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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Michael.J

  1. On 07/09/2016 at 8:04 AM, zenzoidman said:

    First, how long are the points logs kept for? Does the application start deleting them after a certain amount of time?

    No pruning currently.

    On 07/09/2016 at 8:04 AM, zenzoidman said:

    Also, do you have any plans for adding a feature that would allow for the points logs to be viewed in graph form? For example, showing a user's points gain over time. This kind of functionality would be very useful for me, since I want to be able to see at a glance how many points a specific user gained over the period of, say, a year.

    I do have plans to add further improvements like that and will note that particular feature. But it will be more time before new major features are added.

    On 10/09/2016 at 11:23 AM, RSAC said:

    whens the next update expected for this mod?

    I'm going to avoid giving estimates from now on. There are just too many things happening now and I can't guarantee any sort of estimate.

  2. On 08/09/2016 at 2:10 AM, Netherlord said:

    My admin profile seems to have things that should not exist. To do with the new feature (i have it disabled). I see a donation changes tab! and i see donations and a value now appearing next to content count.

    Even after you disable group permissions for that section?

    On 09/09/2016 at 4:58 PM, B_U_R_I said:

    Is there a way I can try out this app before purchasing?

    PM Sent.

  3. On 02/09/2016 at 5:58 AM, Michael R said:

    When members click on "Unread Content" it says this at the top:

    Noted for next version.

    On 08/09/2016 at 2:11 AM, Netherlord said:

    I'm not sure if i mentioned this before but could it be made so that the Videos tab in profiles is hidden if a user has not posted a video.


    On 11/09/2016 at 4:55 AM, LDDG said:

    Is this possible with this Videos application? 98% of my users are on mobile, so this needs to work in mobile and tablet browsers.

    If I'm understanding this right. Then no I don't believe it would work as there is no current Pages integration like you need.

    1 hour ago, Joey_M said:

    Would you please enable a feature that would ineffectively pull videos from an RSS, then que them up to be finalized either manually or automatically? YouTube has an RSS feed for channels, I would like avoid manually adding one's for my fan site to save time (also if possible to have a auto description which is the same that would be very handy).

    I'll save it for a future version but won't be possible until the next major version is released.

  4. On 08/09/2016 at 6:39 PM, PaleoCris said:

     I'm experiencing an issue where "Category Only" areas are allowing the adding of items directly to them. They also do not behave in the way one would expect for a category only; they do not open and list subcategories...instead, they open exactly the same as a category without the "Category Only" option selected. Has this been thoroughly tested and confirmed that it is working correctly in the latest version? If so, I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I've confirmed the bug report you made and will include a fix for this in the next release.

  5. On 09/09/2016 at 4:37 AM, PedroNL said:

    Could I have this a custom build and I pay for this to be built int?

    I can do this as a custom request but will need at least a month before can start on anything. I'm working on bug fixing updates now and I will see if I can include this in the next version easily or not.

  6. On 02/09/2016 at 1:09 AM, Netherlord said:

    I'm not sure if this is going to do what i want. Because of how i have my forum set up. Would it be possible to get a demo account where i can configure how i'd want it set up? or try it out first before i buy. I just want to make sure it will do what i want. Made a few bad purchases in the past!

    PM Sent.

  7. On 05/09/2016 at 3:16 AM, DrMath said:

    I was wondering if there is an easy way to include additional fields in the messages? There are already built-in variables for member name, ID, etc. but for example, we're planning on using this to post auto-intro threads and want to include specific contact information they enter in custom profile fields. Is there an easy way to pass this information into new variables?

    Not possible currently but it is something I will be looking at for the next major version.

    On 06/09/2016 at 10:09 PM, goodnightworld said:
    • What is Status Update for? I don't seem to get it working
    • Send welcome pm - Is there anyway to highlight the envelope icon without member clicking it? As member may not notice it.
    • Send welcome email. This doesn't seem to be working, is there anything I have to set up? I leave Email Sender as empty. 
    1. I'm getting some bug reports for the status update feature. So it may actually be not working.
    2. Can you clarify this one a bit?
    3. Does it work any differently if you fill out a member as the email sender?
  8. On 31/08/2016 at 6:02 AM, HeYYiTzPaT said:

    Greetings. Love the portal!! Was a huge fan of the one for IP.Board. I have a question, can I get specific Blocks somewhere for the Portal? I see I can Import them with an .xml file, but where would I be able to get them? Also, if I make a new block, does it have to be coding? Can it be just text?

