links not yet available in profile)

    Likely in v1.2.

    On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

    MCP module for Managing User Cash.

    Basic support for this exists in the profile page. Either adding/removing points or adjusting the points total.

    On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

    UCP Donation Logs

    Profile tab already supported with a members points logs.

    On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

    Can earn points for each day that they visit (login increment).

    This is likely in v1.2. Should this be based on physical logins or just page visits?

    On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

    Configurable random bonus increments, with toggleable notifications.

    I need a bit more information on how this should be implemented.

    On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

    Tip button on posts, allowing users to quickly donate to one another.

    Likely in v1.2

  9. On 18/3/2016 at 2:06 PM, HMatthew said:

    Will i be able to set up template like this one ? \/

    Please copy the template below into your application and fill it out.

    Will something like that be possible to set up so a person will just fill up the blanks to those questions , instead of copy and paste template?

    Do you have all those questions setup as fields in your form? If so, just use the {field_list} quick tag in your topic template and that will display a list of all the fields and there values for you. PM me acp login details if you need further help setting this up.

    On 18/3/2016 at 9:33 AM, Lyonharted said:

    Is there any way to pm the user with a link to the topic that the form generates?

    No not currently, this loosely ties into the same issue in my Auto Welcome app. When I find a solution there, I'll be including the fix in the next version of the Forms app as well.

  10. On 18/3/2016 at 8:25 AM, Ocean West said:

    ok seems like it had some issue with caching - I had my site setup for fileSystem caching - and in 4.0 there is no button that says "RE-CACHE"  took a while before any interface changes took affect. 

    If you run into this again, try the manual cache rebuild in ACP > System tab > Support > Something isn't working correctly.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Lyonharted said:

    Oh! So, if I for example did:

    By default the entire field list is included but if you wanted to use a specific field in your topic, you would use the {field_name_X} and {field_value_X} tags. I've attached 2 screenshots to better illustrate this.

    quick tag.png

    topic form.png

  12. On 16/3/2016 at 10:55 PM, Netherlord said:

    Updated to latest version! some notes i need to mention.

    - The My Videos button in a category shows videos from other posters! (also it seems to view all videos and since you click on it from the category im wondering if it would be best to show an extra option to filter my videos by category?)

    - The My Videos button shows up for those that have never posted a video and then when clicked shows videos by other posters

    Thanks, both logged.

  13. 2 hours ago, Lyonharted said:

    Is there any way the content of the form can be posted to a forum thread? Also, I can't see the form logs at all. I go to it and there's no way to view what someone submitted... Just that they submitted it.

    When setting up your forms, be sure to look at the "Quick Tags" button. This contains all the various options you have for placing form and field data into a newly created topic. For example the {field_list} tag will display a list of the forms fields and the values submitted. You can also display specific fields like {field_value_X}, x being the id of the field. That tag displays that specific value instead of the entire list.

  14. 18 hours ago, Neej said:

    How do I add the Donate box block via widget code? I Can't seem to find it's block code listed anywhere. I found block_donateDonate and tried both {block="donateDonate"}  and {block="block_donateDonate"} but neither have worked. 

    Those are both Pages app code so wouldn't work with the Donations widgets. Is there any reason why you can't place the Donations widget itself in place you want to add this?

  15. On 16/3/2016 at 6:12 AM, GT_Bullitt said:

    Yes I have that.  I just created a dummy account and I can confirm a couple of things.

    I've confirmed this as a bug for now. My current setup will need a small overhaul in order to get that topic link in place again.

  16. This plugin adds a download button to any attachment images you have uploaded in your posts. Control who can use this and what forums this works in.

    v1 Features:

    1. Restrict which forums the download option appears in.
    2. Restrict which member groups the download option appears to.
    3. Customize the download button language.
  17. 5 minutes ago, Koby said:


    Sorry, didn't come through for some reason.

    Just double check your applications/donate/modules/front/donate/index.php was updated. If you could PM me it to double check your end? I've looked and this should definitely be restricted to approved donations.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Neej said:

    I feel like it's some sort of conflict with the app itself, not recognising a person has donated. Because even adding that custom code in to the postcontainer no longer works.

    There was 1 change recently to ensure only approved donations were added to the members donation count. Are your donations set to pending at all or are you seeing this issue with offline donations?

  19. On 14/3/2016 at 5:37 AM, fabnay said:

    Done but same result. :unsure:

    Can I get acp login details to look this over?

    On 14/3/2016 at 5:37 AM, fabnay said:

    Other point, i don't know if it is normal or not but the progress bar is not displayed if i check the website on my phone.

    Intentionally that way but can be changed if needed.

  20. On 14/3/2016 at 1:05 PM, Koby said:

    It's the latest your site shows.


    On 14/3/2016 at 2:51 PM, Neej said:

    I have just noticed that the Donations $ icon Hook in the post container is no longer showing up on our forum. A member donated today and I went to check and noticed it was not displaying on his or any other donors post container.

    Are you using a custom skin or default skin?

  21. 3 minutes ago, Koby said:

    Also seems unapproved donations still give users the donation perks of upgrading account, etc. Even when I deleted the donation.

    Are you still using the latest version? This was supposed to be fixed in this report.

  22. 7 minutes ago, कृष्णा said:

    Are you ajusting the png/jpg compression quality somehow in the php code?

    I'm using the internal image creation functions that are included with IPB4. Can you try adjusting the max thumbnail dimensions to 1280 x 720. That's the current thumbnail dimensions that vimeo seems to be producing right now. Then check if the thumbnail quality improves with a new video addition.

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