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  1. Apology. I did try to find out what's the difference, maybe I didn't look at the right thread. Thanks for your reply. ?
  2. Hi, May I know what is the difference between v12 and v13 since both are IPS 4.3 compatible? Also, did you (or possibly previous developer?) delete the previous plugin listing? I bookmarked it and it's no longer found. So I found your plugin by manually searching through the marketplace.
  3. Hi @TSP I tried creating a topic with anonymous function enabled, but it doesn't change the "Username" to "Guest xxxxx". I am using latest IPS version Any similar report? Thank you in advanced. My plugin settings allows all member groups to post anonymously, only admin can see the real identity and can post anonymously in all forum sections. I can't see what's causing it to not working.
  4. Shyuan


    No problem! That's understandable.
  5. Shyuan


    Hi @wohali my members love the snow effect! Thank you. Just a question though, is it possible to have the snow on entire screen instead of just one HTML element ID? By default, it's only the header. I tried adding ipsLayout_body and document.body separating them by comma but it won't work. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  6. Thank you for your quick response.
  7. Hi, my question may sound silly, but.. do we need Commerce app to have this plugin working?
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