    I don't believe there are 3rd party created portal blocks. But I have included the functionality if any admins want to share their own blocks.

    The block can accept plain text, html or php just the same.

    On 05/09/2016 at 0:19 PM, Prank said:

     just wondering if we could have an option added to force aspect ratio on thumbs? Mine are all squished.

    Would you mind taking a quick screenshot of how it looks?

    On 05/09/2016 at 3:39 PM, B_U_R_I said:

    Will this feature find its way into the News widget? 

    I've noted this in a recent bug report so it's a very likely inclusion in the next News update now.

    On 06/09/2016 at 0:31 PM, Caiden Spencer_321044 said:

    I've updated, pagination works however pulling an image seems to not be working? Ill PM you about this one.

    Should be replying there soon.

  9. 5 hours ago, AndyF said:

    I've not verified this, I'm simply quoting it here. ^_^ As in a review it won't remain accurate if/when the file is updated or a new IPS release appears.

    I'm working through bug fixing updates now. Will add this to the list and see if IPB 4.1.14 affected this plugin.

  10. I've just released a patched version that should clear up all these "donation changes" related sql errors.

    15 hours ago, LozMod said:

    The $ I need to change to a £. Just the image that sits on the donator part on profiles within posts. I can't seem to locate the image to change.

    Open acp > theme editor > donate > front > global > topicView


    <i class="fa fa-dollar"></i>

    Replace With:

    <i class="fa fa-gbp"></i>


    13 hours ago, enigmapatrick said:

    Donations > Donations & Search in the top right. 

    I'll have to see if that's possible.

  11. 7 hours ago, Nick Boyett said:

    I just updated to the most recent version and it's throwing this error when I click on the Donation Changes tab on my profile.

    4 hours ago, LozMod said:

    Just upgraded it after updating from 3.4 to 4.1 and receive the same error on profile.

    I'm very sorry for the hassle, I'm just rushing out another urgent update to fix this. Should be up tomorrow.

    4 hours ago, LozMod said:

    Also, is it possible to change the $ anywhere?

    I assume you mean every where it's displayed in the Donations app or any location in particular?

  12. 21 hours ago, Simon Woods said:

    Maybe I need to refresh the site's data? Is there even anything like that that could have an effect on this?

    Try to rule out a css issue first. If you view the source code of the topic and view the css link near the top. Can you see any reference to something like this or the highlight.css file?

    :target + .cPost  {
        background: {setting="highlightLinkedPosts_colour"} !important;
        border-color: {setting="highlightLinkedPosts_border"} {setting="highlightLinkedPosts_border"} {setting="highlightLinkedPosts_border"} {setting="highlightLinkedPosts_border"};
    :target + .cPost aside {
        background: {setting="highlightLinkedPosts_colour"} !important;


  13. 6 hours ago, Simon Woods said:

    Currently testing this and getting the same issue as Bluto. Modal appears instead of post but the info message "This is new post added while viewing this topic." does appear.

    I've noted this and will take another look while working through IPB 4.1.14 updates. Please let me know if your available to test out any possible patches.

  14. 5 hours ago, Simon Woods said:

    It works to highlight with the default colours. Unsure the colour changes work on a custom theme, though.

    I will make the change in the theme myself easily enough but just wanted to let you know that using the built-in colour picker doesn't change the colours on my custom theme.

    What theme is that? Is it possible to view it in operation?

  15. On 26/08/2016 at 10:34 PM, enigmapatrick said:

    I've got a feature request, in the Donations page where you see all the donations; if you search for a member could it maybe display a total row so that it just quickly adds up all the amounts? 

    On the view all donations page? Or can you point me to where you can currently search by members like that?

  16. On 26/08/2016 at 3:21 PM, [OBAG] Drew said:

    - I'm using the latest and greatest, forgive me as I do not recall the current release sequence off the top of my head. 

    - That sounds nice, please let me know.

    I should be able to include both in the very next release.

    On 27/08/2016 at 4:57 AM, [OBAG] Drew said:

    FYI: I also picked up your donations app and the devfocus link back has the same issue there as well. Let me know if I can be to any help to you in the process - although I am no expert on ip board, I have a team of twenty designers/client side folks that would be happy to contribute. 

    PM Sent.

  17. 22 hours ago, zenzoidman said:

    It looks like this application can automatically award points to users for posting new topics or replies, but can it award points to users for things like:

    • Uploading a new file
    • Another user downloading a file that the user uploaded
    • Making a new blog post

    No not currently. Only basic support for the forums app currently.

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