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Randy Calvert

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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. FYI... IPB does not officially support 8.2 yet. Only 8.0 and 8.1. Folks have reported that 8.2 seems to work, but it's not been fully through all of the paces yet.
  2. Woot! Congrats! What's the user experience like if a user's email is triggered? Is it an alert style message? Are they just dropped back into the validating group? Does it actually just change all their preferences to no mail delivery or leave it, but a flag overrides the ability to trigger mail being sent?
  3. IPS does not make use of third parties in servicing the account. Meaning they don't outsource the support of the service. So it's not going to be IPS hiring Randy's Consulting Company to service you or enable the services they provide. That is done by IPS employees only. Now with that said, IPS has employees in both the EU and the US. GDPR does not apply to a company that has offices in multiple locations saying that only EU-based staff for that company can provide support. 🙂
  4. If you want them to complete it at time of registration instead of after the account is created (within the profile completion phase), you could witch to using the full registration form for your default login method. Change "Yes with quick registration" to "Yes with full registration form".
  5. If you choose the EU as your hosting location, the service is deployed within the AWS data centers. IPS does not own/operate their own physical data centers. Instead they leverage existing public cloud offerings from Amazon within the appropriate region selected (US or EU).
  6. I'm a big fan of 1Password and use it across all of my devices.
  7. If you even had a space and removed it, that template would not be touched later. You may need to just create a new theme and make those few other changes to that new one… OR go look in the template for any modified ones and revert them to default. Creating a new default is the safest/cleanest way.
  8. Go to domain.com/attachments. It sounds like you’re hitting the Total Max Storage limit, which is the current file you are uploading plus all previous uploads. https://invisioncommunity.com/attachments/ for example on this site.
  9. IPS uses a 3rd party monitoring company (uptime.com) to monitor its network. It's not run on the IPS infrastructure. If there is ever a situation in which there is a core critical issue, check the status page (https://status.invisioncommunity.com) to get an idea if it's just you or if it's widespread. AWS does not publicly post this type of info, especially as it relates to their customers.
  10. oooooOOOOOOooooo! I'm excited to see this! (And is that a feature that I see available to non-cloud users too?! What will people start thinking??)
  11. Myr... that only works if you're using AWS for sending email. It is basically the same thing for @Jon Erickson's app as well. (Which is what I used for a long time and works great.) With that said... that would mean to do this, IPS would have to dictate that customers would have to use AWS for sending email. The vast majority of self-hosted customers are not using it and would be hard-pressed to properly setup SES, configure SNS notifications, get out of the AWS sandbox, create the correct DNS/DKIM/SPF record, etc. Can you imagine the amount of support and hand holding that would need to be done? I'm a fairly competent system admin, and I still had a complication or two that Jon had to help me with. Imagine the normal customer who does not understand setting up IAM roles and the difference between SNS and SES. It becomes a train wreck before it's even had a chance to leave the station. 🙂
  12. I use that widget myself and don't have a problem with searching. So it might be something unique to your setup. Also try reinstalling it again and see if the problem comes back. It might just be a bad install.
  13. The only thing that setting will do is change the JSON-LD data to say the site's root is not your forum itself. It helps Google know that www.domain.com/forum is not the "root" of the site. To learn more about what JSON-LD is, check out: https://moz.com/blog/json-ld-for-beginners But I don't think it's going to be relevant to what you are wanting to do.
  14. And by the way... my site was down as well from 11:01PM onwards. I'm not exactly happy about the situation either. However I'm going to let IPS work with AWS to determine the root cause of the problem. My plan is to follow up in a few days to learn more because this type of outage warrants the investigation. Like anything online, things can and do break. The question is what you learn about each instance and how you improve from it going forward. A true root cause analysis not just looks at what went wrong and why, but also looks at what can be done to prevent it from occurring again. And I think these guys know that and will work through that process.
  15. In looking back over a wider period of time, you'll see that the incident this morning is the exception and not the rule.
  16. With the stock version of IPB, to disable someone's messenger you would search for the member in the ACP. Once you have their account open, find the following: Click on Disable Messenger. You'll be presented with: From the user's perspective, if they try to open their Messenger and they're not allowed to re-enable it, they'll see:
  17. The question is how to do it. In the cloud version, they get notifications of all the bounces from AWS programatically. So they can actually process them. In a self-hosted environment, there is no easy way to get notifications from random email providers about what emails bounced or were reported as spam. They're not likely to implement something that is going to get customer accounts blocked by either their host or major mail providers either because it would cause major issues with supporting it.
  18. 11:01 PM Eastern to be exact. (I happened to be in the middle of typing a post on my website when it happened. lol)
  19. You would need to have something that redirects old links. The software itself does not have a tool to change any old posted content to reflect any links posted by users, etc. It WOULD fix all new links and the links generated by the software itself automatically. But it would not fix old articles, etc.
  20. Pages is a core application. You don't update core applications on a standalone basis. You update them at the time you upgrade the entire suite. How are you thinking pages is not updated? If you did somehow end up with a core application not updated, you would download a full version of the IPB software, which will include any of the core applications you purchased (Pages, Commerce, Gallery, etc) from the client area. Upload them to your website, and go to domain.com/admin/upgrade. The updater will walk you through updating everything. Also... support was moved to the forums here more than a year ago. IPS staff participate and help resolve issues. Everything starts here and if there is something that requires more advanced help or is private in nature, the staff can convert it to a ticket. This allows the community as a whole to benefit from each other. You get the help of other IPB users, you can see what other problems users have had along with the solution, and you have the ability to search for things much faster than just waiting for a staff member.
  21. Then what you're wanting to do is not possible within the IPB software itself. You would need to work with the plugin or resource author to add that type of functionality.
  22. The monthly price is the monthly price, but they do have a one-time credit that is available if after you move to the cloud that you give up your self-hosted license.
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