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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. I'm looking for people who are willing to help with testing for Facebook/Twitter signups. Both with email validation enabled and disabled. If your forum is available, please PM with ftp and acp login details.

  2. On 1/3/2016 at 8:14 AM, karld said:

    Hi I have created a new portal block for an advertisement on the left blocks, so created a custom advertisement with key {advertisement="block_side"} I put this in the block and all that's coming up is {advertisement="block_side"} no image or link, any ideas where i'm going wrong please?

    Advertisement code like that would need to be included within the Portal template bit itself. What position were you looking to add the ad?

  3. On 1/3/2016 at 5:04 AM, GT_Bullitt said:

    Love your products but the only issue I seem to work running into is the PM sent to knew members isn't showing the welcome topic link?  Is this an issue that is known or am I missing something?  Thank  you.

    Have you added the "%topic_link%" quick tag to your pm message?

    4 hours ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    Would it be possible to not have the auto PMmessage in the PM box of the admin sending the message?

    If you don't mind a test edit to try out, this might be possible. I send it as a "system" PM but I'm not sure that functions how IPB 3.4 did.

  4. This plugin automatically adds new posts by other members into the topic while viewing the topic. Overriding the default flash message with options for how often and how long new posts should be checked for.

    v1 Features:

    1. Enable/disable override of force showing of new posts.
    2. Set how many seconds between each check for new posts.
    3. Set how long before new posts stopped being checked.
    4. Set how many seconds extra each new attempt for new topics will increase
  5. This plugin adds tv episode formatting to new topics with the ability to set the season, episode and air date. Also included is the ability to choose with forums will have episode formatting disabled.

    v1 Features:

    1. Set a season, episode and air date for new topics.
    2. Air date makes use of calendar helper to quickly select the air date of a new episode.
    3. Choose which forums episode formatting is disabled in.


  6. This plugin adds a css value for each tag that can be later modified in the themes css files. Included where ever tag is displayed as well as in view more tag popup. I will enable a support topic for this listing but due to my limited css knowledge, I will not be able to offer support for complex css changes.


  7. 8 hours ago, Durango said:

    On a video page, it would be really nice to have a block with X last videos of the SAME category

    I'm working on this functionality in another application now. Once I've got working code, including it in the Videos app shouldn't be an issue. Just remind me so can include this in the next version.

  8. On 27/2/2016 at 3:01 AM, MataVirgenes said:

    there any solution?

    Yes see my above reply. I'm going to need board details to troubleshoot this further. I can't reproduce this on the latest version and as far as I can tell, this should be working now.

    If you don't want to provide board details, I'll need to wait until someone does and I can reproduce this. Once that's done, I can issue a new release.

  9. On 26/2/2016 at 1:44 PM, Koby said:

    Anyhow this is ALL the options for paymentwall in the gateway section:

    Can you check your "donate_gateways" database table and PM me the contents? Also was this a fresh install or upgrade from IPB 3.4? If an upgrade, from what version?

    On 26/2/2016 at 10:42 AM, 2ucs said:

    Yes Both have reset dates for the 17th of every month. one had another date ill try and donate again

    Setting a "Goal" reset will clear the goal itself. If you want to keep the game goal but just have the donations reset each month, you need to disable the goal reset and just leave the donations reset enabled.

  10. 22 hours ago, 2ucs said:

    Yes Auto reset is on but doesn't work.

    There are 2 tabs, one for "Donations" and the other for "Goals". Do both have date sets?

    6 hours ago, Koby said:

    Paymentwall gateway doesn't appear to work. Doesn't seem to have a place for the secret key etc.. and when trying to test it out on the forum there is no button to continue:

    None in ACP > Donations tab > Gateways > Paymentwall? Should be at the very bottom with fields for api, key, widget.

    2 hours ago, Koby said:

    Also any chance you can add Stripe? They're a credit card -> bank system. I've noticed places like IPSFocus use Stripe for their cart/checkout systems. Figured it should be capable of handling Donations this way too so people can opt out of having to join random pay sites and transfer money to them to transfer money to us and instead just instantly send money via their credit card / debit card with no extra accounts or steps required.

    Stripe is probably the leading candidate for the next gateway.

  11. On 24/2/2016 at 0:38 PM, MataVirgenes said:

    hi, i use Ip board and birthday gretter las version, shoutbox (BIM40) Chatbox 1.2.0

    I'm going to need board details to troubleshoot this further. I can't reproduce this on the latest version and as far as I can tell, this should be working now.

    It looks like the other Shoutbox is not longer available so will be looking at adding chatbox support in the future. It's not a high priority right now based on the demand.

  12. 10 hours ago, Dmacleo said:

    right now getting ability to create a media tag on the fly (so to speak) is first priority. right now its just one site but there are others like cspan and related I would need ot do too.

    I don't have access to this app to know if it would work but if you do happen to purchase, I could setup a demo board for you to check it's integration with the Videos app.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Dmacleo said:

    this pretty much lays it out

    If it's just 1 video site, I should be able to put together a custom bit of code to handle it. But a proper media tag management area is still a few versions away yet.


  14. On 22/2/2016 at 10:57 AM, iDeath said:

    If members register using external login methods such as facebook, twitter and google+ it generates 2 topics. The first topic is a very hashed ID generated by the login method until said member chooses a display name which it then generates a new topic with their new username. Any fix?

    1. What version of Auto Welcome and IP.Board are you using?
    2. Do you have any email validation enabled?
  15. On 22/2/2016 at 9:21 AM, 2ucs said:

    When someone donates I have to manually add what they are donating to in the admin CP it was automatic before the last update to IPS. 

    When donating do any of the goal options appear? Do you currently have any automatic reset enabled for goals?

    On 22/2/2016 at 10:11 AM, Koby said:

    However on user profiles Donation tab it seems to not be displaying their amounts.

    Temporary patch available here.

  16. 7 hours ago, MataVirgenes said:
    • no exclude groups, no save configuration.
    • no show birthday notification in shoutbox

    1) This should of been fixed recently. What version of the Birthday Greeter and IPB are you using?
    2) Which shoutbox are you using? I dropped support for the Shoutbox as at the time of upgrading this app there wasn't any shoutboxes released.

    7 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

    I turned this off on my big site that has 20+ birthdays a day, but it is on on my small site with a few a month.  That last 2 birthdays had the forum post made the day before.  Is there a way to control when the post gets made?  Why is it the day before?

    Tasks don't allow a fixed time anymore and run on intervals now. But a possible solution might be in the last post here.

  17. 2 hours ago, Dmacleo said:

    did I see in earlier post (cannot find now grr) that you were going to add ability to define media tags like in 3.4.x series board?

    Flagged for a future version but still might be some months off. How many media sites are we talking about? Any of them contain oEmbed support? Custom oEmbed sites can be added.

  18. On 22/2/2016 at 3:42 AM, Eidorian said:

    I got error with this app when I create post in existing topic :

    I haven't been able to reproduce this. Can you PM me with ftp and acp login details so I can troubleshoot this further on your forums?

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