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pxg.me nick

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  1. game icons aren't showing up. any ideas?
  2. Could you make a setting option to disable the owner column?
  3. I just updated to the most recent version and it's throwing this error when I click on the Donation Changes tab on my profile.
  4. At the time there wasn't, but I fixed it. The issue was my fault in not allowing guests to access the donation system.
  5. Edit: Paypal IPN is giving this error: http://imgur.com/JT8m77O
  6. Hi @Mike John, I recently purchased the plugin as of yesterday, but I'm having some issues with it. I've following the tutorial and believe that it's installed correctly; however, once a user donates through the plugin, their donation is not showing up. The donation still goes through, and the money is deposited on the paypal, but it's not logged in the donation tracker itself. What should I do to remedy this issue? Thank you, Nick.
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